Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Okay - I see eBay/Liveworld has been cutting the valuable threads here - ones that have helped us as buyers and sellers. That information is long gone but hopefully we can re-create some of those threads for the benefit of everyone interested.

I'm not an expert in this subject but I have specialized in selling vintage needlework patterns and items since I began on eBay 4 years ago. So here are just a few tips that may be helpful to some.

Collectible and saleable sewing patterns need not be very old to be sought after by the collector and profitable to the seller. But the condition is important and if you feel you don't have the time to check over each pattern envelope, don't expect to reap the rewards of high bids as some have.

When looking - check garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets - I usually prefer to pay 10 to 25 cents per pattern or maybe a dollar or two for a box of them, which usually yields one or more good finds, but leaf through them first....nothing but current patterns that have been used are generally a waste of time and money.

Envelopes needn't be in great condition BUT if mousey chewed or piddled on, avoid...ripped and/or taped is fine as long as all the pieces are inside, but if it's old (1940's or earlier) it's worth the risk and I'll buy it. I've sold many patterns which were missing a piece or two because the experienced seamstress can usually duplicate the pieces if the pattern is one she wants.

Factory folded is great - meaning the pattern is still folded neatly inside the envelope, flat and untrimmed and all there. If the pieces have been trimmed you can tell if they are all there by looking at the paper instruction sheet inside and matching the pattern pieces to the letters or numbers (12 pieces 1-12 or A-L etc.)

Some of the best sellers are for doll clothes especially from the 1960's and earlier. Doll collectors want clothes from the era their dolls were made and collect these patterns even if a few pieces are missing as most patterns offer several outfits per envelope.

Look for a date either on the instruction sheet at the bottom, front or back...or on the envelope, usually at the top of the back or along the side. The price can be an indication too as most of these will be 25 cents to 50 cents originally whereas today's patterns are several dollars each.

Barbie doll fashions are very saleable as are women's fashions from the 40's (halter tops, swing coats, purses and hats etc.), some children's fashions are but mainly those for babies. I've rarely found men's fashions to be worth the effort to sell. Costume patterns are iffy as profit makers unless sold in lots of several to make the shipping worthwhile to the buyer.

Transfer patterns (those with tissue sheets inside with patterns you iron onto fabric or linens and then embroider) are very collectible especially if they are ones for days of the week (7 patterns one for each day and usually of an animal or child doing a daily chore), Mexican scenes, Dutch scenes, animorphic (sp? -fruits/vegetables with faces)etc.....never found much enthusiastic interest in the alphabets/monograms ones so I usually avoid them unless very old.

Handle any tissue pattern very carefully as they may be fragile if stored in hot or damp areas in the past.

When listing give a good close scan of the envelope and if possible the inside pieces (stacked together, not individually) - mention the date and any information from the back of the envelope about contents (name of the doll the pattern is for, date if available, if counted to make sure all pieces are there etc.) - do a search for similar patterns on eBay and see if others are having any success listing the same or similar ones and whether they are getting counter hits and/or bids.

Be realistic in your starting price - I've seen so many sellers starting a single pattern at $4.95US and higher "because it's old" - lots of things are "old" but that doesn't make them worth anything if the buyers are looking for a more reasonable starting bid, especially if condition isn't factory folded and extremely good. And if you can sell 2 or more patterns in one lot it will be more attractive to bidders than just one.

Okay these are just a few things to look for in the sewing area. Next time I'll try and cover the Knitting/Crocheting area of pattern collecting. Any questions or personal observations of your own?? Add them here.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
Hi Lydia! I will eventually send an e-mail out to you about those websites. I've been rather busy trying to get the beets and carrots all dealt with out of my garden before the snow comes. Ugh, I enjoy the garden but boy it sure is alot of work in the fall!

Take care!
Message 61 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Sherri - I'm always ready whenever you are. I know about the gardening thing - from a purely observant standpoint - Den is the gardener in this family and has a cutting flower garden for inside bouquets - bulbs, herbs and greens planted everywhere - and veggies too (carrots, broccoli, peas, beans, cherry tomatoes, yellow and green zucchini, cucumbers, plum tomatoes and peppers - I think that's all ?? )

I have a folder of websites for knitting, crocheting, tatting, quilting and cross stitch - with lots of free patterns and instructions, how-to's and techniques - so holler whenever you want any or all of them.

Now back to my morning coffee - had to make it myself this morning - my "man servant" was too tired to get out bed this cold and rainy morn. **sigh**
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Just a gentle bump up - the way things have been "disappearing" around here, I don't want all of this info to go *poof*
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

First they said they cut after one month and no posting and then a pink said 3 weeks and no posts = cut - and now I read where it's 2 weeks...


Bump - with a tear
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Well then, we can't let that happen.

Once I get my Christmas cards dealt with I will be e-mailing you about the poncho patterns, Lydia.
I love to knit and crochet in the winter 'cause the project on my lap while I work helps to keep me warm and cosy. 🙂
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Knit one...purl two...
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
- Augusten Burroughs
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Message 67 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Did I forget to mention your library?

Just wanted to stop in and mention another source for patterns (books and magazines) you may not be aware of....your local library - and try any library wherever you may be.

In our city and elsewhere we travel we always visit the local library as most have a used book sale shelf with most paperbacks and mags going for a quarter and most hardcovers for 50 cents (prices subject to vary depending on library policy)

At least once a year many local libraries have a huge book sale which includes older books...many 1st editions, kids' books and magazines...some have a fill a bag for a dollar or two and others nomimal cost per your local library to see if they offer this or if they don't, would they be willing to.

I've found many used but good condition vintage books as well as craft books and pattern books.
Before you offer any from these sales for auction please make a thorough check of the pages as sometimes libraries put such books out because "nimble fingers" have torn out a pattern/page or two and sometimes more (it's a negative feedback looking for a place to call home if you don't and the buyer wanted that book for that missing pattern).

This is also a way I add to my own pattern collection as I don't mind if the book or magazine has library stamps, wear to the cover etc....they look that way eventually after years of use....also sometimes you can remove certain "hot patterns" from a damaged book/magazine and make just as much profit as you would trying to sell a heavy book with the postal rates the way they are....sometimes you can make several one or two pattern auctions from one "not so pretty" library book or magazine, offer low shipping and all of this for a quarter or 2 in cost.

Really nice upside is, the money you spend goes to aid your local libraries in buying more books than their limited budget would normally allow.

Also, if looking for patterns you want to make - check out the craft section of your library rather than invest in expensive books/magazines for just one or 2 patterns....they even have how to videos for many crafts too so you can teach yourself or your children.

3 Cheers for our local libraries.

(I won't be posting much for awhile, but will check in on the threads occasionally to see if anyone has questions etc.)

Message 68 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Grrrr. It's always a song and a dance to login here. I have to completely close my browser and lose all my favorites!

Anyhow, I will have to check out those page protectors. Thanks for the info. I have looked at my local Bureau en Gros (Staples) and haven't found any so now I am curious and perhaps wondering if they may replace my cardboard because I must admit, I am running out of it! I find the best cardboard is from cereal boxes and the like as it's rigid enough yet lightweight too. I find it's really challenging though to find cardboard just the right size and though I do have 3 kids, we sure don't go through enough boxes of cereal to meet the demand I need.

I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner...just so busy. I have decided to take a 3 week break from eBay selling after the 10th or really looking forward to it b/c I seem to be burning the midnight oil too many times per week to get my auction templates ready for listing. I'm trying to get all the seasonal stuff up like x-mas patterns and slippers and jewellery. Think I missed the boat on the jewellery though because of shipping delays. I wouldn't sell it any other time. There's just so much of it around...too hard to make a decent profit for all the work put into it.

My youngest son broke my scale 2 weeks ago and so I bought one on Ebay...not a bad deal...cost about $35 CDN with the shipping. It's such a great time to buy now with the dollar so low...terrible time to convert US $ to Canadian though. The money orders I have been cashing have given me a mere 16% percent exchange or so.

Anyhow, my daughter is due to wake anytime soon. I'm afraid I have never been good at breaking their nightime feeding just a big wuss!

Good luck with your auctions!
Message 69 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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I just wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas Lydia, and all the best to you and your Man-Servant for 2005!!! Cheers!:)
Message 70 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Can't Knit, Crochet or Sew but wanted to wish everyone A very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. {{{Lyd}}}

Hey, didn't ya know?
"An eye for an eye" leaves 2 people half blind! - n*p
Message 71 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Ahhh but that's not true Peter - you are sew thoughtful - sew witty - and never a knit picker (at least not that I've ever noticed 🐵 )

I don't celebrate Christmas or any of the other holidays - but I appreciate your thinking of me and am never offended by a thoughtful gesture.

{{Major Hugs to you and yours on our isle of Newfoundland}}

Message 72 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Happy New Year to all the knitters, crocheters, sewers, and other needlecrafters, who make up this wonderful family on the Collectables Board, and this thread in particular.

I do have a question for Lyd:

When (carefully) removing patterns from vintage magazines, most of which have their patterns in columns, do you cut the column with the appropriate pattern, or leave it as the whole page, in which case, do you mark around the part of the page with the actual pattern on it? you staple the separate pattern parts together? I didn't know if that would send off the alarms if scanned at customs.

I ask the question, because much of the irrelevant text, seems to clutter up the whole idea of providing a buyer with a single pattern.

I had some trouble articulating this I hope I have made my query crystal clear, and not as clear as mud....LOL...:-O


Message 73 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Maureen - I do both and for different reasons.

Usually I make sure I cut the column of instructions being careful to see that the column is not continued on the other side of the page, in which case I usually remove the whole page and then draw an X with pencil through the instructions that don't belong to the pattern. I also make sure that any graph pattern is with the instructions as sometimes within a set of instructions it might say "Following pattern graph given on page xx..." Make sure you have text and any graphs if used.

Many times I remove the whole pages especially if there are complete instructions on the other side that I could include as a sort of bonus, especially with the picture if possible.

I always staple everything in the top left hand corner making sure nothing punctures text or graph pattern diagrams.

Staples won't set off alarms at customs since magazines have stapled centres too.

The biggest benefit of removing patterns like this is not in removing the clutter but removing the weight that increases postage and now that the rates have increased it is an even better value for the buyer looking for only certain patterns. Many crocheters don't knit at all and paying $4.00 to $5.00 for a vintage needlecraft magazines when you may only need 2 or 3 patterns is a waste of money for them, money better used to buy more yarn 🐵

I also slip the pattern pages in a plastic folder for protection and storage BUT most sellers usually use the plastic pages with the 3 holes for use in a binder. This keeps everything together and is a nice touch for the buyer.

Hope you are well and happy Nellie - I've been worrying about you and a few others lately.

Heartfelt hugs
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Maureen - sorry I am so tired and I called you Maureen at the start and Nellie at the end of my post...well, I've been worried about the both of you anyway.

Sorry about the typo - I do know your name - now mine is another matter altogether. 🐵

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Awwwwwww.....Thanks Lyd. It's so sweet of you to worry about me and Nellie......I don't really mind what you call me, as long as it comes with love....LOL

Thanks so much for this input. This is my first time venturing out into the world of "rip and tear" from vintage magazines. The only problem is that I have about 3 or 4 of them, and when it comes to tearing them apart, I can't make up my mind if I want to part with them, or go ahead and prepare appropriate pages for sale....LOL

I hope you get your pep back soon Lyd.....You really are a gem.

Message 76 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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I was so excited to find this thread. I am looking for a couple of patterns that were in the Lux pattern books from the 30's and 40's. If anyone has any information. I am looking for a pattern for the army, navy and air force doll patterns. My mom has been looking for these patterns for years now. Any help appreciated! We love to knit, crochet and quilt.
Message 77 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Nancy the Lux pattern books come up for auction frequently and I've even sold a few myself, though mainly late 40's and early 50's editions but I have some with the sepia toned army and navy man and woman on the coveer and I think that one was from around the late 30's.

Have you tried a search on eBay?

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Nancy not sure if this search result above contains the copies you want but maybe your mom remembers what the year or the covers look like - you'll find a 1936 and a 1939 Lux knitting book for auction and both are in Australia.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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I did a search but didn't find anything. I will try again. Thanks
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