05-12-2005 01:30 PM
05-15-2005 06:42 PM
05-16-2005 01:26 PM
05-17-2005 02:58 AM
But I'll be there in a flash if you come back to Edmonton, Carly!!
Hey Carolyn...how have you been, although now that we know your son has a glowing arm cast, we know how busy you will be , even more so now then ever! My daughter broke her arm once , she was about 10 yrs old, and her cast was purple! They've come a long way since the other very heavy ones.Hope your boys will be having just as much fun now that one of them is "injured".That always brings some new excitement into the family even though as Mom's we know we'd rather it didn't happen.Hope you have been well Carolyn and Carly I hope that eBay.ca is still an amazing place to work at!
Carly I will be emailing you soon about some other details I now need again since my computer crashed many times in the past couple of months.I keep forgetting to email you! I will soon though. Best of luck and have much fun with eBay Live and on the Road.You can always add my name to your permanent volunteer list for Edmonton.You know I would never miss that.Is there a tentative trip to Alberta in the works? See ya later!
Erin05-17-2006 04:10 PM
05-17-2006 04:23 PM
05-17-2006 08:04 PM
05-18-2006 02:01 AM
05-18-2006 08:06 AM