magical-deals, there are several reasons why the charge is not unfair.
First off, eBay sends their staff to another city with all of the associated costs that comes with that.
The banquet halls or auditoriums that the sessions are held in are not free.
Typically, beverages are supplied for attendees which are also not free.
There is usually a handout or giftpak which is not free.
There is also a cardinal rule in seminar development - if you offer a seminar for free then that is the value that it is observed to have.
Having attended on the road in London, I would agree with auctiondropnship that a 7 hour session is moderately priced at $35. The value that you take from it is determined by what you put into it.
The call for volunteers is ebay's effort to help answer questions for newbies during registration and the breaks. eBay staffers get pulled in a lot of directions and a lot of questions went unanswered last year because their just wasn't enought staff and time.