Hi Colleen. Thank you (and everyone else) for the encouragement. Today my last 5.0 dropped back to 4.9 so I'm really glad I did a screen shot because I knew it was short lived! Off topic, I'm sure you're happy about Canada Post dropping their plans for irregular oversized mail.
It doesn't matter to me at all if a buyer leaves feed back or not and I don't send out reminders anymore. My thinking was that if they didn't leave it when they got it and the info was fresh in their mind, I certainly didn't want to remind them 4 weeks later when they probably wouldn't remember a lot about the transaction. They might leave lower DSR's because they don't remember much.
That's a very good point Colleen!
Personally, I have never sent out feedback reminders to my buyers. I don't even know why selling manager has a template for it (ok I guess maybe some people use it) but the existence of that template kind of suggests to sellers that it's a good idea to send out those reminders and I really don't think it is. It's ok to follow-up with the buyer and make sure everything was ok but to ask for feedback...ummmmmm I find it's pushy. I really hate when sellers send me those. The last lady that did, sent me 3 in 2 weeks and I didn't even have the item when she sent the first one! You should have seen how she worded it too...very pushy! When I finally did have the time to leave her feedback I really didn't feel inclined to leave a perfect 5 for communication.
Recped has said it many many times over: The buyer's don't want to hear about our problems as sellers. They just want to have a nice easy going transaction.
The only thing I really dislike about leaving feedback early though is that it's harder to be more personal about it. I try not to leave generic feedback and like to be more personal by picking comments that truly describe the buyer and sometimes you don't know your buyer until the transcation has ended and they have emailed to tell you how pleased they were etc. But...I guess generic feedback is faster to leave freeing up more time for listing! Anyhow, I have found that the buyers are leaving feedback for me now faster than ever and I do think it's a plus in their eyes when we do leave it before they do.
Have a good one!