What can be done from purchasing FAKE Pandora when the seller assured me they are authentic.

I purchased two gold/silver charms for a seller that said they were genuine. I sent an email before bidding and asked if they were genuine Pandora, seller assured me they were.....well they are not....the gold has come off of the charm...unfortunately the seller is no longer on EBay. What can be done in this case?

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What can be done from purchasing FAKE Pandora when the seller assured me they are authentic.

If you paid less than 45 days ago, start a Not as Described claim, otherwise you can only treat it as a learning experience.

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What can be done from purchasing FAKE Pandora when the seller assured me they are authentic.

Thank you for your comment...unfortunately it was more than 45 days ago. I supposed paying for a Pandora charm at half price should have been my first clue. lol. Thanks again.

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What can be done from purchasing FAKE Pandora when the seller assured me they are authentic.

Well, yes. Those beads are widely available from licensed retailers. And it is a new enough fad that I doubt there are many 'estate' beads being sold off.


However, 45 days is not the end of your Protection. Phone the customer service 1-800 number on the back of the credit card you use for your Paypal account. Ask about a chargeback. Have all the information, including eBay and PP Transaction numbers, dates and prices available for the clerk to do the refund.


If you only pay from a bank account, you are out of luck. You are also slowing down your eBay experience, since sellers cannot print their PP shipping labels until your 'e-cheque' clears two banking systems.

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What can be done from purchasing FAKE Pandora when the seller assured me they are authentic.

And of course you have 60 days for feedback. At that time you will be asked to leave Detailed Seller Ratings. The normal transaction gets Five Stars. The lowest rating is ONE star.


Sellers whose ratings drop below 4.3 find their accounts restricted or ended.

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