What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I hope they change the DSR system again . Would also like to see shipping FVF be cut down to a lesser percent and yes I know that won't happen but I can dream can't I ... I don't want it to go away though because I am an honest seller so I do like that it keeps sellers honest..

Message 1 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

ya this Dsr thing about to lose my TRS and get this for item not as described... I sell movies how the  can anyone say it is not as described ..  Maybe it is time to base TRS on feedback % along with volume of sales and take the DSR out of the TRS ...


I mean really anyone who wakes up and has a bad day can ding your DSR just for fun ... Which in my case I have 7 not as described and only 2 of those are valid but whatever

Message 2 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Community Member

When it comes to DSRs, I have more of an issue with "Shipping Time". People abuse this. It's not meant for how long something takes to get to them, it's how long does it take for the shipper to get the item in the mail using the service the customer paid for, or was quoted.


My only negative so far comes from an item that I shipped the morning after he paid. It was Canada to USA and I received a negative "Still Waiting :(" only 5 days later, even though I told him how long to expect to wait.


I have also received positives from American buyers who left low DSRs in the Shipping Time category because they didn't want to wait 2 weeks for their item. I expect to lose my TRS on the next review as well.


Personally, I think this is how it should be handled. Someone leaves a positive for a domestic item in under 5 business days, then shipping time should be automatic 5 stars. Within 15 days internationally, same thing. The number of days may need adjustment, but you see what I'm getting at.

Message 3 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I recently received a neutral feedback, not a real problem, but the buyer left 1's for my dsr's. If you check the listing, I am sure you will agree that I was not selling a shirt! I could not have been clearer in saying that I was selling patterns.


The buyer wrote saying it was "not as described", I politely told her that it clearly was "PATTERNS", I even offered a refund, (wanting to protect my feedback), she said she would leave it. She admitted that she didn't read the description, just saw the picture and purchased. I pointed out that right on the picture is said 'Listing is for the patterns not items pictured'.


I was shocked when 2 weeks later she left neutral feedback and downgraded my ratings. According to eBay, it does not meet requirements for removing.


What I would like to see in the spring update is that dishonest feedback and low ratings can be removed by eBay when sellers can prove it was not justified.

Message 4 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Yes it would be a simple fix to have the DSR changed so that if a seller uploaded a valid tracking number in 48 hours or less it automatically removed the option to give less than 5 stars the same as when a seller sells with free shipping.


As a buyer I'd like some categories to remove the option for multiple listings. It's really obnoxious when you have to click through 5 pages of the EXACT same item (often none of them have any bids anyway) just to find somthing of actual value in the category.


Message 5 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

"it would be a simple fix to have the DSR changed so that if a seller uploaded a valid tracking number in 48 hours or less it automatically removed the option to give less than 5 stars the same as when a seller sells with free shipping."


I understand eBay.com already does that.




If the seller met specific shipping time requirements, the seller will automatically receive a 5-star shipping time detailed seller rating and you won't be able to change the rating.

Message 6 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

"What do you hope to see in this years spring update"


Nothing, absolutely nothing.


It would be really nice for a change to see eBay do nothing: no change in fees, no change in policies, no change in forms, no change at all. Skip the Spring Update and, while you are at it, skip the Fall update too.  No change until 2014 🙂


Are you not very tired of having eBay change "stuff" every few months?  Would you not all like to see a stable environment for a change?

Message 7 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I'd also like to see a section or website........whatever, where Ebay went back to it's roots, Where occasional or new sellers could list garage sale items with less restrictions imposed. It could be limited to say 20 items a month, no duplicate items, only available to Canada and U.S. sellers and buyers. When seller uploads a tracking number the funds are released from Paypal etc.


Ebay got it's start from this sort of structure and I find it disgraceful that they have essentially shunned this type of selling in favor of "big business" There's no room for the little guy or "Joe average" to clean out his/her hidden treasures. It's like you need a degree in computers to develop a listing, You need to have 100 feedback to even get a bid, Then pay out of pocket for shipping and wait 3 weeks to get your money back.


Even if there was a waiver to electronically sign where buyers were told there purchases wouldn't qualify for buyer protection people would still use it. In my opinion buyer protection only became a neccessity when sellers from poorer countries discovered just how easy it was to make a fraudulent listing and take the money and run.

Message 8 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Lower fees. anything else is just puffery!


Any changes to feedback and/or dsr's will just be smoke and mirrors, every time sellers moan and groan about how unfair it is eBay changes things up and makes things worse (for those who thought the previous version was so bad).



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 9 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Community Member

Id hope they announce a recognition of the difficulty the Canadians face and are doing special for us.  But that would be a waste of hoping.


Id take increasing the 50 free non store auctions to 500 instead of the frequent promos, while keeping fvf the same.  But wouldnt be surprised by "We listened!  We are "simplifying" the fvf to a flat 10% to make it easier for you to calculate, and are are helping the buyers by making the standards for the trs discount even harder to achieve"

Message 10 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

"flat 10% to make it easier for you to calculate"





Message 11 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I'd also like to see a section or website........whatever, where Ebay went back to it's roots, Where occasional or new sellers could list garage sale items with less restrictions imposed.


The trouble was, there were a lot of inexperienced and downright fraudulent sellers in the beginning who would come and go at will on eBay.  So, like other institutions, we had to have rules, rules, and more rules. 


There is Kijiji of course (another eBay undertaking I think) that lets buyers and sellers connect without all the hoo-hah, but you pay your money and take your chances.


I agree with other posters that I'd like to see DSRs on shipping revised, to tie them more closely to shipping time, not transit time.  I'd also love to see DSRs in general tied to FB -- if you leave positive FB, you don't get to leave 1's or 2's in DSRs.  Anyone out there listening? Probably not.


But Pierre does have a point -- I'm sick of slogging through new rules every season.  If they could just make the necessary fixes this spring for the things that are really sore points, and leave it for 2 or 3 years, hooray!

Message 12 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I would like to see:


* scrap all the free listing promos

* make best match opt in

* revive the "featured listing" option

* move more of the fees from FVF back to listing fees

* revive the ebay adcommerce or something like it

* launch an innovative ebay-centric social networking platform that would rival anything out there



Message 13 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Changing the shipping time DSR to what it's meant to represent instead of what buyers perceive it to be. Whether or not it matters or makes any difference!


I laugh EVERY TIME I'm thanked for my "fast shipping" or "quick delivery" because I essentially had NOTHING to do with it. Gahhh it's just such a ridiculous occurrence yet VERY prominent.


Just use my feedback as an example! Look at all the flippin shipping comments but think about it in the context of the reality of what REALLY happens....I don't do the delivering!

Message 14 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Community Member

* scrap all the free listing promos


this one 🙂

Message 15 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

Community Member

The changes I would want to see are the following...


Best Match should be in this order:


Country of buyer. If buyer is in Canada and logged in on ebay.ca, then Canadian sellers should be given priority. None of that having to scroll down to click Canada only if the buyer is on ebay.ca. If they want to chose other countries, they can scroll down but the buyer's country should be given preference.


Seller feedback. Sellers with 100% feedback and high DSRs should be given priority.

Shipping costs. Free shipping should get priority.


Price. Lowest prices (Buy It Now) should be first. BIN and auctions should be kept separate.


From what I can see, Best Match seems to be volume sales first, regardless if the sellers has poor feedback or DSRs.


Top Rated Seller status should have no bearing as quite a few TRS sellers have that status, but pee-poor feedback and DSRs. They should not get top listing based on being TRS alone.


Policy enforment:


Ebay needs to enforce thier own policies. Nothing is more disouraging for an honest seller going by all the rules then to see a competitor with many duplicates taking up the first 2-3 pages of listings. Ebay needs to crack down on those that are bypassing the policy by using different prices and titles of the exact same widget. This is still going on even two years after the no-duplicate policy was implemented. Somes the dupes are so numerous that it's just too time-consuming to report them all and many times Ebay doesn't do a thing about it.


This goes to other policy violations that get reported. Ebay needs to investigate them ASAP.


GSP issues:


Ebay needs to make FULL shipping charges transparent. A buyer buying from a US seller should have the total costs up front instead of finding out after winning the BIN or bid and going thru the checkout. "Import charges:To be provided at checkout" on ebay.ca is NOT acceptable when it shows full costs on ebay.com (i.e. Import charges:$52.44 (amount confirmed at checkout).


May not ship to Canada- Read item description or contact seller for details..


Get rid of that. The seller either does or does not ship to Canada. Nothing worse than clicking on an interesting ad that shows up when a Canadian buyer selects North America for location only to be confronted with this.


And lastly...


I agree with Pierre. Policy changes should be ONCE a year, not every several months! I also think that policy changes should NOT be made on the advice of newly-minted MBAs who have no practical real-world experience. Ebay's MBAs should be forced to spend thier first year as an unpaid intern selling on eBay, in order to get the experience that us sellers have. let the money they make selling on eBay be thier first years wages, lol.

Message 16 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

I would like to see seller evaluation done every 3 months instead of every month .. That way 1 or 2 miserable impossible customers can't ruin a good thing..



Message 17 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update



Just had a buyer leave a neutral saying I thought it arrive too late and ding my dsr for nothing ...




I don't delivery your freakin mail i just ship it out

Message 18 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

"* scrap all the free listing promos"

"* move more of the fees from FVF back to listing fees"


NO. I totally disagree with those 2 points. However, I don't mind about the other you suggested.



bilge21, good points! I totally agree with you on all you said. As for the "May not ship to Canada- Read item description or contact seller for details" part, I think they are not always visible on eBay.ca. In fact, I always go on the eBay.com website to see all those listings. And if I'm logged in, I have to change my "country" in the shipping tab to even see the US only auctions. I want to see them, because many times, the seller will ship to Canada if asked nicely. They just want to block oversea and they block everyone else. 😄


I also do agree with Pierre that policy changes should be once a year. Or even better... before making changes that NO ONE wants, they should make polls here on the forums and base their changes on those polls. At least, they would be helpful....

Message 19 of 26
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What do you hope to see in this years spring update

yes lady.stark I could live with the listing promos if there were featured items

Message 20 of 26
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