What if the buyer damages the product & returns it saying it was damaged in the mail? What happens

I would like to know when the product is sent to the buyer and they damage it and return it back and wanting a refund what happens. I want to sell some items but am reluctant of that happening? Can someone explain, please. Thank you.

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Re: What if the buyer damages the product & returns it sa...

It's pretty unlikely.

The person would have to put out real money for something they want, then in a fit of pique (or because the meds wore off) destroy it.


There are millions of adequate to delightful transactions every day on eBay.

There is a small percentage that do not go well. Those are the ones you see on the Boards because those are the few thousand (again out of millions) where people need advice and condolences .


You will be starting selling with auctions.


Set your asking price at the price you want.

If you get more, bonus.

This means you won't be dealing with the bottom-feeders who take advantage of newbies. Nasty types.

Read the feedback received and left by bidders before the end of the auction.

This means you can spot the perennially disaffected and the scammers. Watch for FB like 'Thank you for help' or 'Problem resolved' or 'This feedback has been removed by eBay'.

Don't ship outside of North America yet.

Not that overseas buyers are a big problem, but shipping is slower and can be tricky. Get more experience.


Postal services mark packages damaged in the mailstream.

Ask for pictures.

Ask for pictures of the 'damaged' item.

You are allowed to demand the return of the 'damaged' item.

It's hard to know who pays for this in advance, but you cannot send a shipping label to a US customer. Only to a Canadian one. You probably don't need this information, but it doesn't hurt to have it.

Do not give partial refunds.

If its good enough to keep its good enough to pay for.


Don't sell 'parts only' or 'as is' goods.

Unless you really like being up to your ass in alligators


Describe as if you have no pictures; Picture as if you have no words.


You are allowed to specify No Returns. Don't. 

This does not mean No Refunds. Expect eBay to allow a refund and the customer gets to keep the disputed item.

It also means a lot of nervous customers will pass you by.


View your completed listing on a mobile device.

List on a laptop or computer, where you have better control.

But your listings will look different on the phone and about half of bidders are using phones at some point in their eBay experience.


And don't be afraid to Revise your item as often as it needs to be. It won't 'index' and show up on the site for about 24 hours anyway.



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