What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

There was some discussion about this a couple of weeks ago.  I still don't know why we are prohibited from sending a second invoice.


I had sent a combined invoice with adjusted S&H.  The buyer said he didn't get it and doesn't understand how to pay from the eBay notification.  He's just stalling, I know, but I thought I could send a second invoice with a note that the next notification would be an unpaid item claim.


This is the first time I've had a buyer who asked for a specific discount, gets it and then doesn't pay.


Again, the rationale behind this policy escapes me.

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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

"I still don't know why we are prohibited from sending a second invoice."




I often send a second invoice to my buyers - no problem.


What I do is simple.  I use the original transaction email notification from eBay with the link "send invoice" and simply click on the link and adjust shipping if required.


Nothing magical about it.  It is simple and it works.

Message 2 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

Also, if you click on contact buyer on the item page or in your sold items area, the message box will come up but above the box there is a send invoice link.


Or...for multiple listings you can click on the number of items sold and on the drop down next to that item, there is a send info/invoice choice

Message 3 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

Thanks Pierre and PJ.  I also have sent second invoices in the past, many times.  But, for some reason, in this case, no matter from where I try, I keep getting a message that an invoice has already been sent, such and such a date, with no invoice screen appearing.  Someone posted on here that they were having the same problem recently, so maybe it's an occasional glitch.


I'll go make a Caeser and enjoy the hot weather we're having in Winnipeg and then try again Smiley Happy

Message 4 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

I thought it was a policy change because someone else had had the same problem and I haven't had occasion to send a second invoice in quite a while.
Message 5 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

You shouldn't drink alone.


No tabasco in mine please.Smiley Very Happy

Message 6 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

I don't know if it was a policy change and they decided to put the option back in a different spot. Or, if they decided to move it because.....ummm....well because they like to move things.

Message 7 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

I'll have a Scotch, on the rocks, please.  And make it a double, will you!


PS - Try a different browser.  I know it sounds lame but many technical problems on eBay have been solved recently by using Firefox instead of MS-IE or Chrome.

Message 8 of 9
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What is the Purpose of Being Unable to Send Second Invoice

I'll try Firefox -- a lot of people tell me they have fewer problems than with IE.  But you know, old dogs, new tricks ......


Okay, one double scotch rocks and one Caeser, mild, coming right up! Smiley Happy

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