This is a first for me. I received this message from PayPal today.
To protect you from problematic transactions, we sometimes request
additional information about PayPal payments.
We need more information about this transaction. Please log in to your
PayPal account, click the "Resolution Center"tab, and provide more
information by 2/21/2011.
We recommend that you not ship the item until our investigation is
complete. If you've already shipped the item, please log in and let us know
where you shipped it.
We have placed a temporary hold on the funds until we complete our
If you need to provide information by fax, click and print a cover sheet:
Please fax proof of shipment or proof of refund to +1-402-537-5760.
Transaction Details (omitted from this post)
I logged into PayPal and went to the resolution center. This purchase was made & paid for on Feb. 10 and shipped on Feb. 11 via CP Lettermail (no tracking).
PP asked for more info about the transaction including correspondence with buyer. I provided details including date of purchase & payment, notices sent and date shipped. Of course I could not provide tracking since there isn't any with Lettermail.
I have received no emails from the buyer regarding the transaction. So what the heck is all of this about? Are they going to require tracking and, if we don't ship with tracking, they just refund the buyer?