Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Community Member

Don't you agree that we should know the original country where Item is made? "MADE IN USA or CHINA or MALAISYA or ..."

For example: A US seller is listing an itemn he bought from China, This seller should mention "made in China" NO?

For instance, I rather, prefer to pay more for a USB cable "made in Germany" then to the one "made in Mozanbique".

Thank you for your attention.

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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Don't you agree that we should know the original country where Item is made? "MADE IN USA or CHINA or MALAISYA or ..."

For example: A US seller is listing an itemn he bought from China, This seller should mention "made in China" NO?

For instance, I rather, prefer to pay more for a USB cable "made in Germany" then to the one "made in Mozanbique".

Thank you for your attention.




What part of the manufacturing process do you mean> 


Where the raw material came from or where some of the manufacturing work was done.    Some computers  are listed as  made in Canada but as far as I know there are no chip plants in Canada capable of manufacturing a CPU..   Therefore the computer is only  "assembled" in Canada.






Message 2 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Not applicable

No I do not agree with you.   Let the buyer ask the seller before bidding or buying.  This could lead to more sales for the seller if they are honest and sincere with their answer. 

Message 3 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

I think a policy requiring the country of manufacture to be disclosed in a listing would be impossible to enforce,especially for used items with out any packaging.
Message 4 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

The country of manufacture is important.


Shipping to France...  country of manufacture is important... and if not stated... the parcel will be opened  and item will be inspected by customs.  Applies specifically to toys....  and if it is an unacceptable country  that toy will be confiscated.... 


So check what the rules are for France.


There are NAFTA rules... Canada, US, Mexico... has to do with duty exemption of certain items....


Here is an example of a situation as noted on an eBay.com discussion.


Woman  was very happy when she found that the Royal Doulton figure she bought was Made in China.....  the Made in China information was not put in the listing. 


It was a few years ago  that Royal Doulton moved its manufacturing from England to China....    The quality  of the Made in China items  was not quite acceptable by collectors of Royal Doulton...  This made the Made in England pieces more valuable....   The buyer of the Made in China item  was livid!


Country of manufacture  can have many meanings....   depending upon where the purchased item  was manufactured and where it is going...



Message 5 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Certain items  either Made in Cuba or about Cuban cannot be listed on eBay.com..


always check  as there are many restrictions on .com  that are not on .ca 


Add another country of origin restriction.


Country of origin is important


  It is  .....Seller Beware!


There is a long list of restricted items based on country of origin  and in turn where it can and cannot be listed..


Nazi items to Germany  is another restriction... highly controlled.


Designer items  to certain countries... designer purses... perfumes  and much, much, more...


Message 6 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

I do believe that there is a rule  about certain items where.


If it is Manufactured  in country such as France... an example... and it is sold at retail  to a US buyer.... sold  for the first time by a retailer that bought it directly from the French manufacturer


Should it be sold subsequently... It can only be sold within the US  and not to a buyer outside the US.


Country of origin,  to country of first time sold ,  dictates to whom it can be sold as a "second hand " item...

Message 7 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Country of origin  is a part of the description of an item   and must be identified in a listing for that item.


NOTHING should be hidden...


The Description rating  just might get hit with a 1 or a 2....if country of origin is not indicated....

Message 8 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Country of origin  is a part of the description of an item   and must be identified in a listing for that item.


NOTHING should be hidden...


The Description rating  just might get hit with a 1 or a 2....if country of origin is not indicated....



That is very silly  !


To find a computers  place of origin you would have to dismantle it and look at all the components.  The CPU could be made in Japan, the Video chip might be nade in Taiwan, some other chips could be made in China, the Philipines, Korea, or somewhere else.   The computer may have been assembled in China, Mexico, Korea or the USA.


The above would apply to  scomputer   "sold" be dell or gateway..





Message 9 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

I think you are mixing up French restrictions on perfumes and cosmetics(an important and tightly controlled industry in France) with the USPS' mistaken information about exporting toys (except wooden toys) to Italy.

But since it is the duty of the citizen to be aware of border restrictions of his own country, and not the responsibility of the exporter, the customer should be asking before bidding.

Mind you, a sensible seller should know about specific problems, like US bans on post-1960 Cuban goods and the Chinese-made Doulton figurines and give the information without being asked.

In a few cases, eBay even "helps" the seller with this. Every time I list a postcard with a First Nations related image, I get a notice about specific restrictions on aboriginal goods. I seem to remember similar notices for WWII Gernan products. And I have had Nazi-related items (that actually were acceptable under the policy) removed on complaint from some anonymous member. But I'm not bitter.

Message 10 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Community Member

I think this is an interesting discussion as fish caught overseas is brought to Canada, put in boxes and it says product of Canada!!!

I think that happens with alot of things. 

Look at souvenirs when you go travelling most are made in China but all decorated with the place it is being sold at as a souvenir.  ha,ha,ha.

Message 11 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

France bans the importation of toys ... Made in China.


happened a few years ago when someone I know mailed toys for grandchildren  staying a few years in France.


The parcel was inspected... all of the Christmas wrapping was removed... and if something was made in China  it would have been confiscated.


Must state on the customs form... Country of origin...



Message 12 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Community Member

Was that when the lead paint scare was on?



Message 13 of 14
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Where Item(s) we are buying are made?

Long before lead paint.


If a computer was assembled for parts... from everywhere... then it should be noted as assembled  by a local computer store... and maybe identify that store.....


If you buy from the US then is critical to know the country of origin,,, specifically if it is Canada, US or Mexico as per NAFTA... or elsewhere... 


as to whether duty will  be charged or not...


We should remember that as sellers  we are the buyer's eyes...  and it is because of this  that we must be very accurate in describing the item for sale... and that includes country of manufacture....


even some measure of description for that computer.

Message 14 of 14
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