Where is USD going?

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01-28-2009 09:52 AM
It's a shopping time.
Where is USD going?

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01-28-2009 10:05 AM
I compared the pricing in USD through my VISA rate and even with "FREE shipping" the purchase would come 3-5% more expensive that just pay on their Worldwide website in USD and have VISA worry about the exchange.
I am also observing that credit cards have one of the best rates (compared to vendors accepting multi currency or PayPal exchange). Google is showing 1.22 (center), both TD ans Scotia have ~1.23 buy rate. Seems that TD buy rate is 2.1% above their center, Scotia's 2.5%.
PayPal also claims 2.5% fee but after several experiences I am highly doubting that number or there must be some convenient lag when rate is dropping.
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01-31-2009 01:25 AM
The only rate better is Canada Revenue who posts the actual daily close for calculation of duties and taxes.
I see no change in my previous outlook, CAD will hover around 80 cents until the US actually passes a fiscal stimulous package and the money actually gets drawn down.
Theoretically, CAD could stabalize arounf $.85 if the moneys earmarked in the federal budget never get drawn upon in large amounts. A projected 39B deficit could be significantly less if this budget is like the last one and moneies are eramarked but never made avialable. Turns out that the Harper government has the lowest rate of budgetted fund draw down ever. Currently, of all money budgetted and earmarked over the term of the Harper govenrment, only 33% of all bugetted earmarks are actually payed out.
To put that into perspective, the 39B deficit will only be 13B because the other 26B will never get handed over for those supposed infrastructure projects because the fine print in the budget makes it vitually impossible for any province to meet their financial obligation for such projects.
The previous budget also provided a couple billion for infrastructure spending and after 2 years not a penny has been handed over by the Harper government.
Seems Harper's policy of doing dothing is still the governments plan despite the so called promises again this budget. How that eventually plays out has a 50-50 chance o going either way....
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01-31-2009 08:29 AM
The question should be "Where is the Cdn$ going?"
Since I expect a more severe worldwide recession than most, one lasting several years that will NOT bottom in 2009 as many are predicting, it would make sense to forecast a lower Canadian dollar in relation to its US counterpart for years to come.
Currently, the Cdn$ trades at US$0.83 (or inversely US$1.00 = Cdn$1.23).
I would expect we will see the Cdn$ lower towards US$0.75 (or inversely US$1.00 = Cdn$1.33) later this year or early next, then hitting the US$0.68-$0.70 range (inversely US$1.00 = Cdn$1.43/1.47) by late 2010.
In my view, the recession in the USA (and the rest of the world by extension) will continue until the housing market recovers in the USA. That will NOT happen for years as real estate prices will keep dropping until the inventory is in balance with long term demand. There are still millions (yes millions) of houses/condos that will be forced into foreclosure when mortgages have to be renegotiated/renewed at much higher rates in 2010 and 2011 (that is when the bubble will really burst). And, to make matter worse, those mortgages are higher than the resale value of the homes - resulting in liquidations and more supply on the market.
Until the liquidation is completed, demand for new houses, associated construction materials, etc... will be weak, dragging the rest of the world economy with it.
Eventually, US real estate prices and inventory will have dropped to the point where it makes economical sense to buy again. Then we will see the light at the end of the tunnel (hopefully, it is not another train coming in!).
"Seems Harper's policy of doing...."
In my book, on the long term, the value of the Cdn$ has little to do with what the Canadian government does or does not do. It is largely determined by supply and demand based on the overall demand for our "stuff" and that demand is conditional on healthy US and world economies. .

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02-01-2009 03:23 PM
I did not see any drop in people shopping in my area, they are spending like crazy, prices keep creeping up. Where the hell is the recession?
I think it's media created bs.
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02-01-2009 03:34 PM
Take a look at:
While my earlier comments are clearly based on the real estate market in the USA, where housing was grossly overpriced, we are now experiencing and will continue to experience price weakness in Canadian real estate, including GST and Burlington.
While prices in Canada did not balloon as they did in the USA, real estate prices do not go up when folks have lost their job or are concerned about losing their job. The Canadian economy still depends on the American economy (they are our largest customer) and will not recover until after the US economy has recovered. The trend for the Canadian dollar will follow the economy. .

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02-01-2009 03:36 PM
As for CAD, in my opinion Canada should look for other trading partners. I realize it's convenient to throw our junk over the border, but it also makes us very vulnerable here.
I started this thread because I am considering switching my accounting (and store) back to USD. Is it good idea?
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02-01-2009 03:46 PM
One needs to define "who" Canada is! When you look at Canadian exporters looking for trading partners, it is important to look at the ownership of these Canadian companies.
Unquestionable, the bulk of them are American controlled. When Imperial Oil (for example) makes decisions where to sell its stuff, they first ask their American controlling shareholders what to do for all important decisions.
Even Canadian companies like Research in Motion (great Canadian success story based in Waterloo, Ontario) sell their Blackburry worldwide BUT the bulk of the market is in the USA. That is the reality of the marketplace and it will not change anytime soon.
Our large exporters such as the steel industry or lumber industry can often compete on many products against most American producers. However, little can be exported overseas at competitive prices. .

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02-01-2009 03:51 PM
Where is USD going?
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02-01-2009 03:56 PM
My books are kept in both currency, depending on the currency of transaction (mostly US$).
All items on my website are priced in US$. Most listings (99%) on eBay are priced in US$ and are listed on eBay.com (not .ca). My eBay store is located on eBay.com and eBay bills me monthly in US$ (paid with my US dollar denominated credit card). .

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02-02-2009 01:11 AM
I am wondering what is the required way to do it?
I have always done as follows:
1) Converted all my USD sales and purchases according to the average monthly exchange within the month those figures came to be
2) Make adjustments for when I actually coverted the money
Of course there is always a carry-over each year as I do not empty my Paypal account every December 31st but have always assumed my method was fair and acceptable.
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02-02-2009 01:34 AM
I have no reason to beleive that the Canadian dollar with fall below 80 cents for any significant amount of time. We are for all intents and purposes probably at the bottom of the cycle but it will be 18 months for it to become obvious and here is probably another 60 days of downward drift.
While Pierre is right about the US housing situation, the game has changed dramatically. The US interest rate is now ZERO %, so all those renewals are no longer an issue, which is why the rate was cut to the bone, and a good chunk of that debt is being picked up by the government. Bush is gone, the rules have changed.
As for how currencies are set, it is totally up to the currency speculators. The dollar is no different than a barrel of oil... all speculation and no rational assessment of the numbers. It may very well be time to end the floating currencies based on speculation and go back to pegging them for stability, but that would beat the crap out of the greenback being 13 trillion in the hole.
AS for the original question, I would concentrate on domestic sales in domestic currency, and expand your domestic footprint. In other words, go where the money is, which is not the US of A, and the rest of the world doesn't care what currency you are dealing in because they are smart enough to look at the final cost up front. If USA goes ahead witha buy Amercican policy, your US sales will only worsen anyway... but I bet all thos US steel and auto workers aren't watching American 60" flat screens or buying American cameras or etc etc etc. "Buy American" is just another way of trying to bail out industries that are no longer viable.
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02-02-2009 02:33 AM
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02-02-2009 07:45 AM
I only convert all US$ amounts into Cdn$ at year end based on the annual average given by the Bank of Canada (US$1.00 = Cdn$ 1.0660 in 2008; US$ 1.00 = Cdn$ 1.0747 in 2007). No adjustments are made to actual amounts received or paid. That is the advantage of consistently using annual averages. .

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02-02-2009 08:02 AM
May I respectfully suggest you study this issue a bit more carefully.
Hundreds of articles have been written in the financial press on the subject and a good start would be here:
"Subprimes have cost the economy about a trillion dollars, and Alt-A loans may contribute another trillion in losses before 2010. Many will continue to reset into 2010, which means that the pain of foreclosures will be time-released and prolonged into the foreseeable future."
Mortgage interest rates in the USA are not down to ZERO. The problem is not only the rate of interest charged on the mortgage but the fact mortgages (in the USA) due to be renewed next year and in 2011 are valued at more than the house. That is the real problem. .

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02-02-2009 08:11 AM
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02-02-2009 08:27 AM
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02-02-2009 08:50 AM
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02-02-2009 03:18 PM

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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02-02-2009 05:53 PM
"Listings in US$ will attract more interest from US buyers and on average are 15% more likely to sell."
Ok, I don't want to be a troll, but if eBay automatically converts pricing on .COM to USD, how does buyer find out the seller listed in CAD and not USD ?