Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Who protects the buyer when a seller consistently makes promises to pay you back shipping fees, and never does.  On top of that the seller repeatedly sends messages every 2 days keeping your hopes up that they are sending you the money, and they never do?  And all of this is happening under the blanket of Ebay.  And yet they do nothing?  I spent 4 hours on the phone with Ebay Fraud department and the operator couldn't answer the simple question..... 'Why is a seller not held accountable for their actions when they are clearly violating the rules and regulations of Ebay?'  And instead, after 4 hours of discussion, answering my question she hangs up on me.... Of that recording is lost...   So again, who protects us as buyers when eBay refuses to hold their seller's accountable for their actions?  Is there an outside policing source that steps in?  I would really like to know.  Because if I as a buyer acted in the same manner as this particular seller is, I would definitely be getting a phone call, and it's not going to be asking me how I'm doing!!!!

Message 1 of 18
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Accepted Solutions

Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

You keep saying the seller was being helpful, and ignoring the part about the lies and delays.

Paypal did what they can and the seller didn't.


Put the blame where it should be .

You will never see a penny from the seller and unless you Block him (go to Seller Preferences > Manage Bidders. It sounds odd but that's how it works) he will continue sending annoying messages. Also block him with your email provider. There is no point in further communication.

Don't remove the feedback until you see cash in your account from the seller. Which you won't because he is lying to you and has been since this started.

Paypal refunded you, not the seller. PP will now go after him for the money and there will be notes on his selling account about the various violations he made in the process of the mediation.

View solution in original post

Message 17 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

You seem frustrated have a snickers 😉 ...


ok do not know the whole story but did you return an item and the seller said they would refund the original shipping cost ?


If so then the only thing the seller did wrong is blow smoke up your chimney and there is nothing anyone will do .. It is ebay and paypal policy that buyer pays return shipping ..


Good sellers will take care of those things if need be but it is not a rule of any sory anywhere on ebay or paypal ...


It is hard to say what to do in those situations because many buyers wish to file cases right away but then if a seller wants they have the option on paypal to make the buyer return with trackable shipping method which then results in nobody being happy...


Most sellers will do what they say but like buyers and sellers and the middle man there will always be dishonest people out there..


I had that happen with me and a buyer just last week but I refunded the buyer in my case I just simply forgot to refund them and it was an honest mistake and I promptly corrected it ..


Anyways best of luck to you and hope this helps a little ...


not sure the situation but if your talking about $1-$5 your best bet would be to leave a neg and just move on as customer service when calling ebay is about as frustrating as anything I can think of  and everytime I called them I wish I never did and wished I would have never called ....

Message 2 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

FYI is the contact is made through email and no ebay there are no good for nothing ... Ebay will and does consdier emails garbage and I qoute " It is too easy to hack people' email accounts and we do not accept emails as valid communication ...


All messages must go through ebay message system if you ever want to use the message to help you out in these type of situations

Message 3 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Community Member

I would recommend that:


  1. IF the seller isn't cooperative;
  2. IF the item arrived damaged/not as described OR the item did not arrive at all;
  3. IF eBay is refusing to work out the issue;
  4. IF your funding source was a credit card (via paypal)

(Keep in mind  that all of the above is required)


You'd be best to consult with your credit card company (the customer service number on the card usually) and call them up, have all transaction numbers available and all details thereof, outline what happened to the representative (indicating you were promised things in writing via email from the seller to correct an issue) and ask them for a chargeback.


If the card company representative agrees to go ahead with the chargeback, this will essentially create a process where the full monetary transaction will be reversed (the item cost and any shipping charges), which will eventually along the processes cause the seller to be docked the sale by paypal. In through there, you can investigate another seller who is more reputable and try again.


If you have a printer, it'd be a good idea to print the sold item listing for your records so that if the listing expires eventually you'll be able to have record of the item's description if someone attempts to come back at you. Also keep the item in whatever state it is in and preserve it along with packaging for the next while so if you need to take photos of proof, you can.

Message 4 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

If you do a chargeback which It never even dawned on me .. Part 3 of keron post does not matter but the other ones do ....

Message 5 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Firstly, sorry don't like snickers but that was extremely helpful thanx!!!!



Secondly, oh the seller is extremely helpful, so helpful, he keeps making up reasons not to pay until I left 

negative feedback.  THEN, he would send me the money he promised me (yes all correspondence went

through eBay email system where he STATES he would pay me for shipping the item to him), which is 

also fraudulent behaviour as he is blackmailing me for changing the feedback, then he'll pay me.  

Then when I said I'd report him... oh then he's going to pay me.  Now it's not a problem getting emails 

stating that he's gonna pay me, he just simple never does...and hasn't....but I could show you a slew of emails

where he says in two days, in two days, and two days never comes...


Message 6 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

You can report the seller for feedback extortion

Message 7 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Did you open a Not As Described dispute?

Did you return the item with Confirmation of Delivery?

Do you have the number and proof that the seller now has the item?

Did you enter that number into the NAD dispute?

If you followed those steps, the seller may refund your money, but if he doesn't then Paypal will and go after him.


If you did not follow those steps, my only concern is that in a four hour discussion, the eBay representative never told you to do so.

But I have a suspicion that she did and you ignored her.

You only have 45 days to file a Dispute.

You only have 60 days to leave feedback (I notice you have managed to do that.)


If more than 45 days have passed, ignore eBay and Paypal, and go to the credit card you paid with through PP.  Phone the 1-800 Customer Service number and ask for a chargeback.

You will need to give the rep the date of transaction, date of return, possibly proof of return, possibly proof of delivery, and the amount that was charged to your card.


Or you can continue ranting to no useful purpose.


Your choice.

Message 8 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Oh yes. let's talk about the case tha I opened up with the resolution centre.  Well I get a call from Ebay that I should escalate the case because of the time period that has passed.  I stated that that was odd because they  haven't even received the package yet, and then I knew that they had 3 days to pay afterwards...and of course, it was 'oh no no no, we ask that you escalate this case immediately.  And I said that I wanted to be paid for the shipping of the article back as stated in our emails, or I didn't want the case closed'....and she told to write that in the comment field.. which I did and guess what.....


4 hours later I get a congratulatory message from Ebay that I won my case for the cost of the article...and when I called in to say that now I was screwed because no one read the comments in the escalation page, that now the case was closed I got screwed for the other amount (over $80.00) and I come to find out that because ebay is downsizing half of their cases go to a computer, and half are done by people...and I was so awesomely lucky to have a computer do it without reading the comments cause.....it's a computer.


Therefore tearing the rug right out from under me to take any recourse since the case was closed....how convenient for eBay ... oh and if you're interested here's a lovely tidbit of information that is to be known:  Paypal was so supportive by saying in a conference call that Paypal doesn't mess with eBay's resolution Center and Ebay doesn't get involved in Paypal's.   But if you will notice when you open a case on ebay.ca it takes some information and then....OMG ..... you're then switched over to Paypal's site, because it was a PayPal transaction!!!   So that is not true.... so got screwed by Paypal as well!!!

Message 9 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

So you were refunded by Paypal for the original shipping cost and the item but you wanted to be paid for return shipping as well? Is that correct?

Message 10 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

"after 4 hours of discussion, answering my question she hangs up on me"


I'm not trying to be glib here but.......4 hours??!!  Maybe she had to use the washroom.  Woman Frustrated

Message 11 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Well I hate to burst your bubble 'reallynicestamps', but your suspicion is wrong.....What you seem to be missing is the part where when a case is closed it's closed.  Not Paypal, Not eBay, not you or even me can unseal that concrete case once it's closed!  No one will touch it.  Furthermore I was told on a recorded phone call that eBay and Paypal do not play in each other's sand boxes when it comes to their resolution centres.  


And YES, the item was delivered, with tracking, and copies of the receipt were even scanned and placed on the file as well for the shipping.  


So it's not ranting, it's more like fact!  Not my choice.  My choice was taken away when the case was closed....cause then no one can touch it!


But thanks for your answer to my question.... oh wait...right ... I didn't get that yet.

Message 12 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Neither paypal nor ebay can force a seller to pay return shipping. They can only refund what you originally paid to the seller..they have no legal right to refund an extra amount regardless of what the seller told you they would do.

Message 13 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Yes that I understand and have to agree with.  Back to the issue at hand ... and the question which still remains.  This seller is consistently either bribing me to take off my negative feedback and then they will pay me or sending me emails every two days saying they will be paying me in two days.  This is intolerable and shouldn't be acceptable behaviour by a seller under the blanket of eBay.  I am not asking eBay to force them to pay me, I[m pretty much sure I've kissed that money good bye, however their conduct as a seller is inexecuseable and breaks several of the rules and regulations that we all must adhere to!!!  Why are they not behind held accountable for their actions!  To this I still have not gotten an answer!! 

Message 14 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?



Message 15 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Again... an exceptional response.... and extremely helpful

Message 16 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

You keep saying the seller was being helpful, and ignoring the part about the lies and delays.

Paypal did what they can and the seller didn't.


Put the blame where it should be .

You will never see a penny from the seller and unless you Block him (go to Seller Preferences > Manage Bidders. It sounds odd but that's how it works) he will continue sending annoying messages. Also block him with your email provider. There is no point in further communication.

Don't remove the feedback until you see cash in your account from the seller. Which you won't because he is lying to you and has been since this started.

Paypal refunded you, not the seller. PP will now go after him for the money and there will be notes on his selling account about the various violations he made in the process of the mediation.

Message 17 of 18
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Who protects the buyer when Ebay doesn't and consistently lets a seller lie in corresponding emails?

Thank you... I didn't know I could block someone like that.. Definitely will do that.  Paypal isn't the issue, I just wish that

eBay would hold these people responsible for their actions is all...but I will definitely block them.. Thank you for the advice...


Message 18 of 18
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