Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

Community Member

I notice that eBay is placing links to sponsors on my eBay listings. These links direct potential buyers away from my offered items and directly to my competitors. I have no say in what sponsor links eBay inserts or whether they are actually sponsoring my listing. I have noticed that the links direct potential buyers to sites controlled by large foreign manufacturing or wholesaling sellers. As a long term eBay member and both a seller and a buyer I see this practice as undermining the smaller but long term loyal eBay members. These links are hidden from the seller when the item listing is placed, but shows up for a potential buyer. UNFAIR PRACTICE BY EBAY.

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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

Are you referring to the ad bar at the top? If so, that ad bar places ads on your PC based on your browsing history. If you have been browsing your competitors, then this is why you see their ads.


Your customers would see ads based on their own browsing history.


For example, if I visit the ford site, I tend to get ford ads in Ebay. If I visit the Bell site, I see Bell related ads. (Assuming these companies subscribe to the banner ads)



Message 2 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

I think the OP means the spnsored ads at the bottom of listings - for example, 121275398071 is a Knife Display with Gold Trimming.  There are 3 ads at the bottom of the listing under the heading "Sponsored Links" with the keywords 'display' or 'trim'.  (and then a CIBC banner ad, random, I've never searched for anything related to CIBC)


They've been putting ads in for a long time, haven't they?  But I agree, not nice.

Message 3 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

@stouffvillejen wrote:

I think the OP means the spnsored ads at the bottom of listings...

I think you're right.  EBay has ads all over the place now, but in my view, these "Sponsored Links" are the most objectionable and unfair of them all, because:


(a)  They lead buyers to similar items that compete with what the seller has listed.  For example, in one I looked at - a piece of silver 'snake-link' jewellery, the sponsored links at the bottom of the listing included at least half a dozen links to sellers of similar items.  I've never done any searches for such items, so I doubt these links are search or preference based, but rather based on the listed item on eBay. 


(b)  Those links lead OFF eBay!  I'd say something extremely rude here about that idea, but it would get removed.  They won't tolerate their own sellers including links anywhere on the site, but boy, oh boy, if somebody is paying them for the privilege, link away! 


(c)  Who knows (or monitors) the legitimacy, honesty and customer service policies of those sites?  There is nothing to assure an eBay buyer that he/she is going to get good service and a decent quality item from any of these links -- and is a buyer going to blame eBay and perhaps never return here if something goes wrong with one of those off-site purchases?


Not only are these links siphoning off buyers away from eBay's own sellers, but as I pointed out above, it's targeted competition that is related to the item listed, which is even worse.  If buyers look at an eBay listing, but it's not quite the item they wanted, eBay is now making it easy for them to browse around on other sites. 


These "sponsored links" have been around for quite a while, but they were always confined to the very bottoms of search result screens, i.e. if you couldn't find what you wanted on eBay through its search features, there was a list of off-site internet providers for similar goods.  Now it seems buyers don't even have to leave the listing page.  I'm not even sure how long this little tactic has existed -- eBay tends to quietly sneak these things in.


I'll have to check my own listings without signing into eBay, as if I were a guest buyer, and see what "helpful" little links are being tacked onto the bottom of my own listings.


Sneaky and disgusting is what this amounts to.  Suffice it to say: Shame on eBay. 

Message 4 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

@stouffvillejen wrote:

I think the OP means the spnsored ads at the bottom of listings - for example, 121275398071 is a Knife Display with Gold Trimming.  There are 3 ads at the bottom of the listing under the heading "Sponsored Links" with the keywords 'display' or 'trim'.  (and then a CIBC banner ad, random, I've never searched for anything related to CIBC)


They've been putting ads in for a long time, haven't they?  But I agree, not nice.

Yes I think you're right now that I looked down there. You may not have visited CIBC, but you (Or someone on your PC) probably visited some sort of financial website and CIBC happens to be the bank paying for ads at the moment.

I see a Rogers ad, and I recently have been on both the bell and telus sites. The last time I visited Uline, I saw (If I remember correctly) Global Instustrial ads.





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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

Community Member

Thank you to all who replied. At least I know it is not me and I can stop being paranoid. I would like to have seen a reply from eBay as to why it is showing such disrespect and inconsideration for its loyal members. As eBay has always claimed that it is not an "auction house" but merely a vehicle to connect buyers with sellers, it should start acting like one. It is using paying clients to advertise to the international marketplace for large, questionable, cut price companies, mostly located on mainland China with each going by many different names on eBay. Is this just another way eBay is trying to recover monies lost to other on-line auction sites? Give us an answer eBay!!!

Message 6 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

Ive been a long time eBay user and never noticed the ads. until a couple of weeks ago... I started selling toys that I purchased at a discount. Directly below my listing are ads for Target and Wall-mart selling the exact same item. Sometimes at prices cheaper than my items and with free shipping... WTH eBay?


These ads/links direct traffic away from my listings and away from eBay... is the revenue they provide higher and more important than the actual user generated rev?

Message 7 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?


Message 8 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

It's a double standard. Ebay doesn't want any subscribers and paying sellers to sell off site but they endorse it in the way they want. It's irrational behavior and definately poor ly thought out based on greed

Message 9 of 10
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Why is eBay placing links to competitors on my item listing pages?

@mereco wrote:

Thank you to all who replied. At least I know it is not me and I can stop being paranoid. I would like to have seen a reply from eBay as to why it is showing such disrespect and inconsideration for its loyal members. As eBay has always claimed that it is not an "auction house" but merely a vehicle to connect buyers with sellers, it should start acting like one. It is using paying clients to advertise to the international marketplace for large, questionable, cut price companies, mostly located on mainland China with each going by many different names on eBay. Is this just another way eBay is trying to recover monies lost to other on-line auction sites? Give us an answer eBay!!!

Even worse, every time someone looks at one of your listings, if there is a seller who has the same item listed for even a penny less Ebay will send out an email to the person who looked at your item advising them that they can get it cheaper from another seller.


Proof positive all of this is that Ebay doesn't give a rat's patootie about sellers and is willing to undermine every one of us in pursuit of every penny they can siphon out of our livelihoods.



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