Wonder the reason buyers cannot find your items? There's over 900 million live listings here!

I cannot pretend to understand most of what this article says but this I do: 


In Q1, eBay continued to increase the amount of inventory on its platforms, with over 900 million live listings available at any time. eBay also leveraged its structured data initiative to launch improved user experiences on its Marketplace platform, such as the ability to search by product ID and a newly redesigned browse experience that enables shoppers to find great deals and top-selling products in an easy-to-navigate way.


from http://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/blog/blog.pl?/pl/2016/4/1461702445.html 


Tue Apr 26 2016 16:27:25
eBay Grows GMV 5 Percent in First Quarter 2016By: Ina Steiner
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