Wrong item???

I'm a Seller & a Buyer purchased an item & claims to have recieved the wrong item.

I asked for a Photo of the "item recieved" next to the shipping label.

Buyer replied when Ebay asks me I will & opened a claim.

After 3 different days & average of 30 minutes per phone call, I was assured I would recieve any photos summited as requested from Ebay. Well the case closed NO Photos,

Only a message saying Buyer Wins you Choke & monies HELD from your Paypal until the item is returned to you

as instruted to the Buyer by Ebay.

The Sad part about all of this is I never had the item the buyer claims to have recieved at the time of shipment.

A few simple photos would have cleared this up BUT NOOOOOOOOOO Body wants me to see them if they have been sent????

Now I am to recieve the $80 item the buyer claims to have recieved instead of the $260 item I sent.

Am I at least not entitled to a photo of what is being returned????

Sure you can "Appeal"

ever try & do this???

Even a Bigger Joke!!!

A Photo of the item next to the Shipping Label was All I asked for.


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Wrong item???

@masterpcs2011 wrote:

I'm a Seller & a Buyer purchased an item & claims to have recieved the wrong item.

I asked for a Photo of the "item recieved" next to the shipping label.

Buyer replied when Ebay asks me I will & opened a claim.

After 3 different days & average of 30 minutes per phone call, I was assured I would recieve any photos summited as requested from Ebay. Well the case closed NO Photos,

Only a message saying Buyer Wins you Choke & monies HELD from your Paypal until the item is returned to you

as instruted to the Buyer by Ebay.

The Sad part about all of this is I never had the item the buyer claims to have recieved at the time of shipment.

A few simple photos would have cleared this up BUT NOOOOOOOOOO Body wants me to see them if they have been sent????

Now I am to recieve the $80 item the buyer claims to have recieved instead of the $260 item I sent.

Am I at least not entitled to a photo of what is being returned????

Sure you can "Appeal"

ever try & do this???

Even a Bigger Joke!!!

A Photo of the item next to the Shipping Label was All I asked for.


Sounds pretty strange to me,i have heard horror stories on here before but this one seems to stand out like a sore thumb,cant believe ebay or the customer wont coopereate,is it even remotelly possible you sent the wrong item?What seems really bizzare is the picture not being produced almost sounds like a scam to me.

Message 2 of 5
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Wrong item???

Community Member

As a fellow seller, I feel your pain & frustration. There does seen to be (I've noticed since oct/nov) an over abundant of lets say "savey buyers" and it's getting worse. Just my opinion.

I do have a bit of a concern with 

"The Sad part about all of this is I never had the item the buyer claims to have recieved at the time of shipment."

Do you even know at this point what you are getting back? Would ebay not have gone into buyers history to see if maybe they had bought such item from someone else. 

Short version ( I don't feel like doing a lot of typing) so I'll just spit it out ..... sounds like the buyer maybe doing a bait & switch at your expense. 

Either way, it does sound strange. But is it to the point now, " you (all sellers) don't even get to appear at your own court hearing with ebay, let alone give your input"  It doesn't seem so, based on what you say. So my further question is: How can ebay make an informed, unbiased decision with only having one of the 2 parties involved info/input ?

If this is the "new ebay way" of seller/buyer resolution, then all sellers are in deep do do. 

Message 3 of 5
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Wrong item???

I answered your other post on this topic.


The thing is that when buyers 'watch' an item, ebay sends them 'helpful' suggestions by email about 'similar' ones that are sometimes not similar at all but often a better price. In their haste, an inattentive buyer will 'grab' this 'great deal' and the unwitting seller sends them an order which is exactly as described but not at all what the buyer expected.


I had this happen to me recently. The buyer was highly irritated but there was next to nothing I could do for them. They received exactly what they bought, what they were expecting I do not sell. I would have been happy to accept a return but they had already opened it. 


You need to call ebay during North American business hours. Clearly, something is wrong if the buyer cannot even be bothered to send you a photo of what he is trying to return to you. If you get back an item you didn't send, you will have to file a police report and talk to paypal about it. 

Message 4 of 5
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Wrong item???


Hello 'masterpieces',
<< Buyer ... claims to have recieved the wrong item. ... I asked for a Photo...
... I was assured I would recieve any photos summited as requested from Ebay. Well the case closed NO Photos, ...  Now I am to recieve the $80 item . . .instead of the $260 item I sent. >>

That sure is odd.  I don't see why the buyer did not simply show you the 'wrong' item pics before running to ebay.  That is what I would expect a sincerely aggrieved person to do, -- to approach you directly and work with you honestly, and not sneak around behind your back.

(Mix-ups do happen.  I once ordered a set of 2 bowls and in its place I received 2 plates.)


Anyway, it sounds like the case has not yet been decided.  If you have checked and double-checked your inventory and what you get back is absolutely not what you sent (where does the "$80" come from?), you will of course promptly show pictures of this to ebay in your defence.  That might not have any effect, however.


For every buyer trying to get a freebie there is as many sellers who will send rubbish and try to thwart a refund, so ebay can never just take a person's word for it.


What you will want to do therefore is file a police report (internet fraud) and get the report number.  Then file a complaint with the post office (mail fraud) and again, - the report number.


Then using the Report a Buyer link (under More actions in your Sold items) report the buyer for Abuse of Returns and add the police report and post office report numbers. Usually using links never amount to much, but this will leave a written documentation of it.


Next, post the same info in the Send us an Appeal link from the claim. This makes a second written submission.


After that, call ebay and ask to speak to someone who specializes in Appeals. Gently explain to the person that you mailed what was in the listing and received back some junk of comparable size and weight which you have never seen before.  Clearly demonstrate why the case must be overturned in your favour, quoting again the police and P.O. report numbers, and add that you also desire to have any resulting defects, demerits, or askterisks removed from your account.

They may need to "look into it", but get a date when you can expect to hear and if you have not heard back, call ebay again.  But if you go that far to demonstrate you are serious, ebay will most certainly reverse the decision in your favour.


For $260?  Too right.  Don't take 'no' for an answer.



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