Wynne's new idiotic climate change plan for June release

Community Member

Say good bye to natural gas and be the first to convert to electric heating and pay up to $3000 more a year. Be the first to give yourself subsidies for the affordable electric car not yet produced, oh but there will be Wynne subsidies when you buy one up to $14000. Yikes that's taxpayers money to subsidise the rich who can afford one.


"the province’s gas industry warns that, based on current prices, switching to electric heat would cost homeowners between $2,000 and $3,000 extra annually. The industry is particularly concerned about the planned changes to the building code that would kick natural gas out of new homes by the end of the next decade."


“The province is still proposing to meet its 2025 carbon reduction targets in part by forcing Ontarians to pay themselves subsidies to buy electric vehicles that won’t actually exist,” said Flavio Volpe, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association of Canada."



Message 1 of 23
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Re: Wynne's new idiotic climate change plan

Your interpretation of the quote was and I quote you: "The article also points out the definition of customers as being in arrears as being 16 or more days behind in payments."  


The article read and I quote:

"Any account that is 30 or more days past the 16-day minimum payment period is considered to be in arrears"



Off to work now, some of us seniors still have to, in order to make ends meet and especially to pay those high energy bills!.

Message 21 of 23
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Re: Wynne's new idiotic climate change plan

"some of us seniors still have to, in order to make ends meet and especially to pay those high energy bills!."



Knowing where you live, what you drive, your very healthy pension from Bell Canada....it all spells 'if' you work it's just to give you something to do.

But if you want to save energy, get rid of your computer.

Message 22 of 23
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Re: Wynne's new idiotic climate change plan

Community Member

Is it any wonder Leland Industries moving plant to Illinois.


Toronto’s Leland Industries cites high energy cost for move to the U.S.

An industry group says Leland is one of many Ontario-based manufacturers that are looking to grow and seriously considering investing outside of Ontario


Toronto-based manufacturer of fasteners says it is opening its new manufacturing facility in the United States because rising energy costs have made Ontario uncompetitive for investment.

Leland Industries, which makes fasteners and employs about 220 people at its plants in Toronto and Waterloo, Ont. Founder and CEO Byron Nelson says those workers will be protected.

But Nelson says Leland’s business is increasing and expanding and Ontario’s high electricity costs make it hard for the company to compete on a global scale.

Nelson anticipates Ontario’s new cap-and-trade system, which comes into effect in January, will cause electricity and natural gas costs to rise even higher.

Nelson says Leland will not invest in Ontario any more because “the costs are just out of sight.”

And he says the company plans a major expansion in production capacity in Illinois.

“This is good news for our company, but bad news for Ontario,” Nelson said Tuesday.

“We’ve prided ourselves that a Canadian manufacturer with the right people, processes, and technologies, can compete with anyone in the world,” he said. “But, we can no longer compete with the escalating energy costs we are seeing here in Ontario.”

Jocelyn Williams Bamford—vice president of Automatic Coating Ltd. and spokeswoman for the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers in Ontario—said Leland is one of many smaller and medium-sized Ontario-based manufacturers that are looking to grow and seriously considering investing outside of Ontario.

“Ontario’s energy costs are rising so quickly many manufacturers are reassessing whether it makes sense to expand production in this province,” she said Tuesday in a statement.

Bamford said manufacturers have become more competitive and have been able to reduce emissions at the same time because they have invested in new technologies.

“Higher energy costs leave us less money for investment. And, if manufacturers can’t invest in Ontario, it’s not good for the economy or for jobs in this province. Ultimately, it’s not good for the environment either,” she said.

Nelson said Ontario has already lost a lot of manufacturers and will lose more because those in government “just do not understand.”

Ontario Economic Development and Growth Minister Brad Duguid said in an email that the government recognizes that it has more work to do, “especially when it comes to controlling the costs related to upgrading our energy infrastructure.”

Duguid also noted that the government will be lowering electricity costs for small and medium sized businesses by eight per cent starting Jan. 1, but Bamford said that “won’t come close to offsetting the energy and transportation cost increases that lie in store for smaller manufacturers across Ontario.”




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