a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
in your ads you state the new rules and ask buyers to be fair when leaving feedback. If you feel as a seller that the transaction went bad and wish you could leave a negative enter a ver negative comment in full capital letters if all or most sellers start doing this then when we wish to research the bidders we just scroll through their feedback looking for ones written in capital letters right through they will stand out more as well.
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
Won't work, Ebay has stated that they will, at the buyer's request remove negative comments left by sellers. You have only two choices now: no feedback or positive feedback
Message 2 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
well even if ebay removes it it is there for a while and once removed it is the same as not leaving it at all, we should just band together and do this in solidarity to demonstrate our disgust with the new rules.
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
Question. When you walk into a physical brick & mortar store, purchase an item and leave. Are the sales clerks or owners permitted to RATE you?

On the other hand, you as the purchaser can give the best advertising or all or the worst via word of mouth. That is your right as a customer.

I guess I'm really confused as to why there is so much angst about the new feedback system. If you expect the best from your customers most will live up to your expectations. Think the worst....and that is what they will live up to.

It seems that many here are not worried about the new feedback changes. And, then there are others who are. Why worry about it? Do your best! Expect the best!

Coffee anyone?

Message 4 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system


Try selling some more expensive items and then you will see how people react. Nobody really cares if they buy something for a couple of dollars and its not to their expectations. They just toss it into the garbage and go on with their lives.
Message 5 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

If you expect the best from your customers most will live up to your expectations. Think the worst....and that is what they will live up to.

Now where did this come from....

.... wait.... The Secret!:-x

Message 6 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

We recently had a buyer leave a neutral feedback with a comment that was a complete fabrication, we provided the proof to eBaY and they still left the comment.

So much for ebay taking action against buyer that completely lies in their feedback comment.
Message 7 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member

Exactly! Customer service from start to finish and being able to resolve problems before they escalate is the key!

It's not the price of an item that determines if a buyer worries about their purchase or not! And believe me...low priced items when many are purchased add up to big sales! And, every one counts!

Message 8 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Futuretech, I looked at your last neg (for 120251449376) and cannot understand what kind of ***** buyer that was. The auction clearly says the LCD does not power on, that it has noticeable scratches etc etc. He got it for $3 ... and there is probably $10-$20 worth in reusable electronic modules if they taken it apart. I could very likely fix the LCD and so can any other DIY-er. 99% is the shorted electrolytic capacitors in the power supply unit (the designers place them by the heat source and that makes the caps go bad after 3-5 years - it's called built-in obsolescence).
Message 9 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
ebay wants money!

Ebay wants buyer purchase on ebay instead of buying from other website, like yahoo and amazon.

So the kill seller's benifit to make it happen.

I hate the new feedback rules. But I don't have any chance.
Message 10 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Why don we put -------------------------- or %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% or something like hat as a negative feedback? if everybody starts using it that would be visible
Message 11 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
what i find to be pathetic is how E-Bay is doing EVERYTHING to accomodate the buyer mean while i'm being charged $12-1500 a month in outragous fees and yet i have no protection at all i run a clearance center and from time to time there will be less then perfect products and that is understandable however i jus got my first extortion e-mail yesterday stating if i do not reduce the pick up fee he will be forced to leave negative and the best part is he clearly stated he purposly e-mailed me on my e-mail address and not through e-bay because he already knew e-bay could not do a thing about it..i contacted e-bay and advised of the situation this morning i get an e-mail stating there is nothing they could do i could block him...whoppy S*%t how does that help me?????? furthure more i had a 99.1% rating now with the changes is dropped me to 97.8 and to boot i get an e-mail stating im not up to power seller status WE ARE ALL SCREWED !!!!!
Message 12 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

@first i didn't like the option of not being able to rate buyers but hey, sometimes i forget to leave them feedback so isn't this the same ? usually the only ones i want to give negative feedback are newbies therefore if buyer has many positive feedback, say 20 or + chances are he's a good legit deal hunter (buyer) if newbie with 0 or 1 score well... he's a newbie, can't expect much, worse case he gives you neutral or negative then you complain to ebay

you get your closing fees back for npb and life goes on
momoftwingles2 is totally right. as a buyer that i also am, i like to give feedback accordingly to the product i receive ie if shipping took forever, if seller never replied to me or if item was not as described (keep in mind lots of sellers are not powersellers but newbies just getting rid of junk)

as a seller well, let it be just make sure you're fair and hopefully won't get any pissed off customers 🙂
Message 13 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

Community Member
There is a company out there a very large one- and I am uncertain if I can name then- so you may write me if you don't figure it out.

THEY have created a new TOOL !!! that distills VIRTUAL NEGATIVE FEEDBACK- or as they call it "Search for "False positives".

From this ORGANIZATION'S explanation, written at their "HAUS (presumably in Germany)": "the word "negative" (or "neg" or "FP" or some other code" it appears to look for these WORDS- and then 'distill' them to give a more realistic perspective of the the eBay ID's profile.
Message 14 of 15
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a way to fight back against the new feedback system

What actually eBay took away? A little red cirlce in buyer's feedback that had close to no impact on their ability to shop (unles their FB dropped below 0).

What's all the comotion? The old FB system was garbage and forced flattery, at least they removed most irrelevant portion of it.
Message 15 of 15
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