06-22-2012 07:53 PM
06-22-2012 10:16 PM
06-22-2012 11:21 PM
No, you can raise your bid any time you like.
06-23-2012 04:17 AM
Hello 'donnie',
That might depend what you mean by "final". 🙂 As you now know, you can retract under certain conditions, -- reasons, as well as times when you are able to do it.
If, however, the auction has ended and you are the winning bid, well, yes, that's pretty final. If you wanted to weasel out of it at that point, the only way is to contact the seller and ask for a Mutual Cancellation. If the seller agrees, when you get the Request in your mail box you will hastily agree to it.
If a seller does not agree to cancel, - you either pay up or get an Unpaid strike on your shiny new user ID. Most sellers have blocks on people with strikes so it's nearly impossible to bid or buy until the strikes wear off in a year.
When you see something that you might like to have, just below the bid button is the phrase Add to Watch list. If you click that, the listing is stored in your Watch List (it'll stay there for months) and you can price compare and decide later if you want it or not.
Using your Watch List is free and requires no committment whatsoever. And no one but you knows you're watching anything.