File the UPI dispute and put him on your BBL
done and done
You're not a doormat. Don't let this guy treat you like one!
tell me about it. the way i do business is very simple...i TRY and give the buyer the benefit of the doubt-i TRY not to come off too presumptuous (sp?), and i DO remember always that if a bend a little now, it may save me a negetive, and by day's end, they'll be long forgotten, but a negetive stays on your record a LOOOOOONG time...HOWEVER...enough is enough. this guy is an obvious %^&*I...doesn't pay once, but twice...and replies 'snail mail' as a way of paying...obviously on purpose. like i said in my previous i really afraid of another negetive? of course! but when it comes down to doing the right thing against cowards like this, i'll have to take the neg...i think he has much more to worry about than me...he's already at 93%, i don't know if his history of unpaid disputes is open to anyone, but i would guess he's had at least one juding by his feedback...a total of three gets you suspended..right? and is it three during any time frame, or under certain timeframes, ie...3 in a year? anywho...i just can't understand people...they make things so difficult...if you don't want the item, DON'T BID!! not once, but twice for god sakes! and if you want it and bid on it, PAY!!! geeez, am i the only rational one who thinks that?!?!? even if you want to back out, just tell me and get the heck out of my hair! i think he's going to make it difficult because he's p***sed that i opened the dispute...well, sorry! learn how to do business man! X-(