eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

In the last two days we have had 3 strikes we issued reversed by eBaY without as much as an email notifying us or even informing us that they did this.

The strikes we issued where to deadbeats that did not honor their payment obligations and one even went as far as mock us by saying -- GO AHEAD and UPI me I will have it reversed -- AND HE DID EXACTLY THAT.


Anyone else have similiar experience(s), is this common practice now with eBay.

Thanks for your input/comments.

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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

eBay will reverse an NPB strike against a buyer as a courtesy if the buyer emails and offers excuses. I don't believe that they will make a habit of it, however.

You still get your FVF's back - only the mark on the buyer's record is removed.

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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Community Member
WHAT!!! what the hell kind of stupid policy is that?!?!?!? talk about unfair-you know what, it seems to me that ebay has always favoured buyers over sellers, that they have far more rights than sellers, and it seems to be an upward trend. if ebay does this for buyers, it will just set a precedence...yes, i know they don't do it for 'everyone', but i've never had a case where they've bent the rules for me..i was left a negetive that i asked ebay to remove since the transaction never even finalized, i had accidentally listed the wrong shipping price on the auction page, and explained this to the buyer, offered her an opt out of her bid, explained it was my fault, etc..etc..etc...she agreed and then all of a sudden, decided she didn't want to anymore and left me a negetive!!! i totally communicated with her very politely and openly throughout the whole transaction..in my opinion...TOTALLY UNFAIR feedback...i've went out of my way to satisfy other buyers for a positive, and then i get this idiot who doesn't even buy the item from me and negates me..
when i asked ebay to remove, they said they can't, as it would become common practice otherwise..
i really think ebay should start working more FOR the seller, its hard being a seller on ebay-competition, pleasing the customer (feeback system), high fees, etc...
this isn't exactly comparable to other businesses in the sense of always having to please the customer, since other physical businesses don't have a 'feedback' system the way ebay does that everyone can see...they still need good customer service, but can probably get away with the odd idiot...we can't..
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Today we received a nice form letter of eBaY advising us how they cannot divulge to us the reasons why they reversed the strikes but they wanted to assure us that it was based on information they ONLY obtained from the BUYER -- god forbid if they actually asked us for some input you would think they would like to hear both sides.

What a bouch of two-faced (you know what)!

I guess the scammers and deadbeats are winning the battle when it comes to feedback removal - cause as I seller I have yet to have one of our BOGUS feedbacks removed no matter how hard we argued our case and provided proof galore.

Oh well, enough bitching, thanks for all your comments.


Message 4 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Community Member
Sorry Ann, but eBay is definitely making a habit of it. I have noted several in the last few months. It appears that they only have to say they sent payment and eBay will reverse the strike against them.

Of course, if the complaint is against the seller you just know that they are not nearly as lenient.

This means that a NPB can repeatedly offend and eBay will let them off the hook if they ask pretty-please-with-sugar-on-it.

Seasons greetings,

Bill treasure-pot


Message 5 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Community Member
Ditto! I've had that happen far too many times for my liking! When I emailed to complain I got some garbage excuse that they can't share that info with me as it is private and they hope that I'll be assured that MY info is private too. Have a nice day. 😐

It just assures me that they're a bunch of monkeys who don't know up from down. Very frustrating! What's the point of issuing strikes if they're going to be so easily removed? I'm not going to stop giving them when due though but it's really frustrating and annoying when a non-paying bidder truly deserves it!

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 6 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

It's an automatic (almost) appeal for a first strike. The email the buyer gets notifying them of the strike also has an appeal button. If they click the button the strike is reversed no questions asked.
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 7 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Community Member
Kinda like a mulligan in golf...

Bill treasure-pot


Message 8 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

** UPDATE **

Received email from eBaY asking me to send them a copy of the emails I received, especially the one where he confirms his/her intention not to pay.

Hopefully this will show eBaY that the buyer never intended to pay and REVERSE the RESEVERSED STRIKE removal.
Message 9 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

This gets pretty funny - I see one of my NPB's has had her strike reversed recently. Take a look at her feedback - I can't believe eBay would reverse this.

Message 10 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

There is an automatic appeal in the strikee's favour, all they have to do is click one button in the email they receive saying they received a strike and they are absolved of their sins by the gods of San Jose.
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 11 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

It's true, I suppose, that the other sellers who left negative FB for non-payment did not bother to file for FVF's and so this was her first strike.
Still. it makes a mockery of the process that someone who has not paid for her last three purchases can wipe the slate clean so easily.
Message 12 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

anyone notice any changes in this practice of ebay.
Message 13 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

No changes because i've had a few reversals in the last month. The worst is Ebay never even informed me. And please note when they reverse the strikes the fees are not automaticly refunded. I suggest to lookup close to your account page top verify if refunded.

Message 14 of 15
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eBaY Reversing Strikes We Issued against NPBer's

Thanks for the headsup Frederic
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