eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

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eBay Launches International Classifieds Websites

We would like to announce our launch of online classifieds Web sites in select international markets. Launched under the brand Kijiji, which means “village” in Swahili, the Web sites offer people in the same city a convenient way to meet, have fun, share ideas, and trade various goods and services.

Kijiji is now available in more than 50 cities in Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. In Canada, Kijiji is available in French only in Montreal and Quebec City. From building friendships and trading large appliances to talking about the city’s best restaurants or looking for a babysitter, Kijiji is designed to help people connect.

We encourage you to visit the Kijiji site, post a classified, and tell us what your experience has been. Is it easy to use? Do you like the site? Would you use Kijiji?


eBay Pink, Kitty will be reading this thread and answering your questions.

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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

I can only speak for the Toronto site but I love it. I've sold lots of things and have never had a problem. I agree it is a glorified Craigs list but I like it better anyway. Larger pictures among other things.

As for sold items not being removed, thats the sellers fault. Of course the moderators have no control over this. A+
Message 161 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
The concept is good, however it is poorly designed.

1) First of all, it has listed small cities, yet ignores Canada's 5th largest one (Mississauga). They tell me on the one hand that it is designed for local people, yet I am supposed to list my items in a city I don't even live in (Toronto).

2) You should be able to search larger areas. I have to change the cities at least 10 times for EVERY search. I live in Mississauga and commute to Cambridge every day. This means I have access to Toronto, Mississauga, Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge, Hamilton, Waterloo, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Markham, Ajax, Oshawa, etc. I also travel to Peterborough and Kingston regularly.

It is a royal nuisance to change the location so many times just for 1 search.

So one the one hand a massive city like Mississauga is not worth setting up, and on the other hand I cannot search communities that are even easier to get to than Toronto - where I have to list.

Poor design. No understanding of geography.
Message 162 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
The concept is good, however it is poorly designed.

1) First of all, it has listed small cities, yet ignores Canada's 5th largest one (Mississauga). They tell me on the one hand that it is designed for local people, yet I am supposed to list my items in a city I don't even live in (Toronto).

2) You should be able to search larger areas. I have to change the cities at least 10 times for EVERY search. I live in Mississauga and commute to Cambridge every day. This means I have access to Toronto, Mississauga, Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge, Hamilton, Waterloo, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Markham, Ajax, Oshawa, etc. I also travel to Kingston regularly.

It is a royal nuisance to change the location so many times just for 1 search.

So on the one hand a massive city like Mississauga is not worth setting up, and on the other hand I cannot search communities that are even easier to get to than Toronto - where I have to list.

Poor design. No understanding of geography.
Message 163 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
Apparently this site is slow to catch on in the west. I use craigslist and have started adding a blurb to "check kijiji for a complete listing" of everything I have to sell. I think it superior to craigslist - but it will only start growing if we all pass the word. Of the 25 items I have posted there, I've only had 2 enquiries in the last 2 months.
Message 164 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
I thought it was OK, I got some responses but many of them just annoyed me, with wanting more pictures, shipping or even delivery - heck if I wanted to go through that much work I would have just listed it on ebay with a BIN price. I don't think its unreasonable that if you live in the area you would just drop by and look at the item.

example -I was selling a huge box of records for just $5, I just wanted to get rid of them - but some "potential" buyer wanted a detailed list of all the records, artists and condition - it would have taken about 2 or 3 hours to type it all out - the reason I didn't list them was because I didn't want that hassle. I didn't refuse, but I did email them to ask where they lived telling them that I didn't want to go through all the work only to discover they lived too far away (its happened before) Turned out he lived in Texas and he was goofing off just to see if I'd actually do it....WTH?
Stuff like that happens all the time and its frustrating.

My next issue is that when items are sold or tossed out, some glitch prevents me from removing the item - I've tried - it won't recognize my email or password and I can't get access to remove it, but I don't seem to have any trouble putting up an ad.

I agree that the search function is flawed. I live between Halifax and Cape Breton - exactly in the middle - but I can only chose one area. Even though I put my postal code in the box and list my area in the description I constantly get inquiries from people in Halifax who seem surprised by my location. Unfortunately it seems that if you live in Halifax you expect the items to be in Halifax - even though its clear the entire province has only 2 areas listed that you can post in. Yarmouth for example is 5 hours from Halifax - it should have its own area search. Why couldn't it be a search by postal code as well as area? Sure would stop those annoying inquiries.

Its a good idea, but it could use some improvements
Message 165 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
I think this was a great idea ebay.
Message 166 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

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I live in Vancouver, and noticed the ad on ebay for KIJIJI last year. I have used it and find it superior to craigslist insofar as a buyer can view all the sellers items [new to me]. I have only had a couple of replies to my ads, and they seem to be from people who have moved here from the east...
I am passing the word by including a blurb on all my craigslist postings to refer to KIJIJI
For those of us still preferring to sell locally, without shipping, paypal, etc etc. it is a viable alternative....as soon as it catches on - inform people it's in the west!
Message 167 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member

Welcome to Kijiji. I place where you can not sell candles and candle holders you no longer want!! That's right - I'm not selling drugs or firearms but ordinary household goods.

I listed one ad in the appropriate category for Partylite items I have sitting in my home for sale. I am not a dealer and never have been. Yet my ad was deleted stating the reason as I am a multi level marketing company.

Accused and found guilty without cause. What a joke!!!

I thought this site was a place for private individuals to sell or buy items from other individuals. Guess what - it is not!!!

All ads from Tupperware, Avon, Pampered Chef, Partylite, to name just a few are being deleted as they violate some hidden unwritten policy.

But Kijiji permits ads/sponsored links to sites related to these products.

Kijiji is supposed to be free but by banning perfectly legitimate items for sale, I have now paid fees to ebay to sell them on ebay.

Would someone explain this to me?
Message 168 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
I don't have the answer regarding policy on kijiji...but you could always try craigslist. com or .ca [Canada] and be careful and creative with your wording of the ad.
Message 169 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
The listings being deleted from kijiji are normally NOT monitored by kijiji themselves, but rather people who log on and report such listings. You might want to try and ad to your listing "I AM NOT A DEALER, JUST SELLING CANDLES I NO LONGER WANT" or something like that. Give it one last shot before you write kijiji off, as I said, it's a matter of others reporting the ads. Some people have too much time on their hands I think.

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

"I mean, c'mon, use your head, man, have a little uncommon sense!"
Message 170 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
I specifically stated in the ad I was not a dealer!!! I even contacted Kijiji and was told the ad was removed became I am a MLM company. Kijiji has remove many ads from others not just me from anyone selling or even wanting secondhand goods from any home party company. Examples of ads removed - a moving sale ad which listed Tupperware among the items to be sold, a wanted ad for specific clay pans from Pampered Chef, an ad selling a set of Avon miniature furniture, etc.

Meanwhile, on any given day that I go on to the site I see countless violations of the rules which have been ongoing for weeks often. People advertising goods in the job section. People seeking business/work in the buy/sell category. You have people listing the same thing multiple times. You have people outside the area (other parts of Canada, US, and the world) listing. Lets look at all of your work at home ad schemes being permitted. Then there are all the ads directing people to outside websites and not to describe the alleged job or product listed. My favourite yesterday was having to go through pages and pages and pages of hockey cards by one seller! He could have listed one with all the names!!!! Every ad was identical except title. People solicit donations of goods in the buy/sell under the pretense of charity. These ads appear so often and direct you to a personal business. There is no charity website or number or reference by those that have been helped. You allow people to list generalized ads saying I will take ANYTHING for free which is just solicitation. Go to the CDs/DVDs and all the porn for sale. But these ads are not being deleted!!!!

Kijiji, at least in Canada, has falsely advertised the nature of its site and violates there own posted rules by deleting properly placed ads and allowing illegal ones to be posted. If you complain all of your ads will be deleted!!!!

I will at every opportunity tell everyone what a scam Kijiji is.

This is not a matter of a one time deletion, this is just poor management if not outright incompetence by Kijiji. This is a poorly managed site by people who have no common sense let alone professionalism.
Message 171 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
In that case, to he// with them. I'd write 'em off then.

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

"I mean, c'mon, use your head, man, have a little uncommon sense!"
Message 172 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
It has been brought to my attention by someone else that prescription drugs are available for sale on Kijiji. The site has been reported numerous times but not deleted. I think maybe the police need to be contacted as this is a criminal offense!!!

Get your porn and drugs on Kijiji Canada. What next, guns?
Message 173 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
Awesome. DH has been looking for an old buddy of his that he lost touch with over 15 years ago, so I posted a "Looking for" ad on Kijiji on 3 of the most likely area sites this guy would be living in or near.

Less than a month later, we got a reply, and DH is ecstatic to catch up with his old friend, and I keep bugging him he owes me a night out on the town for helping him LOL

Anyway, just wanted to share one of my recent success stories with Kijiji :)

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

"I mean, c'mon, use your head, man, have a little uncommon sense!"
Message 174 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Message 175 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
You might want to check out Craig's List Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
For twas not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. Twas not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
Message 176 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
I had my "looking for" listing on craigslist, too. Nada on there.

I know you are, but what am I?

"I mean, c'mon, use your head, man, have a little uncommon sense!"
Message 177 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

A lot of nonsense is being talked here. Kijiji is in English in all cities in Canada--except those in Quebec. It is a valuable and free classifieds service that beats paying big bucks to pay for newspaper ads.

A happy user.
Message 178 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
For me I can say that I am very happy with Kijiji, I have lately rented an expensive apartment after writing an add where I could advertise all the benefits that I was offering as well as four pictures. I had many interested people getting in touch with me by e-mail. The things that I really liked is that it didn't cost me anything and that I could choose the appropriate tenant who had all the necessary qualifications. Thank you Kijiji, I will advertise again with objects that I want to sell. I don't agree with those people who criticize the site, it's free and because of that, you have to accept the good as well as the bad. Sorry but that's my opinion!

Message 179 of 295
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eBay Announces Kijiji: Please let us know your feedback here

Community Member
Just sold a painting on K this past weekend. Not mine, just one that's been in the family for years :)

I know you are, but what am I?

"I mean, c'mon, use your head, man, have a little uncommon sense!"
Message 180 of 295
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