Reporting Identity Theft:
If you suspect that your personal information has been hijacked and misappropriated to commit fraud or theft, take action immediately and keep a record of your conversations and correspondence. The following basic actions are appropriate in almost every case.
* Start a log of dates, person(s) that you spoke with and exactly what they said.
* Contact the fraud departments of each of the two major credit bureaus.
* Equifax: (800) 465-7166 and
* Trans Union: (877) 525-3823 except
* Quebec residents (877) 713-3393
* Request that a 'Fraud Alert' be placed in your files. At the same time order copies of your credit reports.
* Contact the fraud department of creditors for any accounts that have been opened or tampered with fraudulently. This may include credit card companies, phone companies, banks and other lenders.
* File a report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place.
* Contact Phonebusters National Call Centre at 1-888-495-8501. Phonebusters is currently central sourcing all pertinent information on Identity Theft to identify trends and patterns, information is also used to assist law enforcement agencies in possible investigations.
Stop It.
If you have been a victim of identity theft, Phonebusters' Identity Theft Statement helps you notify financial institutions, credit card issuers and other companies that the identity theft occurred, tell them that you did not create the debt or charges, and give them information they need to begin an investigation.
Make as many copies of the statement as you will need to notify all affected companies. Here is a link to the Identity Theft Statement (You will need Acrobat Reader to view it.)