eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Hi Canadian sellers,


This is the thread reserved for discussion around the 2017 Spring Seller Update announced today.


Read the Update,






Message 1 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@esclyons wrote:



I would love to recieve additional free listings instead of a store credit..so instead of my 35$ to buy supplies, perhaps you could offer an additional 350 -30 day listings..

Thanks for the feedback.


Are there other types of shipping supply bundles that you'd like to see? Totally heard you on preferring free listings too - I was just curious.

Message 41 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@dutchman48 wrote:

That is never going to happen as it would be directly out of Ebay's income.

So are the shipping supplies. 😉 


Message 42 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@vintagenorth wrote:

Great idea though, for those of us who can't use the shipping supplies. I havent used any of my coupons so far and probably won't.

Thanks Vintagenorth.

Message 43 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@mjwl2006 wrote:
Can someone explain why sellers in the U.K. Get site visibility in Canada for free but we have to pay 50 cents per? Please tell me I'm misinterpreting this:

"Don’t forget, if you’re a Featured or Anchor Shop subscriber residing in the UK, you also get inclusive Good ‘Til Cancelled and 30-day listings in 13 additional countries, including the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.
In fact, you get the same allowance as sellers with Shops based in those countries, at no extra cost. For example, UK subscribers can create fixed price, Good ’Til Cancelled and 30-day listings on our international sites in 13 other countries..." from http://sellercentre.ebay.co.uk/business/news/spring2017/fees-update?targetgroup=B2C

Thanks mjwl2006, This is a really interesting idea. Thanks for pointing this out. I have already begun to explore what it would take to do something like this for Canadian stores subscribers too. 


Doesn't appear to be much uptake on the ebay.ca site by UK sellers from the UK offer, but I bet export-minded Canadians would love to have some free listings on the UK and AU sites.and would be more likely to take advantage of it.





Message 44 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@pocomocomputing wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:
Can someone explain why sellers in the U.K. Get site visibility in Canada for free but we have to pay 50 cents per? Please tell me I'm misinterpreting this:

"Don’t forget, if you’re a Featured or Anchor Shop subscriber residing in the UK, you also get inclusive Good ‘Til Cancelled and 30-day listings in 13 additional countries, including the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.
In fact, you get the same allowance as sellers with Shops based in those countries, at no extra cost. For example, UK subscribers can create fixed price, Good ’Til Cancelled and 30-day listings on our international sites in 13 other countries..." from http://sellercentre.ebay.co.uk/business/news/spring2017/fees-update?targetgroup=B2C

I don't think this is the 50 cent International Visibility option. I this the U.K. seller gets the same amount of insertion fee  free listings on other sites. Like we get the same amount of free listings on eBay.ca and eBay.com by listing directly on each site. But it sounds like they can get the free listings on many sites, 13 sites, depending on their store level.


Interesting perk if true for a U.K. Seller to list on English sites like eBay.ca Canada, eBay.com USA, eBay Australia. Much harder for listing directly on eBay.de Germany and other sites where language is not English. But the link says they will translate the listing. Seems like a huge perk. I wonder if it is because they are GSP site. And with UK leaving the European Community sounds like a big perk.


But I doubt Russ can comment too much on the UK Seller Update since not relevant to the eBay.ca and eBay.com Seller Update which is what this forum is about.

I can say that I think it is a great idea and I'll see what I can do.


This isn't about the international site visibility feature, but about creating entitlements for sellers to list zero-insertion fee listings on site outside the UK, in the same way that Canadians stores sellers have the perk of having free listings entitlements on both ebay.ca and ebay.com.

Message 45 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable


@pocomocomputing wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Hi Pocomocomputing.


We'll be back on the boards with a weekly recurring thread starting the week of March 20th. 🙂


Thank you for the announcement of the date of the return of the weekly session.

Smiley Happy

Message 46 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@pocomocomputing wrote:

What is happening with the Seller Hub?


What is happening with Turbo Lister?


No information in this Seller Update on these two items.


Supposedly based on earlier Seller Updates the Hub is being implemented by June on eBay.com. It has been in use there for months. What about eBay.ca and eBay.cafr?


Supposedly the Hub is to have some Turbo Lister features incorporated into the Hub. But what has never been defined. TL users work offline to prepare listing for upload and to manage their listing and can save old listings indefinitely. I have all my listings from 2009 in case I come across the same item again so I do not need to research the item again. I would like to not lose that work.


Is the Hub coming to eBay.ca soon? Will it have the missing TL features to upload offline and save old listing too on your computer before TL is dropped. What is going on with the Hub and TL?

I don't have any new info re Turbo Lister, sorry. As for seller hub on ebay.ca, we'd love to launch it in 2017 if we can. Timing has not yet been set for this. 


Message 47 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

@Anonymous wrote:

@pocomocomputing wrote:

What is happening with the Seller Hub?


What is happening with Turbo Lister?


No information in this Seller Update on these two items.


Supposedly based on earlier Seller Updates the Hub is being implemented by June on eBay.com. It has been in use there for months. What about eBay.ca and eBay.cafr?


Supposedly the Hub is to have some Turbo Lister features incorporated into the Hub. But what has never been defined. TL users work offline to prepare listing for upload and to manage their listing and can save old listings indefinitely. I have all my listings from 2009 in case I come across the same item again so I do not need to research the item again. I would like to not lose that work.


Is the Hub coming to eBay.ca soon? Will it have the missing TL features to upload offline and save old listing too on your computer before TL is dropped. What is going on with the Hub and TL?

I don't have any new info re Turbo Lister, sorry. As for seller hub on ebay.ca, we'd love to launch it in 2017 if we can. Timing has not yet been set for this. 


If the Seller Hub in not implemented in 2017, then what is the status of Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro? On ebay.com, SM and SMPro are to be discontinued in June 2017 as well as Turbo Lister. If the Seller Hub is not even being implemented in 2017 on ebay.ca will SM and SMP and TL still be available on eBay.ca until the Seller Hub is available? 

Message 48 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

@troutotronic wrote:

Hi Canadian sellers,


This is the thread reserved for discussion around the 2017 Spring Seller Update announced today.


Read the Update,

Why was this topic on the 2017 Spring Seller Update opened in the News and Information forum when there is a specific forum for seller updates called Seller Updates? This topic should be moved there.

Message 49 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@mjwl2006 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:

Hi Russ,


I don't list on ebay.com and I'm not US Top Rated. Why do I have to wait until summer to realize whatever benefits are available from Promoted Listings when my fees will increase much sooner with the loss of half of my eBay Global top-rated seller discount?  I cannot be the only eBay Canada seller in this boat. Where's our bone in this? 


And when might we finally see Promotions Manager over here?


I often feel as if my loyalty to eBay Canada goes unreturned. 




Hi Maureen


I appreciate your loyalty!


I wish we could have timed things to turn an ebay.ca promoted listings feature on at the same time as the price change goes into effect, but we can't. The feature is not yet ready to launch on ebay.ca. But Promoted Listings will be here soon!  


Promotions Manager for Canada is not in plan for 2017. Bringing it to Canada requires re-architecting the solution so that the offers it creates can span multiple sites. For our sellers, offers must span ca and cafr at minimum, and realistically com as well in order to have utility for the majority of our sellers. 


eBay's product resources are finite and with so many different priorities, it can be very challenging to get a project funded. Unfortunately, we were not able to get it above the line this year. I know this is a top ask from our sellers, so we won't give up and will continue to press for this.

Thank you, Russ.


While I am disappointed to learn Promotions Manager is not waiting in the wings for a roll-out to coincide with Promoted Listings, I thank you for the update.


Now, was I dreaming when I read the part about updates to handling time settings with this Spring Update on ebay.com? I don't see any of those changes reflected here on embay.ca. Or perhaps I just overlooked them. If so, can you point me in the right direction? They are of particular interest to me since I offer same-day dispatch and ship seven days a week. 


Thanks again,


Hi Maureen 


Those features were announced on ebay.com but not on ebay.ca because they are rolling to ebay.com only at this time. We don't have a firm date for Canada yet. 

Message 50 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@pocomocomputing wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@pocomocomputing wrote:

What is happening with the Seller Hub?


What is happening with Turbo Lister?


No information in this Seller Update on these two items.


Supposedly based on earlier Seller Updates the Hub is being implemented by June on eBay.com. It has been in use there for months. What about eBay.ca and eBay.cafr?


Supposedly the Hub is to have some Turbo Lister features incorporated into the Hub. But what has never been defined. TL users work offline to prepare listing for upload and to manage their listing and can save old listings indefinitely. I have all my listings from 2009 in case I come across the same item again so I do not need to research the item again. I would like to not lose that work.


Is the Hub coming to eBay.ca soon? Will it have the missing TL features to upload offline and save old listing too on your computer before TL is dropped. What is going on with the Hub and TL?

I don't have any new info re Turbo Lister, sorry. As for seller hub on ebay.ca, we'd love to launch it in 2017 if we can. Timing has not yet been set for this. 


If the Seller Hub in not implemented in 2017, then what is the status of Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro? On ebay.com, SM and SMPro are to be discontinued in June 2017 as well as Turbo Lister. If the Seller Hub is not even being implemented in 2017 on ebay.ca will SM and SMP and TL still be available on eBay.ca until the Seller Hub is available? 


Hi pocomo. I'm hoping we don't need to go down that road, but I can't imagine retiring SM and SMPro without having Seller Hub in place. Turbo Lister may be a different story. I believe that product will be retired for all. 

Message 51 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Not applicable

@pocomocomputing wrote:

@troutotronic wrote:

Hi Canadian sellers,


This is the thread reserved for discussion around the 2017 Spring Seller Update announced today.


Read the Update,

Why was this topic on the 2017 Spring Seller Update opened in the News and Information forum when there is a specific forum for seller updates called Seller Updates? This topic should be moved there.

That's my fault pocomo. I opened the thread in the wrong place. 

Message 52 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

If it isn't obvious to all of you already, the reason they're cutting the FVF discount in half is to make up for the fees they're losing from the drastic reduction in sales that listing in only CAD dollars has done to canadian sellers using ebay.ca. I'm down more than 85% from when all my listings were in USD compared to when they all got moved to CAD, and even numbers of listing views and watchers is down significantly. Americans make up the largest online shopper group, and they don't want to shop in any currency except USD. Thus....fewer sales when items are in other currencies (be it CAD, AUD, Pounds Sterling, Euro, YEN, whatever) = fewer overall fees to ebay from those top-sellers = cutting the top-seller discount on what fees are being collected still.
Message 53 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

I doubt that is a factor at all.  They are not going to lower US and Canadian sellers discounts because of something that happens on .ca...we are just a tiny clog in the whole eBay picture.  

Message 54 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

Correct. They were very clear it was to subsidize the loss of revenue resulting from ousting third-party advertising from the site. 

Message 55 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

rodney@ebay.com wrote:


We'll be back on the boards with a weekly recurring thread starting the week of March 20th. 🙂



Hellooo,  anybody home for the promised chat????

Message 56 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

I just lost top-rated seller status supposedly over late deliveries according to tracking, and amongst the ones cited was a sale on Mar 26th, which was delivered to the buyer...in ANOTHER country only 8 days later. on April 3rd.
Message 57 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

If tracking shows that the item received a post office scan within your handling time or was delivered by the eBay estimated arrival date it shouldn't be considered late and you can appeal.. You must have a few other late ones as well though to lose trs, check your dashboard to see if there are other ones that you can appeal.


It looks like you have a 1 day handling time so if that order has a PO scan on the 27th, you should be able to get the late shipment removed.

Message 58 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

I guess this is Ebay's way of celebrating Canada's 150th birthday on July 1 - by tacking on taxes to fees. It's bad enough we have to pay fees on shipping cost, but now we're being taxed on that as well.

Message 59 of 61
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eBay Spring 2017 seller update

@scrappin_rabbit wrote:

I guess this is Ebay's way of celebrating Canada's 150th birthday on July 1 - by tacking on taxes to fees. It's bad enough we have to pay fees on shipping cost, but now we're being taxed on that as well.

This is the thread for the Spring Update. You want the thread for the Summer Update: http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Seller-Updates/2017-Summer-Seller-Update-community-discussion-thread/m-p...

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