On February the 11th, 2005, a perfectly legal item on eBay was cancelled because an eBay Community Watch member felt that the item was illegal.
Why did they think the item was illegal?
I sell foam nunchaku (or nunchucks to some) which are essentially a toy replica of the real thing that is illegal in some States and in all of Canada. These are hollowed plastic tubes with a 1/4" foam covering the soft plastic tube connected by either nylon cord or smooth light chain. I have been selling these on eBay since I joined 5 years ago.
My mistake?
I forgot to put the word "FOAM" in the title even though it appeared in the description.
Because of eBay's error in not reading the description I was suspended 6 days later.
The suspension resulted in :
1.- The suspension of my account (naturally)
2.- My eBay.ca Store being closed and all 600+ store items being cancelled and deleted (thus not available for easy relisting).
3.- All 170+ Auction items being cancelled and deleted (also meaning I cannot relist them easy via eBay).
4.- This one's the most important. All customers within the last, I dunno, 90 days or so, were sent an e-mail from eBay stating I was suspended and not providing the past, current, or future customer an explanation as to why I was suspended and thus leading the customer speculate that I was, in some cases, ripping them off, and thus I received hate mail, threats, and loss of respect and confidence in my selling ability.
Did eBay admit they made a mistake?
E-Mail from Dalhia, specialist in the Prohibited Items Department received February 25th :
"I have reviewed your account and determined that you were suspended due to the violation on February 11,2005. I also took a look at that auction and feel that it was removed in error. I have sent your account to our suspensions team for immediate review for reinstatement. Please allow me to apologize on behalf of eBay for this situation and our error."
and ...
E-Mail from Ralston, Suspensions Team Member received on February 25th :
"I have reviewed your account and see that item #7133209881, NUNCHAKU Nunchucks White Nylon Cord LOOK WOW! was ended incorrectly and I do apologize for this."
Want more details?
Go to : www.dragonimpact.com/suspend/index.html
(note : the above link in no way links to merchandise or services for sale)
At this link you will see all e-mails going to and coming from eBay, sample auctions and images.
I have been selling on eBay for 5 years, before they even had a Martial Art category in the Sporting Goods section, I am a Powerseller (only Bronze level though), SquareTrade member, have always paid my bills on time, promoted eBay off-line with pens, bags and magnets provided to me from eBay at local trade shows and flea markets and have come to the defense of the hosts of the eBay On The Road seminar in Victoria, BC, Canada when the audience started laying in on them over their dislike for eBay's Feedback system.
eBay was a fun hobby for me and a great way to make extra cash but it is not worth the damage they caused with my customers and the loss of time and money I invested.
The delay in response and my treatment to my concerns shows me that I am not a valued member to eBay.