Community Member
Hi Everyone,

For the past several days I've had a difficult time getting around eBay. I finally had to give in and call Trust and Safety because I could not log into my account on .com where I normally log into.

I called T & S 3 days ago and the rep told me that they've been dealing with a virus on eBay that has affected approximately 25% of the eBay population...no small number.

What happens is when you go to log in to your account a page pops up requesting one's social security number and of course there are several misspelled words throughout the entire form that they want you to fill in. Apparently many people have fallen for the hoax and have entered all of the important information and of course...they are in deep do do as there information is stolen.

They had me download Microsoft Security Essentials as they said that it would take care of the problem. It did....for a day and a 1/2. Then the silly page started showing up again and today...it's been a miserable day so I called them again.

The T & S rep today is escalating the concern to higher ups. He said that unlike the spam e-mail that goes out...this virus is apparently gotten from just opening a listing here on eBay that has the virus embedded in it. It's a major problem for them and they are working diligently on it to stop it from spreading. Those are their words...not mine.

Needless to say...I'm just writing to alert you to this problem since eBay has not sent out any warnings of any kind regarding this.

What a bite in the hiney!

Have a good one!
Message 1 of 25
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"I can recommend ESET NOD32. It's well worth it's price"

I also use ESET and never had a problem.
Message 21 of 25
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Community Member

I have no idea how you reformat you hard drive. Thank God I have a son-in-law who does if it should happen to me.

Good luck Susan. I am so sorry this has happened to you.

Hi Judy,

Well, today I decided to call Dell and see what they could do for me since I found my paperwork for my purchase. My computer and the software are still under warranty so at 8 AM I called them. We finished reformatting my computer and did not lose any information (YEAH!!). Mind you we didn't get done until 5 PM. But, hey...it's done!

I think we probably could have been finished a few hours earlier had the person I was talking to not have such a heavy accent. They tech support is outsourced to India. I was hoping for someone on this continent, but beggars can't be choosey!

All is done now!

Message 22 of 25
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Community Member
If I understand correctly, the virus is distributed through image vulnerability - not something specific to eBay, any website with user uploaded images can distribute such virus.

There has been a scare of image vulnerabilities before and they have been patched long ago. Keep your computer up to date. On XP go to START -> All Programs -> Windows Update and follow the prompts.

If anyone looking for antivirus, I can recommend ESET NOD32. It's well worth it's price. Once before I had Symantec, then tried McAfee and these programs take over your computer and slow it down to oblivion, not this one.

Thank you for the heads up.

Hi dipmicro,

Both T & S reps said that the virus is embedded within the listings but were not specific as to if it were a link or within the photos.

I'm not sure!

I just don't think I'm going to be surfing around eBay!

Have a good evening!
Message 23 of 25
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Hi Susan,

Is everything now working as it should then? Hopefully it is after all you have gone through this week.

Message 24 of 25
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Community Member
Hi Susan,

Is everything now working as it should then? Hopefully it is after all you have gone through this week.


Hi Judy,

All is working fine! I've got BT reinstalled and restored with my latest backup so no data lost at all for eBay.

I still have a few other programs to install, but they are no biggie and I'll deal with them as I need them!

But, yes, thanks! All is back to normal! I'm sure there may be some quirks here and there...

I missed out on a lot of fun here on our farm today. While I was sitting in my office working on getting my computer back up and running, my husband was outside with a company that was here to knock down a HUGE antiquated barn, Morley's great grandfather's home and about 10 wooden grain bins along with removing a lot of other debris. Outside was where the fun was today! Not inside that is for sure!

Have a good one!
Message 25 of 25
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