I do hold eBay employees responsible. And careless perfomance of their duties may not be malicious but, IMHO, when they are well aware that their actions affect the incomes of eBay sellers it is the next closest thing.
As far as leverage goes, this forum goes a long way to exposing some of the dumb things eBay does on a daily basis. Occasionally it even reveals some of the good things they have done. Unfortunately, of late, there have been fewer and fewer of those occasions.
The OP's measures seem, on the surface, to be a pretty fair way to deal with eBay when they refuse to listen. At some point the escalation stops when eBay finally decides that it is to their financial benefit to pull back.
These measures would likely have a little more impact than emailing or calling and demanding to know who could be reporting. Your chances of success equate to a snowball's chance in warm places.
You said "eBay employees are the ones that are pulling the listings on the unsolicited advice or request of another eBay member...". Even if this is the case, it is eBay employees pulling the plug and they need to take responsibility for their (pick one):
a) laziness
b) sleep walking
c) uncaring manner
d) (insert your here)
e) all of the above
You also said "If it is NOT a malicious act, rather a misdirected one, eBay should inform the person making the removal requests aware that the OPs listings are within policy." Of course, I fully agree - BUT THEY HAVE TO READ THE LISTING FIRST!!!!!
No one ever suggested that the OP be given any sort of hall pass. I'm not sure how you got that idea. I certainly never suggested it and, in reading over the posts, I cannot find where anyone else came remotely close to suggesting that. In this instance he is entirely in the right and eBay cops are entirely in the wrong - nothing more, nothing less.
Finally, if, as you say, eBay only reacts to complaints about listings, it leads me to wonder about your last statement. You said: "However when reacting to complaints, additional effort should be expended to ensure that the complaint has validity." If this is the case why are eBay cops not exercising additional care in all instances??
Bottom line - eBay reps totally missed the call in all three instances. Let the hang their heads in shame and no soup for them.