eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
July last year I sold 356 baby slings
This year I sold 7 !!!!! SEVEN!!!!!

And yes! I blame eBay for this!

With all your STUPID changes and "improvements" YOU RUINED MY BUSINESS !!!!!!

My eBay store is not for fun... me and my family depend on it...

I can't afford to continue trying to make it work...

This is the sad end of 4baby&U 😞


Message 1 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|


Shall we call a truce here

Haven't seen a cat fight like this is, since I was in elementary school over 45 years ago!!!

Message 21 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
Yes- I will call a truce, now that Kasha has come out her blue funk, and started being positive again!

cottonwoodindustries - thank you waiting to enter the fray after all- or at least- most of the facts were on the table. And to the others who stayed out of the battle.
I will leave it to other people will draw their own conclusions. Thank you for your observations- and NEUTRAL stand.

And to all a good night!
Message 22 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

its always easy being an expert when selling items that are a buck or two

hope eBay survives with business from these sellers

My business requires a more efficient service
Message 23 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
Lina dear... I know this forum is public and anybody can write here.... but could you please do me a favor and stop taking to me?

I don't really care what you think so could you please keep your opinions about me and my business for your self.

I hope you have enough dignity not to reply :-x

Thank you.


Message 24 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Sorry Kasha, I agree with Lina's postings.

You are the one doing all the taunting here, egging her on!

Can you please get over it, and move on!!!!:-)

It's time you take the high road!!:-x
Message 25 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
gifts_of_elegance- We don't sell $1000+ items. (though we did sell one $1700+ item in the past) HOWEVER- We are Power Sellers- like yourself, and those others posting here.
We pay are fees, and are subject (OR SUBJECTED TO) the same rules as everyone else here.

My worst experiences, as a buyer, have always been with POWER SELLERS.
Some POWER SELLER have the attitude that they are the only ones allowed to play in this sandbox- even if you're a POWER SELLER.
Get over it. eBay permits, or doesn't permit, what goes on here.

I just personally am sick and tired at those whiners who think that they are the only ones affected by eBay policies.

And, when faced with the facts, chose not to take a good hard look in the mirror, and realize that they may be part of the problem.

Whether being an expert, or not, while selling low value items, is not the issue. It's the bigger picture. You can make a million dollars one dollar at time. It may take a LONG time- but you can do it!
Some people just think that their business model, is the only way things work. And, when it fails, they blame everything external, without addressing the model itself.

Maybe buyers don't want to be overcharged for shipping poorly packed, inferior products, backed up with poor customer service.
Maybe I'm wrong- and some people appreciate this.
I'd most likely consider shopping elsewhere.

We do not claim to be better, or worse. What works, works for us. It may not work for other- but it does work for us, and our overall sales have IMPROVED! We are happy to share our ides with anyone on how not to WASTE your time giving into eBay's nonsensical ideas on how to IMPROVE your business.

And, as for_baby_and_you originally wrote:

I tried fixed price in featured area... nope
I tried fixed price with best offer option.... nope
I put a lot of items on SALE.... nope
I redone all my inventory and offered free shipping... still nothing

Well- having DONE all those wonderful things that eBay suggested- blaming eBay may be the correct thing to do.

HOWEVER- when ANYONE comes here crying, looking for sympathy, and looking for advice ON WHAT TO DO THAT MAY BE SUCCESSFUL- and we/I take my time to provide a good hard look at analyzing the situation.
I may be totally, and 100% wrong, but.......

PLEASE- don't shoot the messenger!
Message 26 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
I just personally am sick and tired at those whiners who think that they are the only ones affected by eBay policies

Maybe you should try to look at the problem from my prospective then?

My eBay store is my workplace! I don't have any other income... I have 3 children who depends on me, I have a seamstress who I have to pay hoping that my business will pick up and for last 3 months I didn't make a penny.

So I'm sorry for crying here 😞

Maybe I was looking for a little bit of sympathy from people who are affected by latest eBay policies changes. Instead some low volume hobby seller is looking into my feedback and telling me that this is all my fault.

EVERYTHING was fine until the BEST MUCH BS


Message 27 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
just my 2 cents , everybody seems quick on the trigger to nail those who be complaining .. truth is 4baby&U sales went down A LOT regardless of what anyone has to say in this thread . Maybe the best match is not the only problem here , clearly it is the main one . Truth is eBay is changing a lot , some will suffer from it some wont, the buyer has been given more and more ways to hurt a seller with no retaliation possible form the sellers , anyone who thinks they not vulnerable is living in a dream .
Message 28 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
BEST MATCH stinks for most sellers. That's pretty much the consensus here. We don't make the rules- eBay does. We are all at their mercy!
We personally prefer STANDARD- or reduced exposure- but we are certainly in the minority. Exposure of niche market items, sold mainly to collector's in a niche mmarket, do not benefit from the RAISED exposure of BEST MATCH.
But that's our experience. WE HAVE ACTUALLY ASKED FOR REDUCED EXPOSURE! (I am lazy- I hate answering questions as to how many cups of coffee, or how much money is loaded, on what is clearly sold, listed, and described, as a COLLECTIBLE item.)
However, in the end, best match is only one piece of the larger picture.
It will likely only be expanded, until it's just about all that's left as a search option.

Sadly, as eBay evolves, for better, or worse, some will be left in behind.

That is not comforting for those left behind- and I understand, and appreciate that on a micro scale, one person's livelihood can be greatly impacted by these changes.

Looking to produce other quality items, for which there may well be a market, or an existing market you can share, may be the only way to gain some stability in the marketplace. The market is fickle. And, what may be popular one day, falls out of favour the next. It is possible that someone has simply has taken your business, as opposed to eBay handing it to them. You appear to have the wherewithal to produce your own products.
Even if not produced by your own hands- knowing how to delivery those products, in a timely manner, and at a reasonable price is doable!
Now- trying to find exactly what item meets the requirements of those criteria may take time- AND THAT IS THE QUESTION YOU SHOULD BE SEEKING ANSWERS FOR!

Maybe BABY SLINGS aren't in demand anymore.

FABRIC+ SKILL + the ability to get "IT" to the buyer = SUCCESS

Now, find the "IT" product!

Does anyone know of a useful item, made of fabric (easily stitched), easily packaged, and shipped, because they're not fragile?

Products for those who are differently abled may fall in this category.
Niche market home accessories- like something that holds your remote control, fall into this category. We almost all have remotes- and we all tend to misplace them at one point or another. Checked eBay, less than 100 found- and some were made of fabric.

Different cultures, and ethnicities, have differing needs for specific garments, or accessories- and these are not something you walk into a ZELLER'S for! Ever need a "kirpan holder" I just searched eBay- and NOT ONE WAS FOUND! Small niche, possibly, but with the number of those so commanded to wear a KIRPAN, there must be some need, which is obviously filled outside of eBay?
What about holders for prayer shawls? Or, other religious artifacts?

Many are made of cloth. And, though have a part to play in religion, are not in and of themselves subjected to rigorous religious dictates.

In Judaism, with little restriction, a prayer shawl may be pretty much carried in any cloth bag (just not linen, and cotton blend fabric)- with a zipper, with velcro, with buttons- or whatever. Artistic merit may be a consideration, but quality, and simplicity may be well accepted. Checking eBay, less than a dozen were found.

What about other BABY related items made from stitched fabric?

And please- or_baby_and_you saying that "Instead some low volume hobby seller is looking into my feedback and telling me that this is all my fault." If our LOW VOLUME HOBBY SELLER SALES EXCEEDS your sales volumes, by TWO, or THREE times- (and then some) why do you keep trying to put us down?
You've tried eBay's suggestions, and nothing worked. So there must be something else wrong here. That's all I have been trying to point out. I am just get fed up being belittled by someone complaining they are not doing well- while failing to see that those that are doing well may be on to something.
Message 29 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
Big and bold- for those that miss the relevant point;

Does anyone know of a useful item, made of fabric (easily stitched), easily packaged, and shipped, because they're not fragile?

Message 30 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
One year I signed up for parent council at my kid's public school. First man ever to do so. I wondered why. Till I went to the meetings. For some reason, I just was reminded of those meetings.
Message 31 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Right on!!!!
Message 32 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Tea- Amen brother. I'm definately "pickin' up what you're puttin' down here".!!!!

Sure the new eBay is not perfect, but I just do not have time to dwell on the shortcomings- I would far rather focus my time on being productive, make money and help others that post here with legitimate and relevant questions that may be of help to others here, and with the hopes that I may learn something myself.

This B.S. in these previous postings shows not only unproductive, unprofessional, and childish time wasting behaviour, but also makes me glad that I have solid,sought after items to sell, and not expired or useless non profitable or even perishable??? items to pretend to make money on. And then,do you select few in this thread honestly think that we give a flying @#$% who's DSR's are better or who's sales are better? Email directly to each other with this garbage, you gutless wonders, and stop wasting our time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is painfully obvious that those who are currently struggling, either do not have the means or the resources to adapt, or would rather spend their time crying like little immature sucks about their own little shortcomings. I've had it up to here,signing in to the Powersellers Forum with the hopes of learning something from the many great sellers that actually have great experience and info to share, to find the same useless sh&% from the same posters that continue to litter this forum with the same useless junk and endless whining.
If anyone wants to waste their time unleashing useless "oh yeah,well my DSR's are 4.8234567389465773829 blah blah blah,"then exchange email addresses and confront each other face to face and stop hiding
behind your computer screens and wasting our time.

Message 33 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
I'll try this again-
Big and bold
- for those that miss the relevant point;

IF YOU WANT TO HELP for_baby_and_you survive- then stop complaining about the postings and eBay's faults- while bragging about your business at the same time.

Doesn't anyone know of a useful item, made of fabric (easily stitched), easily packaged, and shipped, because they're not fragile?

Message 34 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
axe_n_gear_music- you are a real piece of work.

If you're not going to help- then you should be looking at taking some of your own advice.

I have taken my time looking at the situation.
I will defend our business model- and I won't take BS from sellers like youself, or anyone else- Read what you want, post what you want.
At the end of the day, some will survive, some won't.

I have taken the position from the start- eBay is only part of the problem.
Sometimes the BIGGER picture- is overlooked.
Message 35 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Woopsie, my last message which would have been message number 34, got removed. Not sure how that might have happened............... 😉
But, cool, thanks for your compliments, and noticing my work ethic, although I think for now I will stick to my own business model (seems to be doing pretty well as is) -
Have a great night, and sleep well.
Message 36 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|


Yes, I know you pay fees too and I am not disputing the fact that you are allowed to play here too. I also know that you have to work very hard to be a Power Seller selling small ticket items. I did for 5 years under another user name and my average sale was $8.50. Very minimal investment in inventory, no shipping worries and hardly a complaint. 550% profit. I did it for fun!

for_baby_and_you is in a different ball park. She is NOT doing it for fun and I sympathize with her.

BEST MATCH can make or break your business. Few months ago I had a hard time keeping up my Gold level, now I have been promoted to Platinum Power Seller. I am doing the same as always: giving it my very best

THE BIG PICTURE: BEST MATCH can make you or break you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Message 37 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

lina-mallows: I charge less than actual shipping and provide new packaging for free. I don't sell inferior or shoddy products and I ship within 24 hours.

I got a negative this month from a lady in France who filed a claim for non-receipt on the 12th day even though I have sent her a copy of the postal receipt. I shipped Canada Post Small Packet Air and didn't have a tracking number so the payment was reversed. However, I was able to file for my FVF and she got a strike. This was the second time this lady ripped me off!

I also got a neutral from a gentleman in U.K. His package was 277 grams, I sent by Canada Post Small Packet Air, charged him $9 for shipping and it cost me $15 to mail plus packaging. He claims I underpaid postage by $25.

I am not telling you this so you will feel sorry for me but I just wanted to save you the trouble of speculating why.
Message 38 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
gifts_of_elegance- thank you for understanding that becoming a POWER SELLER, while selling small value items is real work.
(I am not having issues with you g_o_e. I just will not accept statements made by some, regarding very empirical matters, where the numbers speak for themselves. Some arguments are subjective, many are not. Comparative stats are almost always easily resolved by an objective look.)

We ship 80+ envelopes, and maybe a dozen boxes (mostly 8"x8"x8" - 21cm x 21cm x 21cm) a month.
We also sell some higher ticket items- and these are mostly all PRIVATE auctions, so they don't tend to be as visible. Nor, is the fact that many of our sales are quantities of a given item. We had one sale of about C$250- though when they leave feedback- eBay only notes the base price of the product. And, not the fact they purchased 15 TIMES the C$15,88 item!

Postage can be a REAL killer. We RAISED our rates to better reflect reality. 96¢ to the US, is more likely $1.15, as a result of careful packing. Asking for US$1.50 S/H- with an UNLIMITED number of items able to be sent, we do not think is excessive. We save the time, and extra fees selling multiple items to ONE buyer- so why not offer COMBINED FLAT RATE SHIPPING?
Makes sense to us.

We do not accept eBay's idea that offering FREE SHIPPING, does anything other than enrich eBay, and disadvantage a seller's bottom line!

We use a similar FLAT rate shipping concept to Europe- US$2.oo for as many cards as you purchase. The base international AIRMAIL rate is C$1.60 (up to 30g), and again, most likely pushed to C$2.30 rate for up to 50g.
So, is US$2.oo outrageous? Our customers aren't complaining.

HOWEVER- at the end of the day- even with the above model- our DSR is 4.73/30 days. So, no matter how fair WE may perceive our shipping- the buyers VOTE based on THEIR FEELINGS- not ours.

gifts_of_elegance- I am curious- how does a seller claim you "underpaid postage by $25." ????
What does a buyer care if you pay extra for their shipment?
Grossly overcharging I can understand, but I am confused here about "underpaid".

As for using NEW shipping materials- as a BUYER!!! I have bags of BUBBLE WRAP, and styrofoam peanuts that I REUSE when shipping items. No complaints so far. Boxes we mostly purchase, so as to minimize the possibility of CUBING WEIGHT by Canada Post, for parcel, and other Expedited services. Further, maybe it's the expectations of your customers that dictate what you can, and cannot redo to reduce/reuse/ and recycle, when it comes to packaging, and packing materials.
I see STARBUCKS patrons as some of the most wasteful, uncaring people when it comes to recycling their beverage containers, and food wrappers. Yet, when it comes to their collecting habits- reusing anything possible- including outdated brochures for stiffeners) appears to be OK- some have even commented positively about it in our feedback.
Message 39 of 47
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eBay ruined my business X-( :_| X-( :_| X-( :_|

Community Member
gifts_of_elegance- just for the sake of comparison,
at present- these are our average sale prices for April US$8.85/May US$11.00/ June US$7.61.
So, we are, and you were pretty much in the same situation as we are, respecting average sale prices- so I can see how you can understand where we are coming from.

Not all business models will work for everyone. What works for us, works.
Message 40 of 47
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