BEST MATCH stinks for most sellers. That's pretty much the consensus here. We don't make the rules- eBay does. We are all at their mercy!
We personally prefer STANDARD- or reduced exposure- but we are certainly in the minority. Exposure of niche market items, sold mainly to collector's in a niche mmarket, do not benefit from the RAISED exposure of BEST MATCH.
But that's our experience. WE HAVE ACTUALLY ASKED FOR REDUCED EXPOSURE! (I am lazy- I hate answering questions as to how many cups of coffee, or how much money is loaded, on what is clearly sold, listed, and described, as a COLLECTIBLE item.)
However, in the end, best match is only one piece of the larger picture.
It will likely only be expanded, until it's just about all that's left as a search option.
Sadly, as eBay evolves, for better, or worse, some will be left in behind.
That is not comforting for those left behind- and I understand, and appreciate that on a micro scale, one person's livelihood can be greatly impacted by these changes.
Looking to produce other quality items, for which there may well be a market, or an existing market you can share, may be the only way to gain some stability in the marketplace. The market is fickle. And, what may be popular one day, falls out of favour the next. It is possible that someone has simply has taken your business, as opposed to eBay handing it to them. You appear to have the wherewithal to produce your own products.
Even if not produced by your own hands- knowing how to delivery those products, in a timely manner, and at a reasonable price is doable!
Now- trying to find exactly what item meets the requirements of those criteria may take time- AND THAT IS THE QUESTION YOU SHOULD BE SEEKING ANSWERS FOR!
Maybe BABY SLINGS aren't in demand anymore.
FABRIC+ SKILL + the ability to get "IT" to the buyer = SUCCESS
Now, find the "IT" product!
Does anyone know of a useful item, made of fabric (easily stitched), easily packaged, and shipped, because they're not fragile?
Products for those who are differently abled may fall in this category.
Niche market home accessories- like something that holds your remote control, fall into this category. We almost all have remotes- and we all tend to misplace them at one point or another. Checked eBay, less than 100 found- and some were made of fabric.
Different cultures, and ethnicities, have differing needs for specific garments, or accessories- and these are not something you walk into a ZELLER'S for! Ever need a "kirpan holder" I just searched eBay- and NOT ONE WAS FOUND! Small niche, possibly, but with the number of those so commanded to wear a KIRPAN, there must be some need, which is obviously filled outside of eBay?
What about holders for prayer shawls? Or, other religious artifacts?
Many are made of cloth. And, though have a part to play in religion, are not in and of themselves subjected to rigorous religious dictates.
In Judaism, with little restriction, a prayer shawl may be pretty much carried in any cloth bag (just not linen, and cotton blend fabric)- with a zipper, with velcro, with buttons- or whatever. Artistic merit may be a consideration, but quality, and simplicity may be well accepted. Checking eBay, less than a dozen were found.
What about other BABY related items made from stitched fabric?
And please- or_baby_and_you saying that "Instead some low volume hobby seller is looking into my feedback and telling me that this is all my fault." If our LOW VOLUME HOBBY SELLER SALES EXCEEDS your sales volumes, by TWO, or THREE times- (and then some) why do you keep trying to put us down?
You've tried eBay's suggestions, and nothing worked. So there must be something else wrong here. That's all I have been trying to point out. I am just get fed up being belittled by someone complaining they are not doing well- while failing to see that those that are doing well may be on to something.