feedback on buyer

Can't leave negative feedback on a buyer that does not send money and screws up your listing?


How stupid and unfair is that?


Buyer gets to waste Seller's time and eliminates any chance of someone else buying the item.  On top of that, other Sellers do not get to be warned that this Buyer can't be relied on to pay for your item.


How ridiculous and unfair is that to Sellers?

Message 1 of 10
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feedback on buyer

Plus, I can't block this deadbeat from doing the same thing a second time?
Message 2 of 10
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feedback on buyer

Yes, you can add the name of the buyer to your "blocked bidder" list


Negative feedback for buyers has been ended by eBay several years ago.



Message 3 of 10
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feedback on buyer

When you laid the Unpaid Item Dispute against that deadbeat and got your fees back, several other things happened.

He got an Unpaid Item Strike. That means that he cannot bid on the listings of many , perhaps most, sellers who have enabled through our Seller Preferences, an automatic Block against bidders with these Strikes.

He cannot leave you feedback.

He is on eBay's radar. "Too many" Strikes and members are booted off . EBay will not disclose what "too many "means.


So put him on your Blocked Bidder List.

Go to Seller Preferences and set up Blocks on unwanted customers.

Be happy that he cannot retaliate by trashing your feedback.

Message 4 of 10
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feedback on buyer

EBay got rid of sellers' ability to leave negative FB a few years ago for the very reason that people ended up constantly "screaming" at each other in FB.  It became quite obscene and embarrassing at times, and from a general point of view it reflected badly on all sellers.  I'm sure it must also have frightened off many new buyers from even using the site for the first time.


EBay needed to fix the mess, and what they did was to take punishment of buyers out of the hands of sellers and put it into a background system (as 'reallynicestamps' has described above). 


You, as seller, don't directly see the consequences of bad buyers' behaviour on this site (neither do the buyers, for that matter, until they are kicked off eBay), but believe me, they are there.  When you have a truly problematic buyer, just follow through the available Unpaid Item Dispute process, block that buyer, and you'll be doing yourself and every other seller a favour.  No one really knows how many strikes it takes for a buyer to get the heave-ho from eBay, but I don't think it's very many.


Also, as noted by the other posters here, make sure you set all your buyer preferences properly to prevent naughty buyers who may have already racked up some demerits, from being able to purchase from you in the first place.  To do that, go to your main Selling page, under "Account\Preferences\Buyer Preferences\Edit", and choose the options you want. 


Keep in mind that this is different from blocking a particular buyer (using his/her ID), which has to be done separately under the "Block Bidders (Buyers)" screen - click on the link near the bottom of your main "Summary" page.


Message 5 of 10
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feedback on buyer

I don't see an option for blocking a buyer that only has 1 unpaid item case within 12 months. I don't know if he has any policy violation reports.
Message 6 of 10
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feedback on buyer

No, that's right, you won't.  EBay gives buyers more than one chance to make a mistake.  If they allowed sellers to block everyone who made their first mistake in buying, we'd have a lot fewer buyers. 


However, you can block the individual buyer who caused you trouble, by using the "Block Bidders" link (on your main Summary page, near the bottom).  Just enter that particular buyer's ID, and he/she won't be able to purchase from you again.


Think of the "buyer requirements" feature as a filter that will pre-screen your buyers for you generally (i.e. not one particular person).  You can see that eBay allows you to screen out anyone who has received 2 unpaid item strikes in 12 months.  I think that's fair, and will weed out those who didn't want (or care) to learn their lesson the first time. Here are the buyer requirements I have set up - you may want to use different options (be cautious with that last one -- you don't want to screen out legitimate multiple purchases):   


Don't have a PayPal account
Have received 2 Unpaid Item strike(s) within 12 Month(s)
Have a primary shipping address in a location I don't ship to
Have 4 Policy Violation report(s) within 6 Month(s)
Have a feedback score of -1 or lower

Are currently winning or have bought 10 of my items in the last 10 days and have a feedback score of 5 or lower

Message 7 of 10
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feedback on buyer

@sassyandtico wrote:
I don't see an option for blocking a buyer that only has 1 unpaid item case within 12 months. I don't know if he has any policy violation reports.

You can block a specific ebayer my adding their name to your blocked buyers list

Message 8 of 10
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feedback on buyer

Thanks, I found it by going to the Index, and Block Bidders, as it was not on my main Summary page.

Message 9 of 10
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feedback on buyer

You can also find the Manage Bidders by clicking on the Site Map at the bottom of most eBay pages.

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