12-15-2016 12:13 PM
12-15-2016 01:35 PM
Buying or selling? I see you do both.
With selling the problem may be that your item has not yet indexed. We are told to allow 24 hours for this, although experienced sellers like yourself in low fraud categories usually find this faster.
Buying I just tested with 271618603763, a fairly random choice.
The first time through it didn't work because I made my usual error of Searching on a specific seller's See Other Listings.
When I switched to the home page there was no problem.
Does that help? Has your problem resolved itself?
12-15-2016 02:15 PM
If you are looking for your own items, they are listed on .com and show shipping to the US only so you won't find them on .ca as a Canadian. If I search for your listings on .com with my location in Canada I see 1 listing. If I change my location to the US I see 70 listings.
12-23-2016 10:02 AM
Hello. Yes,with the last two replies including yours,I believe you have helped me in finding the problem. Have a great Xmas season everyone. Cheers ! John K.