I was so upset by these increases that I was unable to work and was pacing the floor. I therefore decided to get out and sold my remaining inventory of trading cards to a fellow I met on Monday at a trade show. I made more money than I would have on eBay not even counting the fees and my buyer will make exactly six times this amount selling them wholesale in the bricks and mortar world. This illustrates the pricing challenges we face even without rapacious rate increases.
The US exchange rates increased this year at a rate faster than at any other time in history. Canada Post increases over the last 2 years total 50% in some package categories. Now these increases come without any improvements, to sellers, whatsoever. I've been as big an advocate of eBay as anyone but it's evident that such respect isn't recipricated.
The best way to state your mind, I believe, is with action. I've just looked up the top ten alternative auction sites. After eBay there's uBid Online Auction, then Bidz.com, Dealspin, Bargain and Haggle, Haggle Online, City Auction, Auction Addict, and Bid2Bid. Yahoo didn't even seem to make the list. I wonder which of these deal with Canadians? Whichever site prooves most beneficial to the seller's bottom line will, in the end, be the site that wins out.