
am i the only one that see's that the prices that ebay seller's start with are at or above retail prices,it seems lately that most seller's are using ebay as a retail  store not an auction like it used to be it's no wonder that there are so many other real auction sites popping up , i think ebay should take a long look at these practises before they loose creditability asd an auction site and be labled a retail selling site !

Message 1 of 25
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The nerve of those sellers...trying to get a decent price for their items and earn a living.  😉


Sort your search items with price plus shipping lowest first.  That're sure to get the cheapest totals in your search results at the top.  There are still auctions...but fixed price has really been the norm lately.  Perhaps because sellers weren't getting good prices on their auction listings and tend to do better overall with fixed price listings?  That would be my guess.


I switched from mostly auction to fixed price many many moons ago.  Eliminates non paying bidders and sells at a better price than at auction. 

Message 2 of 25
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Not applicable

I checked it out and you are the only one who has noticed this.

Message 3 of 25
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Sorry Queen, but you can add me to the list too.:-x

Message 4 of 25
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Sorry, meant to say bigted!

Message 5 of 25
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That's what buyers want. They don't want to bid on items. They want to pay retail and not take the risk. Buyers quit bidding, prices went down, sellers switched to buy it now.

Sellers just gravitate towards what works best.

Ebay also gravitates towards what is best for them as well.

When there are auctions, the few people that like to bid (like me) get great deals, but the sellers get their **ses handed to them.

Message 6 of 25
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Depends on where you live too.

I am in a large city, but DD lives in a small rural town, where the nearest WalMart is two mountains away, there is no other department store, no electronics store except Canadian Tire, no women's clothing store (okay, one, but I have never actually seen it open) and no shoe store.

There are however three liquor stores and a beer store.

Given a choice of eBay or driving for two hours there and back, paying "full retail" sounds good.

From a different viewpoint, many things are not worth what we pay for them. But there is a definite tendency that the more we pay for an item, the more satisfied we are with it.

The person who only buys on sale at the lowest price, may or may not buy quality, but she will always wonder if she could have paid less if she had looked harder.

Message 7 of 25
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I do not think I am the only one who has noticed sellers trying to gouge the buyers sooner or later ebay is going to be known as a retail site because the sellers are only listing items as buy it now if more people just started checking the prices of items at local stores or online stores there would be a drop in ebay buyers then the gouging sellers would have nowhere to sell!

Message 8 of 25
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Depends on what you are selling - for instance there really are no set prices for collectibles.


I switched over to Buy It Now are Pierre’s suggestion a few years ago and did much better. I sell about the same amount each year from January to May - but  I get the price I am looking for.


Look, the long and the short of it is: people don't have to buy and they don't have to bid.


It's only gouging if you buy an over priced item and if you did - who is really to blame?


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 9 of 25
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Personally i have never made money on 1 single auction i have attempted so due to lack of bidders i do not run auctions.. It goes hand in hand .. If ebay buyers were looking for auctions i would run them but there are not enough bidders to make it worth my time ...


I do this to give canadians great deals and to make money and buy now is my only option to do both ...


i would love to do locally as I beat out any store around me .. the town i grew up in sells blu rays for an average price of $30  with the discount bin charging a min of $15


Buyers will determine what sellers do andd if there are not enough people bidding on auctions it will force sellers to run Buy now listings

Message 10 of 25
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I once found a listing, quite by accident, for a Tupperware cream pitcher, with a starting bid of $150.   The  matching sugar bowl was a separate listing, again for $150.   I did a quick search to see what was going on, and there were numerous other listings for the same items, but in the $5 -10 bracket, for BOTH pieces.   


I sent off a quick note to the seller, asking if they were somehow 'special' pieces, and she wrote back that they were very old ( 60’s) and were her mother's favourite pieces, and so rare she had never ever seen any other ones.  I explained to her the going price was around $10, and that there were many sets listed on ebay.


She really wasn't trying to 'gouge' - she was  emotionally attached to the plastic pieces, and apparently too inexperienced to know enough to research prices. 


i checked later, and she relisted  @ $20.  No idea if she ever got rid of them!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 11 of 25
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eBay is the biggest mall in the world..... and people come to buy.


They know eBay


They search on eBay..


and... they buy on eBay...


Some people buy at high retail and others at the bargain basement... 


Many years ago I looked at the sold items for Blue Mountain Pottery.


There were two distinct groupings of prices....  a high price group  and a lower price group... Same items in both groups  selling for different prices.



For some reason buyers view high prices as items with a high quality...


Take it which ever way you want...  Sellers are happy...  and in turn... Buyers continue to buy... and Buyers are happy.


Just a lot of happy...

Message 12 of 25
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"most seller's are using ebay as a retail  store not an auction like it used to be"


You are 100% correct.


It is no longer what it used to be.  That new direction towards selling and buying at fixed price is what most buyers want.


eBay is a venue giving sellers the ability to display and advertise their products.  The format they use (auction or fixed price) reflect buyer's preferences.


For those who prefer to buy or sell using the auction format, there are still millions of auction listings.

Message 13 of 25
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I completely agree with these comments.  Buyers stopped flocking to auctions because it meant waiting several days, and then often being disappointed in the end.  So-called "snipers" didn't help the situation -- I've been on the frustrating receiving end of such tactics by buyers. 


To respond to the original comment about the lack of auctions, remember that with fixed price, a buyer has the choice of sorting through and comparing prices, then making a decision and getting what they've chosen.  If you become good at searching on eBay, you'll find the bargains you're looking for.


As a seller, I've switched almost exclusively to fixed-price format.  I've never had what I could call a really successful auction - either few (or no) bidders), or a sacrificial sale. 



Message 14 of 25
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Now hold on... I'm a big buyer on ebay and I have noticed the increase in shipping and item price too, HOWEVER... I'm also a seller and have felt the sharp edge of ebay's requirements/rules and their policies and conditions of selling on here, such as "Free Shipping" gotta love that one. Increase your item price enough so that you can offer "Free Shipping" to the customer, Ebay says, this will motivate them to buy from you and then you get great Feedback, which actually means, "we allow you to continue selling on ebay longer"..... If we don't, we get fee'd to death, restricted to death, or even eliminated. Fee on listing is this percent, fee on shipping is that per cent, fee on final sale is this per cent and oh ya, charged this for a dollar listing, then a HUGE jump to 0.25 cents for under 10$ and 0.50$ on over 10$, etc., etc.,


So sorry Ted, but if you have a complaint maybe you should complain about all the fees sellers face and how big a chunk ebay gets with every sale... it does not all go to the seller as buyers on here are led to believe... I was one of them until I started selling...

Janet and Paul
Message 15 of 25
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When eBay was auctions only, people came here to bid and buy... coming once a week to find what they wanted.


Then came Buy-It-Now, stores and fixed price.


Now people come to find what they,  once a month  or even less often.


There are now stores that specialize in one,  or even a few categories....


Now buyers have their favorite stores.... and in turn favorite sellers...


In order to get the attention of the buyer  you have to wave a big red flag  and lots of good inventory...


Customer service  and good product wins... fixed price, and buy it now win..



In many categories  auctions do not make sense... yet people still sell using the auction format... auctions are low prices in many such instances.


The auction  format has to be used wisely  and in select categories... I know of several sellers  who work the auction format very well


Message 16 of 25
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I agree with the OP. The incentive for me to come here was getting a good deal, nowadays, most stuff is more expensive than Walmart etc...I came here for the auctions, whats the point now, you can buy from Walmart etc online now cheaper plus with a safer customer service experience. And now ebay bucks no longer there for canadians.


Ive taken ebays surveys and always answered "would you recommend ebay to a friend?" with a 'yes' but next survey will be the first time I answer 'no'.

Message 17 of 25
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Community Member

I have noticed this too and it seems to be getting extreme. For example ( and just one of many), Canon Powershot S95 camera with 4GB memory card. Buy it now $1946.41. Retail price was around $350 max. Am I missing something here?

Message 18 of 25
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am i the only one that see's that the prices that ebay seller's start with are at or above retail prices,it seems lately that most seller's are using ebay as a retail  store not an auction like it used to be it's no wonder that there are so many other real auction sites popping up , i think ebay should take a long look at these practises before they loose creditability asd an auction site and be labled a retail selling site !


Interesting post. As a buyer, I have seen really high spikes in item price and shipping from some of the sellers I used to buy from regularly. It's very disheartening when you've found a seller that carries the collectibles you buy and then they stop you from buying from them because you can't afford the price they're placing on their items now. But, there are other sellers out there to buy from. There will always be another seller who can offer more in one way or another.


As a seller, and this is just my opinion so please don't jump all over me for it :), I use auctions, but for seven days, my item sits with no bids and then two hours before auction closes, three snipers zoom in and bid. If there had been more time, they would have bid against each other and I would have made more money. So to combat snipers, I use my watchers count and for highly prized items, if no one bids up to 12 hours before the auction ends, I end the auction and relist it for seven more days, taking the hit on listing fees as opposed to taking a huge hit on monies earned. It's not the best solution, but it tells snipers "not today." My great regular buyers, are glad for the auction setting and bid days in advance, often still winning because the listing appealed to only their needs, but they use the auction listings as I feel they are meant to be used.


In equal fairness, I use buy it now listings for high end items I refuse to come down on and the watchers count is always high lol dreamers or competitors, who knows. But when the item sells, the buyer/collector got what they really wanted for their collection and I got back what I paid and made a bit of money too.


Like everything, there's always one person who doesn't give a damn about anyone else and finds loop holes to abuse a system and ruin it for others. That is what snipers do, in my opinion. And if they keep it up, you'll see less and less auctions, well used by us. 🙂  Others may have different situations and not agree, but that is what I've noticed with our sales. We still do well, real well. But we are here to make money, not give sneaky buyers product at little profit. We are not providing a service, but vintage/collectible items for sale. If you want it, bid or buy it, if not, then many other sellers out there might offer you what you want, but as a buyer, I've been seeing this change as sellers grow tired of taking a loss after doing all the work.


We are not trying to compete so much as we are trying to earn some extra cash. If buyers want something for a steal, then maybe they need to visit yardsales. Most online auctions I've checked out want the value and the shipping out of their listings or why bother.

Janet and Paul
Message 19 of 25
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It depends on the item.


For items which are also sold retail such as shampoo etc., auctions are rarely used.




For other stuff such as collectibles, vintage, and antique items  .............. auctions on ebay are the method of choice for many or even most sellers.


There are other sites with fixed priced listings only where the high end items are listed.


At this point in time ebay is a great place to sell lower end collectibles and damaged pieces.

It's also a good place for sellers who aren't educated in the "old" items they're selling to auction them off to the highest bidder.


The best pieces still fetch great prices via auction ............. as always.



Message 20 of 25
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