12-08-2014 03:35 AM
12-08-2014 04:09 PM
Go to the Help and Contact tab up there in the top right hand corner. In the drop down menu, click on Resolution Centre.
You will be asked to contact the seller first.
Politely explain the problem and if you can, attach a picture of the damage and of the packaging.
Some sellers will accept this and refund. Don't count on it.
If the seller's response is not satisfactory (and an offer of a replacement is NOT satisfactory, trust me on this), then go to the next step in the Resolution Centre which is opening an Item Not As Described dispute.
You will be required to return the damaged item to the seller with Delivery Confirmation. This can be expensive if your seller is in Asia, $40 or more, less but still not cheap to North America.
If the seller does not refund on receipt, Paypal will refund you and go after her for their money. There will be other fallout for the non-cooperative seller.
If the seller used the Global Shipping Program, sigh. They act differently including sometimes repacking your seller's shipment- badly.
However, the GSP does not want the damaged goods back and the refund will be cheaper (no return shipping) but slower (you get two payments not one).
12-08-2014 11:39 PM
12-09-2014 01:42 PM
Close the listing.
If you have an auction, before closing it, cancel any bids. It is a good idea to contact the bidders and tell them why. Apologize for their trauma and distress.
If it is Fixed Price, just close it. The link is under Action on your Selling list.