Perhaps not.
But it is a huge benefit to the buyer.
There ws a time when scammers would put up thousands of too good to be true listings, often for only one day, take the money and disappear.
So now, new and occasional and even returning sellers, can only list so many items per month until they meet the criteria they were given when they were notified of the restrictions.
It's business not personal.
Umm well, since you are not using your selling ID, we can't be sure that your previous transactions were problem-free. Although if they were really bad, you wouldn't be here at all. BTW, restrictions are also put on the number and value of listings that sellers with poor DSRs are allowed. Sorry to mention that . but it does happen.
Oh yes, when you do make a sale, PP will Hold your customers' payments against your good service for 21 days.
If you think there are a lot of customers for your items, or if you think that your customers would be interested in a lot of your items, there is nothing to preven you from putting a Price List of the items you have not yet listted. into each of your shipments. Those are proven customers, give them some sugar.
When 30 days of listing and selling have passed, phone Customer Service, point at your good current record and your excellent previous record and ask to have the restrictions loosened or even removed. And if necessary, phone again the next month with the same request.