Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

Community Member

I have been waiting for many packages from China to arrive but they are all late. I am wondering if anyone knows what is going on. Is it because of the virus? Does anyone know?

Message 1 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

When did you order your purchases?

If before January 15, the virus had no effect on shipping.


The Chinese New Year holiday period always slows thing down.

The holiday period was extended in China because of the virus.


Air shipments are having delays because there are fewer flights to/from China because of he virus.



Message 2 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

There is no reason to believe that the virus can survive on packages by the way.

Reports say it dies after 48 hours (maximum) away from the human body.

Message 3 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

Both Spring Festival & Virus have an impact.

As far as Spring Festival, almost everything in China shuts down.

As far as Virus, the Shenzhen markets are closed, and this is where many vendors work from as they have access to stock etc.

So yes, there is some delay. I ordered some stuff (Ali) and it has yet to ship, because of holidays etc.
Message 4 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

I ordered an item from China 24/12. Still waiting. I expected it to take an extra 2 weeks because of Christmas, so I figured about 6 weeks. Tracking says it left Shang Hai on 30/12, but I've no idea where it is now as Canada Post don't release tracking data. I figure 50/50 I'll receive it. No idea what CP or customs is doing.
Message 5 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?


What dates did eBay give you as a window for arrival?

You have only 60 days from purchase to leave feedback.


If the last estimated delivery date has passed, don't wait.

Open an Item Not Received dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page.

Although most Chinese sellers are honest, slow shipping, especially of cheap goods, is an easy way to make money from the gullible .

Advertise at a "too good to be true" price, take payment, ship nothing.

If the customer forgets his low priced purchase, free money.

If the customer complains, promise a replacement, ship nothing. Dispute time runs out.

If customer files Dispute, refund and move on to the next sucker.


It's not every Chinese seller, not even most, but it happens all too often.

Mark the last estimated delivery date on your calendar.


And in future, be willing to pay for tracked Air Mail shipping. It's cheaper than paying for nothing.


Canada Post don't release tracking data.

Of course they do.

But only if the seller used tracking in the first place.

You can contact the seller and ask for his (China Post?) tracking number.

Because of the Universal Postal Union, the package can also be tracked within Canada after it gets here.



Message 6 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?


Thanks for responding. It's appreciated. I wasn't sure what to do.

The last estimated delivery date is Mar 05 (70 days). The seller issued a tracking # that shows an item shipped the day after I paid going to Canada. The tracking trail stops December 30 "Exported from the departure country". It doesn't show up on the Canada tracking site. I don't know why. Maybe it's stuck in customs?

The item was underpriced, but the seller had 98% feedback. But since then he's made all feedback private (he is no longer selling anything) and he's had about 9 negative feedback and 5 positive feedbacks come in since I paid. I can't see what they say. I contacted him and he said it will come and he re-sent me the tracking number.

I think I paid by credit card rather than paypal. I thought I had up to 30 days after the last estimated delivery date to raise an item not recieved dispute. Should I wait until the last estimated delivery date Mar 05 before I open an Item Not Received dispute? It will be too late to leave feedback by then as 70 days will have elapsed. Thanks.
Message 7 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

The item was underpriced, but the seller had 98% feedback.


98% was poor feedback.

That he has stopped selling (or has had his selling account closed, which is more likely) is a natural outcome of his poor selling skills.


Go to your Paypal account. The purchase should be there if you bought through them.

You can open a PP Dispute for 180 days after PAYMENT.

The seller will be required to prove Delivery (not shipping,delivery) or you will be refunded.


Card policies differ.

If you can't see the transaction on your PP account, go to your credit card invoice. Call the 1-800 customer service number and ask about a chargeback.

The clerk will need information about dates, payments, currency, etc., so have that handy to help her.



Note that if you do a chargeback, PP and eBay will not allow a later Dispute of the same transaction.

If you do a PP Dispute, eBay will not allow a later Dispute of the same transaction.

If you start with eBay and it fails, you can still go to PP, and if that fails you can still (usually) go to your credit card.


You only have 60 days to leave feedback.

If you haven't received the item by Day 59, remember that the most effective FB is calm and factual. "Order Dec24 Not rec'd by Feb 6" for example.


And you want a refund NOT a replacement.


I suspect your seller will be Not A Registered User (NARU- or kicked off eBay) very soon. This does not affect your ability to get a refund.

Message 8 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

Many items sent with China Post only have tracking within China, and although Canada Post does have access to some tracking, it's not included in the pay grade of service used by China Post.

Your package is likely sitting at customs or depending on the level of service it could be arriving by sea. Did the tracking mention anything about airport, flight or any similar words? If so, it's airmail and is just being held up by CBSA and CPC. If no mention of airport or flights, your package may have been consolidated into ocean freight, which can take a few weeks to a few months.

Point is, it's on its way, if it doesn't arrive, you can get your money back.

Now, not to inspire worry, but when you paid with your CC, was that directly via eBay or did you sign into PayPal? Because when it comes time to open a dispute, if you paid using eBay as a CC processor, due to technical reasons you won't be able to open a PayPal dispute, so be sure you keep an eye on the calendar.

When it comes time and you can open a dispute, don't panic if the purchase is gone from your history, just visit and it should list the item in question.
Message 9 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

It is quite clearly a scam. The seller now has 16 negative feedbacks in the last month and has made his feedback private. It's now 50 days and will be 60 days on 20/02. I will leave polite but negative feedback about day 55 at the end of this week re: no delivery.


I want to initiate proceedings to get a refund as quickly as possible. I would prefer to begin the refund request process immediately, but I assume I will have to wait till the day after the last estimated delivery date (day 71). I will begin with ebay via the standard process. If that fails, I will turn to my credit card company (I did not pay via paypal).


I will contact my credit card company in the meantime to see what kind of cover I have in case the ebay refund process fails, but I will go via ebay first.


I would like to thank you both for the detailed info. You live an learn 😉

Message 10 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

You can start an Item Not Received Dispute TODAY on Paypal.

You have 180 days from Payment to open the dispute.

The PP Resolution Cente r is at the top of the PP account page under Tools.

You will be encouraged to Contact the Seller.

It's a suggestion, not a command.

As PP to step in and Escalate to a Claim.

If the seller cannot prove Delivery (not shipping, delivery) you will be refunded.


Long delivery periods indicate two possibilities.

The seller may be using cheap Surface shipping, which can easily take three months.

Or the seller has shipped nothing, trusting that the buyer will have forgotten about the long ago purchase by the time the delivery period is over.

Message 11 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

"You can start an Item Not Received Dispute TODAY on Paypal."

No, I can't. I tried, but ebay sent me to a page it is on it's way. This is because the seller gave a maximum delivery period of 70 days.

"You have 180 days from Payment to open the dispute."

No, I don't. I paid via credit card. I have only 80 days from payment to open a dispute.

"You will be encouraged to Contact the Seller."

Done. No reply.

"As PP to step in and Escalate to a Claim."

Again, PP not involved.

"Long delivery periods indicate two possibilities..."

16 negs in the last month.

All he sold in the last month was 14 of the same items, one of which I bought. And he has 16 negs. And he's made his feedback private. He gave me a shipping number that doesn't work in Canada. Maybe some random address got a packet of air.

I have a 9-10 day window after the last estimated delivery date of 70 days to raise and resolve the dispute. If ebay don't solve it within a week, I'll have to go to the credit card who only cover up to 80 days (and will only act 15 days after I have contacted the seller, which I have done).

Is there any way I can raise a dispute with ebay before the last estimated delivery? The seller is obviously a scammer based on his horrific (now private) feedback. Because I paid via CC, and the seller gave a delivery period of up to 70 days, I am presented with a very tight window to settle a dispute in my favor.

Message 12 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?



Perhaps Tyler can assist. I'm sure if you contacted eBay support and explained the situation that your seller has packed up shop and started getting negative, they *may* make a different decision. You see, online using eBay's tools it's all automatic tools, if you contact support via social media or even phone, you can manually get eBay involved.

Message 13 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

The safest way to buy on eBay is through Paypal backed with a credit card.

This gives you protection through eBay (30 days from delivery), Paypal (180 days from payment) and through the card (policies vary- although many cards also offer 180 days for chargebacks).


Because you did not use PP, none of the advice that involved using PP is relevant.

With eBay and PP, contacting the seller is a suggestion, not a command, to the chagrin of many sellers who would prefer to settle problems before they become formal Disputes.


If tyler@ebay  eBay does not suggest otherwise, I would be phoning the 1-800 number for the credit card and get that underway, since the period it is available is shorter than the eBay period.


EBay will not allow a Dispute if there has been a credit card chargeback attempted. This has to do with double -dipping, I understand, so go with tyler's advice first.


When a seller goes spectacularly bad, eBay is usually more lenient about the "30 days from last estimated delivery date"  policy. 



Message 14 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

Thanks for the tag @retroman_studios & @femmefan1946!


Hi @wolfe197 - sorry that you've had such a frustrating experience. This type of situation happens rarely, and is one that can be a little difficult to navigate. Depending on the exact nature of the situation we may ask you to wait the full remaining time - however there are extenuating circumstances that may override that. 


As an example:


A seller's account may be placed on hold while we ask them to verify some aspects of their account. We would ask you to wait the remaining time in this situation. 


A different seller's account may no longer be allowed to sell at all. In those situations we may override the normal waiting process and get things taken care of for you sooner. 


When it comes to this particular situation though, I've referred it to the proper teams and they'll be in touch with you shortly (if not already). Make sure to check your eBay Message Center!

Message 15 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

@femmefan1946 wrote:

There is no reason to believe that the virus can survive on packages by the way.

Reports say it dies after 48 hours (maximum) away from the human body.

Well, they are now saying up to nine days, but good luck getting a package in nine days from China in nine days <lol>.

Message 16 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

@Tyler. Many thanks for resolving this for me. I will check the refund has gone through. Thanks to everyone who offered advice.
Message 17 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

I’m having exactly the same problem: items just not arriving within the delivery window provided by eBay. Mostly items from China but also the Russian Federation. When the delivery day passes I email the seller to let them know. They usually ask me to wait a little longer. I do that out of respect. But if the item is still a no-show 1 to 2 weeks later I start the “Item Not Received” process. I always insist upon a refund because replacement items NEVER arrive (I doubt they’re even sent.) After I have the refund I contact the seller again and assure them that if the item does eventually arrive I will resend payment as this is only fair. One item arrived well over 2 months after it was due…
Message 18 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

Neither China nor Russia has any real Rule of Law, which has led to a very high level of scam buyers and sellers operating from those countries.

While most Chinese and Russians are as honest as any Canadian, there will be a percentage of scofflaws.


item is still a no-show 1 to 2 weeks later I start the “Item Not Received”

I would only allow five business days myself. But I am old and cranky.

The suggestion that we Contact the Seller is only a suggestion, not a requirement.


I always insist upon a refund because replacement items NEVER arrive (I doubt they’re even sent.)

This is a Best Practice.

And there is a lot of vapourware being advertised by Chinese sellers in particular.


One item arrived well over 2 months after it was due…

Because most Chinese sellers are honest.


There is a new twist to this situation.

Apparently eBay China has been advising Chinese sellers not to ship to Canada at all.

This has been confirmed by eBay staff.

They are still advertising that they will ship, but are then cancelling orders, which is frustrating for buyers.

Message 19 of 23
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Are imports from China to Canada delayed?

I have totally quit ordering anything from sellers in China. Always  50/50 that you will receive your

item.  Long, long delays.  Lost in transit (or never shipped) Inferior products.  Poor communication if any from sellers. I no longer tempt myself with the cheap prices.  It just isn't worth the aggravation.

Message 20 of 23
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