China Sellers Manipulating Search Results How to Filter thoses ?

Community Member

I was trying to look to Cheap earbuds, so i input ''earbuds'' in search results and filter by price and i get a ton of results. i did the first 3 pages to ONLY and ONLY find fraudulent listings.

What i mean by this ?
sellers are using ''multiple items'' in the listing, so all listings show and talk about nice earphones at 99 cents or 1.50$, open the listing to find out that the thing on the description and title is NOT the advertised price, its always like the Earphone case or a ''adapter'' or sometimes something not even related to the listing.

its really not fun, as its the same thing over and over even if i go to a 5$ minimum.

how to avoid all thoses scam results ? and does ebay is really doing anything against thoses sellers ?seeing the amount of thoses results i felt like if ebay just dont care about this

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Re: China Sellers Manipulating Search Results How to Filter thoses ?

If you are Searching  Lowest Price plus Shipping, you will get those cheap garbage listings.

Switch your Search to Highest Price and instead of wading through pages of junk, you can much more quickly skip forward to page 6 or 10 to find good products in your price range.


I noticed earbuds at the cash in my local Home Hardware with the impulse items for $5, no waiting, no fraud.

Some products are not meant for mail order.  Usually because they are bulky and heavy for their value, but sometimes because they are so easily available locally.



and does ebay is really doing anything against thoses sellers ?

I agree that this type of "variation" listing sails too close to fraudulence and that eBay should be cracking down on them.

Because the smarter buyers pass them by, and the fools who fall for them also don't know how to Dispute the transaction, eBay basically doesn't "know" how unhappy such listings make customers.

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Re: China Sellers Manipulating Search Results How to Filter thoses ?

When I shop from China I won't use eBay much for this exact reason. You can go ahead and report them all you want, but nothing will happen. I've tried and checked back on multiple different sellers who break this policy a lot.  


Some sell items that cost over $50 then throw in a $1 completely irrelevent item as a variation. Then when you search price low to high, you always see them first. It's completely against eBay policy and it really ruins the entire search low to high worldwide functionality.


Just try sticking to Canada sellers, if you must get a deal from China, your better off on another site. 

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