Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

I used to shop for coins and particularly world paper money on the U.S. ebay site years ago, but it seems that there was some rule change, and suddenly the listings dried up.  Now, it seems that a similar thing is happening on the Canadian and other ebay sites.  Does anyone know what that's about or where sellers might now be posting their items?

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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

@lousifei wrote:

I used to shop for coins and particularly world paper money on the U.S. ebay site years ago, but it seems that there was some rule change, and suddenly the listings dried up.  Now, it seems that a similar thing is happening on the Canadian and other ebay sites.  Does anyone know what that's about or where sellers might now be posting their items?

You should be able to locate under the following category on ca:

For dot com:

Listings will vary based on where a seller will ship to.



Message 2 of 9
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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

Thank you so much for taking the time to offer me help.  I do appreciate it.  Unfortunately, though, the phenomenon that I spoke of still exists.  I have been buying coins and paper money from ebay for more than 15 years, so I do know where such items are to be listed.  It's just that the number of items listed to sell there has greatly dropped off in the past one or two years.  I don't know if it's a sign of the global economy, sellers have gone elsewhere to sell their items because of policy changes with ebay, or if there is some other reason.  

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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

@lousifei wrote:

Thank you so much for taking the time to offer me help.  I do appreciate it.  Unfortunately, though, the phenomenon that I spoke of still exists.  I have been buying coins and paper money from ebay for more than 15 years, so I do know where such items are to be listed.  It's just that the number of items listed to sell there has greatly dropped off in the past one or two years.  I don't know if it's a sign of the global economy, sellers have gone elsewhere to sell their items because of policy changes with ebay, or if there is some other reason.  


I'm leaning towards a combination of sellers taking their listings elsewhere especially with what should be tax free items and how search NOW works. (The process to get a refund is not the easiest in the world. Also means sellers are paying fees when in many cases they shouldn't be. Another reason why they could be going elsewhere.)  I'm finding in certain categories because of how eBay has condensed with removing some sub-categories it's making it more of a challenge to find anything. I used to be able to list in specific lot categories. Now, the majority of those are nowhere to be found. Any search brings up a collection of not so related items. Just adds to a poor customer experience.


As a sidenote when it comes to search, my buyers find my items with eBay search vs google etc. It flipped during the change over to a more click click experience(with google in the lead) but now it is back to the majority of my items being found with eBay. With google type searches it's very difficult to be first on the page.

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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

Part of the problem could be the search engine. eBay search now relies heavily on item specifics so I often find more items once I check off a few item specifics on the left side of the page.

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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

The Item Specifics really  pissoff annoy a certain kind of seller, but they really are important.

There also seems to be a school of thought that the continuing "error" in charging sales tax on bullion, both here and on dotCOM, is sending buyers and sellers ballistic.

Either one could be enough to make a seller decide to spite his face and stop selling on eBay.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

Again, thanks for your perspective on things.  With regards to sellers taking their items elsewhere, I don't know if it is appropriate to use an ebay forum to ask about their potential competitiors, but any insight on where "elsewhere" might be?  I've never tried to sell anything online, but I had considered trying to sell the tea from my father-in-law's tea fields on ebay, but it seems to be a bit of a hassle (tea being subject to FDA regulations and my living abroad complicating matters). 

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

Thank you, also, for your input.  Not being a seller, I can't really say that I can relate to what you have said, but it seems to reinforce my impression that it would be a hassle to try to sell things on ebay.

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Re: Coin and Paper Money listings disappearing

Thank you for your help.  Interestingly, though, what you said about being more specific in your search inquiry seems a bit counter intuitive.  It would seem the broader and more general the parameters, the greater return of listings.  I don't usually find the more specific search options offered very helpful.  For example, I usually look for well-used older banknotes, and although I am given the option to limit my search according to "condition", many listings don't specify, so if I were to select "used", I'd miss a lot of items.  I suppose those options on the left side of the page could be more useful depending on the kind of items you are looking for.    

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