Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@marnotom! wrote:

@pjcdn2005 wrote:


Well said! Due to the constant site changes as well as the GSP, ebay seems to be become more complicated each month for both sellers and buyers.


Perhaps you can explain to me, then, how the GSP complicates purchases, because I'm not getting it.  I search for listings in "list view", see the results with the subtitle "customs services and international tracking provided," and avoid them.  Seems straightforward to me.  What am I doing wrong?

It isn't that your approach is "wrong" however it is an exercise in stepping on eggsells. It seems that the eBay shopping experience has gone from being an enjoyable one to the whole eBay website being a red flag of Caveat Emptor. The GSP isn't the only thing that has degraded the experience, but is a major aspect.


When I'm shopping somewhere I don't like to walk on eggshells because it means a business is deploying underhanded techniques to get me to spend more money than I want to ala carrot on a stick. eBay wants you to see that ultra low price tag the sellers set first and foremost and preys upon those who may not immediately see the smaller print in comparison.


That subheading you mention isn't there to protect buyers, it's there to protect eBay from fraud (e.g. bait and switch) lawsuits. Notice how that subheader doesn't say "There are additional charges for customs services", to a newcomer they could think that the item price includes those services.


But that subheading is just a red herring in the grand scheme of things; it's yet another thing one has to watch out for, yet another thing you have to beware; when you're on a website like eBay and it essentially forces you to spend your valuable time looking for those headers, potentially having to skim page after page of searches while walking on eggshells because there's no way to computationally filter them out.

To be perfectly clear, looking for that heading, using search orders, etc is a workaround, not a solution and none of  the members who are defending or claiming to be "objective" about the GSP's existence are getting that. Workarounds should only be in place until a problem is resolved; when they become long-term it creates a toxic environment, an environment of complication and complexity because these workarounds are compound. It's easy to give a workaround as a solution academically because in context the issue is isolated and standing on its own in forum postings etc but doesn't take into account the fact there are multiple points in which caveat emptor must be employed with eBay. First: I'm having to look over my shoulder for malicious sellers stabbing me in the back, Now: I'm having to watch over both shoulders for eBay doing the same.


To define each:

A workaround is something done temporarily to step around a problem until a solution may be implemented.

A solution is something that is longterm, it is a permanent mechanism whereas the problem is actually dealt with.


eBay isn't about to implement a solution because the programme is too far gone, it's like the archaic tax code that plagues most countries, it's impossible to throw the entire book — full of loopholes — out and start over because it's a part of the culture, part of how things are done and you sir, have become victim to to that mindset.


Like a pawn shop, if I'm spending more time looking over my shoulder as the store owner (eBay) is making the shopping experience complicated, I'm going to be pressured to leave because I feel uncomfortable doing business where things can't be broken down into simple terms and where there is too much irrational red-tape. I feel uncomfortable doing business with organizations where things are needlessly complicated to satisfy some corporate bottom line — I don't even shop at stores that ask for a name and phone number when I'm paying with cash.


This isn't about the GSP alone, it is about complexity, it's just the GSP is the poster child for that complexity.

Message 1661 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@marnotom! wrote:

Perhaps you can explain to me, then, how the GSP complicates purchases, because I'm not getting it. ..........................What am I doing wrong?

marmotom!:   This has been explained to you time and time again.  What you're doing wrong is concentrating on how you're going to prove every poster wrong rather than paying attention to what buyers are telling you.  


I'll try once again and keep it simple.


Some buyers carefully take time to search out just the right items at the right cost in the best condition possible.

These are usually OOAK (one of a kind) pieces but not limited to OOAK items.


When a buyer locates just the right item and then finds that the GSP is in there it makes the transaction more difficult.

When a buyer does this several times a day it becomes very time consuming and adds considerable time, stress, and perhaps cost to purchases.


You are on every GSP post quick as greased lightning but yet you don't truly grasp the issues for many (or even most) buyers.


Message 1662 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I live in Canada and have been with ebayer buying and selling for over 10 years, I have found myself not buying as often from US sellers anymore do to the Global shipping.  It is rediculous that if I purchase an item that cost me 50.00 and get charged 19.00 for shipping and then ontop of it global shipping charges almost 20.00 so now I pay 40.00 ontop for a pre owned piece of clothing that i can get in the store brand new for that price .  I think its sad US sellers miss out on alot more bids from outside US buyers.  If Customes charges import charges that is one thing but to be charged import charges the way ebay is doing it is almost fraud to me the rates are rediculous, and I have to tell you in the 10 years and a bit that i have bought from international sellers I have paid duty on packages maybe a hand full of times.

I think ebay needs to take a long hard look at a couple of things that alot of sellers are unhappy with , i have called ebay many times voicing my concerns over the last view years but I dont see any changes at all, I used to enjoy selling on ebay but it becomes more and more un enjoyable . the same with the DSR rating, I agree with a feedback system but the way this DSR works is rediculours, people can rate you for shipping lets say, i ship right away i cant controll after it leaves how long it takes and all my packages are send expidited post yet some buyers can leave low rating .  This feedback system hurts alot of sellers who are good sellers and have been with ebay for many years.  and most pers that leave low ratings or negative feedback right away are new commers sad sad

ebay needs to take a long hard look at some of these issues and start listening to valued ebay members.

Message 1663 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

You keep saying "I don't get it".  And in this you are finally, correct. Maybe buyers are not buying the same things you are. We won't know, because you are hiding your buying habits in another account.  But the fact is, many of the items we desire are sold buy sellers using GSP.  It is harder and harder to find the items from sellers not using GSP.  And you keep suggesting that these sellers would not be selling internationally if GSP was not an option.  I call BS.  Maybe some would not have.  But before GSP was there, many sold internationally.  Put your money where your mouth is and show us some numbers.  Because I think you are bluffing. You don't know any numbers.

Message 1664 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@i*m-still-here wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

Perhaps you can explain to me, then, how the GSP complicates purchases, because I'm not getting it. ..........................What am I doing wrong?

marmotom!:   This has been explained to you time and time again.  What you're doing wrong is concentrating on how you're going to prove every poster wrong rather than paying attention to what buyers are telling you.  


I'll try once again and keep it simple.


Some buyers carefully take time to search out just the right items at the right cost in the best condition possible.

These are usually OOAK (one of a kind) pieces but not limited to OOAK items.


When a buyer locates just the right item and then finds that the GSP is in there it makes the transaction more difficult.

When a buyer does this several times a day it becomes very time consuming and adds considerable time, stress, and perhaps cost to purchases.


You are on every GSP post quick as greased lightning but yet you don't truly grasp the issues for many (or even most) buyers.


like i said many times, when i search for something , like most people i would think, i am looking for a good price and reasonable shipping cost.

and some things are more difficult to buy if your looking for a certain, size, or color or brand name.. with all this going on, then you see seller after seller using GSP, by the time you get to a seller NOT  using GSP, the product is usually what you don't want..


marmotom says it simple .. if you dont want to use GSP just avoid the auctions.... this statement tells me he has no experience searching for specific items on ebay, i am not talking about buying a bag of marbles.

Message 1665 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@mater721 wrote:

You keep saying "I don't get it".  And in this you are finally, correct. Maybe buyers are not buying the same things you are. We won't know, because you are hiding your buying habits in another account.  But the fact is, many of the items we desire are sold buy sellers using GSP.  It is harder and harder to find the items from sellers not using GSP.  And you keep suggesting that these sellers would not be selling internationally if GSP was not an option.  I call BS.  Maybe some would not have.  But before GSP was there, many sold internationally.  Put your money where your mouth is and show us some numbers.  Because I think you are bluffing. You don't know any numbers.

i agree with you 100 percent..if you read back through his posts he speculates alot.. he has no idea if sellers would or would not sell international if not for GSP..



Message 1666 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@i*m-still-here wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

Perhaps you can explain to me, then, how the GSP complicates purchases, because I'm not getting it. ..........................What am I doing wrong?

marmotom!:   This has been explained to you time and time again.  What you're doing wrong is concentrating on how you're going to prove every poster wrong rather than paying attention to what buyers are telling you.  


I'll try once again and keep it simple.


Some buyers carefully take time to search out just the right items at the right cost in the best condition possible.

These are usually OOAK (one of a kind) pieces but not limited to OOAK items.


When a buyer locates just the right item and then finds that the GSP is in there it makes the transaction more difficult.

When a buyer does this several times a day it becomes very time consuming and adds considerable time, stress, and perhaps cost to purchases.


Yes, yes, I know you say it makes things more difficult, more stressful, more time-consuming, but how?  Why?  You're not paying attention to my question!  I asked how the GSP complicates purchases and you respond by telling me that the GSP makes the transaction more difficult!  How does that answer my question?  It's just a rewording of my question!


To me, finding that one of a kind listing using the GSP would be the same as finding that item and .com with the seller proclaiming in bold letters that they absolutely refuse to ship out of the United States.


I'd then have to decide if that item is really worth it and I'd have to ask a relative in the United States to receive the item for me, or else just move on.  To me, that's not a "difficulty" or "complication," it's just the price I pay for having exclusive tastes.


The way I'm reading it, the "difficulty" and "stress" you're referring to are mini-anxiety attacks for not being able to purchase the item on your own terms, and I don't think that's what you mean.  I'm not trying to prove anybody "wrong" but I'm not getting much in the way of substantive answers, either.

Message 1667 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Are you ---- kidding me? like seriously? you have the audacity to come in here and ask these kind of question when you have probably thousands over thousand of complaints over this program.


Frankly i am still surprised that you have not been legally challenged on this and that the international media has not picked up on this and made it a big fuss to soil your company's reputation.


Count yourselves lucky.



Message 1668 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

A common example:  I posted my last post and did a quick search and found an item I knew I wanted the second I saw it.


It was listed via the GSP.


I emailed the seller asking her to ship the normal way.

She emailed back that she'd be delighted to.


I went back to the item and it was gone.


That's just one very common problem for Canadians and there is NO WAY to repair it.


As long as the GSP exists :  This will be an ongoing and frustrating problem for Canadian buyers.

Message 1669 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I do have a question for Kalvin:


For about a month or so there was a link which allowed buyers to email sellers for the total without the GSP.


That was removed even though it made everything so much more convenient for everyone.


Why was that link removed?

Message 1670 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"I went back to the item and it was gone."


Was the item sold or was the listing ended by the seller in order to arrange a sale to you?  What is the listing number?

Message 1671 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Pierre:   I have to wonder why you're asking that question.


To the best of my knowledge an item on eBay can't be purchased while a revision is being made.

On some sites you can still buy while the seller is revising but I believe that is not true on eBay.

Do I have that wrong?


What am I missing? 


Message 1672 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

A common example:  I posted my last post and did a quick search and found an item I knew I wanted the second I saw it.


It was listed via the GSP.


I emailed the seller asking her to ship the normal way.

She emailed back that she'd be delighted to.


I went back to the item and it was gone.


That's just one very common problem for Canadians and there is NO WAY to repair it.


As long as the GSP exists :  This will be an ongoing and frustrating problem for Canadian buyers.



As with Pierre, I wonder what you mean by "the item was gone".


I also wonder how this situation would be any different if the item were "Ships to: United States" and you asked about shipping directly to Canada.  So far, this doesn't sound like a situation unique to the GSP.

Message 1673 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"To the best of my knowledge an item on eBay can't be purchased while a revision is being made.

On some sites you can still buy while the seller is revising but I believe that is not true on eBay.

Do I have that wrong?


What am I missing?"




It is a simple question: was the item ended or not? Was it sold or not?  You stated it was gone after the seller agreed to sell it to you.


What is the listing number?


The "revising" process on eBay has nothing to do with availability.



Message 1674 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@pierrelebel wrote:

"To the best of my knowledge an item on eBay can't be purchased while a revision is being made.

On some sites you can still buy while the seller is revising but I believe that is not true on eBay.

Do I have that wrong?


What am I missing?"




It is a simple question: was the item ended or not? Was it sold or not?  You stated it was gone after the seller agreed to sell it to you.


What is the listing number?


The "revising" process on eBay has nothing to do with availability.



pretty simple English the item was sold.. dont know why you would ask such a question...

Message 1675 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"the item was sold.."


It was? What makes you say that?

Message 1676 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

 "How does the GSP complicate purchases?"  The answers I'm getting are variations on "The GSP makes transactions more difficult."




I just don't KNOW why you fail to read the posts and not understand why there would be a number of reasons...people with experience buying know very well the problems with buying and dealing with. GSP 


here is just one problem, i know you fail too see.. i do understand what she is saying...because this also happened to me.



A common example:  I posted my last post and did a quick search and found an item I knew I wanted the second I saw it.


It was listed via the GSP.


I emailed the seller asking her to ship the normal way.

She emailed back that she'd be delighted to.


I went back to the item and it was gone.


That's just one very common problem for Canadians and there is NO WAY to repair it.


As long as the GSP exists :  This will be an ongoing and frustrating problem for Canadian buyers.




Message 1677 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

 "How does the GSP complicate purchases?"  The answers I'm getting are variations on "The GSP makes transactions more difficult."




I just don't KNOW why you fail to read the posts and not understand why there would be a number of reasons...people with experience buying know very well the problems with buying and dealing with. GSP 


here is just one problem, i know you fail too see.. i do understand what she is saying...because this also happened to me.



A common example:  I posted my last post and did a quick search and found an item I knew I wanted the second I saw it.


It was listed via the GSP.


I emailed the seller asking her to ship the normal way.

She emailed back that she'd be delighted to.


I went back to the item and it was gone.


That's just one very common problem for Canadians and there is NO WAY to repair it.


As long as the GSP exists :  This will be an ongoing and frustrating problem for Canadian buyers.

Message 1678 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@rick31797 wrote:

pretty simple English the item was sold.. dont know why you would ask such a question...


Thank you.  That's what I thought too.  That's why  I didn't understand Pierre's question and I'm still not sure why it was ever asked.


Yes, it was sold while the seller and I were working out the shipping details.


This is not unusual with GSP listings.

Message 1679 of 6,171
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Re: Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@marnotom! wrote:

  I'm asking for explanations on how the mechanics of the GSP make things more complicated or difficult for buyers.  


marmotom!:  I'm not about to argue with you or continue explaining the obvious.


If you do not understand how the GSP makes buying on eBay more difficult for buyers in spite of being told over and over........

then you are not paying attention to what buyers are saying in the posts you respond to.


You don't understand, yet you are on every post like glue on postage stamp.

Message 1680 of 6,171
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