Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

Comments about the Global Shipping Program

If an item is damaged after it leaves the Kentucky global shipping center, Ebay and/or Pitney Bowes is supposed to refund the buyer but you do have to file an item not as described claim. For those type of claims they usually do not require the item back.

Message 3221 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I think we could discuss customs laws, Canada Post, Pitney Bowes, brokerage fees and whatnot until we are blue in the face. At the end of the day what really matters is that the Global Shipping Program has ruined eBay for a lot of us Canadian buyers. It's simply not a practical way to purchase small ticket items anymore and it has most  definitely taken the fun out of what used to be something of a hobby for me.  

Message 3222 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"It's simply not a practical way to purchase small ticket items"


I think everyone, including staff at eBay, agrees with your statement.  As far as Canada is concerned, that program was never intended for low price items that are relatively easy to pack/ship and generally go through Canada Customs without being assessed.


While eBay has made some changes over the last year to improve administration of the program by allowing sellers to exempt some countries (Canada for example), too little has been done to:

1) properly educate American sellers as to when and how to use the program and its effects on foreign buyers

2) set up technical barriers to prevent American sellers from listing some items inappropriate for the program

3) provide full and detailed disclosure of all fees, duty and taxes being charged

4) provide an easy way for buyers to question incorrect charges (specifically in the area of duty) provided by Pitney Bowes

5) failing #4, an easy way for Canadians to get a refund from PayPal for duty charged by mistake.


While eBay is fully aware of the problems and potential solutions, they have done little to solve the problems and implement solutions but eBay is very good at giving us, Canadians, regular lip service. That is about all we ever get.


Message 3223 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

pierrelebel wrote:

While eBay is fully aware of the problems and potential solutions, they have done little to solve the problems and implement solutions but eBay is very good at giving us, Canadians, regular lip service. That is about all we ever get.


Very well said, you bang on with what 99% of the problems are with this program for any international buyer not just Canadian.

In their quest to be a big e-commerce site like Amazon and such, eBay has forgotten two very important facts when they implemented the GSP, first companies like Amazon have fixed known prices on their products with no bidding or auctions and second they have a flat shipping rate or if above a certain amount free shipping regardless of size on their .ca sites.  One final note, the GSP customer service is almost non-existent when it comes to quickly resolving issues with the feeling at times it would be better to talk to your neighbour about any GSP related problems than them. 

Message 3224 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@walker0017 wrote:
eBay has forgotten two very important facts when they implemented the GSP, first companies like Amazon have fixed known prices on their products with no bidding or auctions and second they have a flat shipping rate or if above a certain amount free shipping regardless of size on their .ca sites.

Another consideration with That Other Site is that it acts as a warehousing/fulfillment service for many sellers, which means that it has the item in its possession.  As a result, it doesn't have to rely on the seller to provide accurate information on the nature of the item, particularly size, shipping weight and country of manufacture/origin.

And whether or not the darned thing can be shipped in the first place!

Message 3225 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

marnotom! wrote:

Another consideration with That Other Site is that it acts as a warehousing/fulfillment service for many sellers, which means that it has the item in its possession.  As a result, it doesn't have to rely on the seller to provide accurate information on the nature of the item, particularly size, shipping weight and country of manufacture/origin.

And whether or not the darned thing can be shipped in the first place!


You are only partially correct, most items sold are not just from the other site fulfillment centers, a lot come from private e-commerce sellers much like eBay but with only a slightly higher set shipping price regardless of location. And if it is not there you cannot buy it, and their estimated shipping dates are bang on which is more than you can say with the useless GSP. The GSP is a very poor attempt to what this is and even though the other site is not the end all to beat all there are absolutely no surprises when you buy something there be it new or used as they sell both, all pricing is clear and concise with a detailed breakdown of what went where and how much. The other site is a wholly professionally organization with very good customer service and no surprises in pricing which cannot be said by any stretch of the imagination for the GSP which is totally opposite.  The same problems now are the same ones mentioned in 2013 when the program was implemented, that alone says a lot about the lack of competence by the people running the program if they cannot fix it after 18 months in operation.

Message 3226 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

In complete honesty, I buy more now from Amazon than I ever did in the past.  Why, might you ask?  Free or reasonable shipping costs.  There is absolutely no gouging with Amazon, with either the company or their private sellers.  Standard shipping rates apply to the same items regardless of who is selling it, unlike the many greedy and dishonest sellers on Ebay.  To compare Amazon and the GSP is a complete and utter joke, there is absolutely no comparison.  If you want to be treated fairly, go to Amazon.

Message 3227 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@thebidsniper wrote:


In complete honesty, I buy more now from Amazon than I ever did in the past.  Why, might you ask?  Free or reasonable shipping costs.  There is absolutely no gouging with Amazon, with either the company or their private sellers.  Standard shipping rates apply to the same items regardless of who is selling it, unlike the many greedy and dishonest sellers on Ebay.  


How do the item prices compare to eBay?  A lot of what I've been searching for on The Other Site is way more expensive than on eBay.

Message 3228 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@marnotom! wrote:

@thebidsniper wrote:


In complete honesty, I buy more now from Amazon than I ever did in the past.  Why, might you ask?  Free or reasonable shipping costs.  There is absolutely no gouging with Amazon, with either the company or their private sellers.  Standard shipping rates apply to the same items regardless of who is selling it, unlike the many greedy and dishonest sellers on Ebay.  


How do the item prices compare to eBay?  A lot of what I've been searching for on The Other Site is way more expensive than on eBay.

Okay, time to cut to the chase here,


Personally I'd prefer costs being placed where they really are and paying more for honesty, transparency and structure instead of eBay's black box method where it's so easy to cook the books or to have crackpot calculations behind the scene.


  • Look at how many sellers on eBay implement scams where they charge $10 for a $40 item, then have $60 shipping, only to get more noticed in search results, scamming people into believing they're getting a deal. Particularly predatory for new buyers — No, you can't expect new buyers to be aware of this completely as it's a darker part of eBay culture behind the 4 colours of eBay's logo. (Auctions are especially vulnerable to this as often times the retail cost will be entered into shipping so the seller knows they'll get their money's worth regardless if their $40 value item sells for $10, they're still getting $70)
  • Look at how there's no information available to determine what was used by the shipping calculator for its calculations nor an information centre for what the eBay going rates for specific shipment types are.
  • Look at how the GSP has no breakdown whatsoever, there's nothing you can receive from PBI saying "While you're not paying the taxes/duty directly, according to our calculations, WE WILL pay $xx.xx to the Canadian government for these purposes and that's a promise"
  • Look at how shipping costs can wildly vary between items for the exact same level of shipping for the exact same item.
  • Look at how many times the shipping calculator has been challenged for its accuracy.

I'd rather more expensive, more honest pricing over a system where "Shipping costs" may as well be written "Miscellaneous" where anything and everything (the real item cost included) can be tucked away under those costs and is never allowed to be questioned what goes into those costs and why.


The reason why shipping costs, ("Import charges" included), item costs, etc are so wild and varying on eBay is because there's no mechanisms in place to ensure seller accountability and to provide accounting for eBay's own calculations before something goes wrong. eBay's policies are exclusively reactionary to problems, they are never preventative in nature, requiring you always to submit a claim or report or something of the sort when something goes wrong. You never get the full attention of an eBay employee with influence over any process nevermind anyone from the "GSP Team" (e.g. PBI) without an active problem existing and even there, you just get a refund and sent on your way, never is "The System" re-evaluated when it fails to protect buyers from inaccurate information nor are reports for items that violate eBay policy taken seriously.


Perhaps at this point in time, the GSP's poor performance in operation is in fact a symptom to a greater problem where the shipping cost mechanisms of eBay are near completely arbitrary and grossly over-simplified from an outside perspective and don't appear to be based on a scientifically verifiable method from a public perspective.



PS: Oh and with Amazon? You're practically guaranteed to get your item and not just an "oops, here's your money back", so you pay for peace of mind.

Message 3229 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

kxeron wrote:

Okay, time to cut to the chase here,


Personally I'd prefer costs being placed where they really are and paying more for honesty, transparency and structure instead of eBay's black box method where it's so easy to cook the books or to have crackpot calculations behind the scene.


  • Look at how many sellers on eBay implement scams where they charge $10 for a $40 item, then have $60 shipping, only to get more noticed in search results, scamming people into believing they're getting a deal. Particularly predatory for new buyers — No, you can't expect new buyers to be aware of this completely as it's a darker part of eBay culture behind the 4 colours of eBay's logo. (Auctions are especially vulnerable to this as often times the retail cost will be entered into shipping so the seller knows they'll get their money's worth regardless if their $40 value item sells for $10, they're still getting $70)
  • Look at how there's no information available to determine what was used by the shipping calculator for its calculations nor an information centre for what the eBay going rates for specific shipment types are.
  • Look at how the GSP has no breakdown whatsoever, there's nothing you can receive from PBI saying "While you're not paying the taxes/duty directly, according to our calculations, WE WILL pay $xx.xx to the Canadian government for these purposes and that's a promise"
  • Look at how shipping costs can wildly vary between items for the exact same level of shipping for the exact same item.
  • Look at how many times the shipping calculator has been challenged for its accuracy.

I'd rather more expensive, more honest pricing over a system where "Shipping costs" may as well be written "Miscellaneous" where anything and everything (the real item cost included) can be tucked away under those costs and is never allowed to be questioned what goes into those costs and why.

 The reason why shipping costs, ("Import charges" included), item costs, etc are so wild and varying on eBay is because there's no mechanisms in place to ensure seller accountability and to provide accounting for eBay's own calculations before something goes wrong. eBay's policies are exclusively reactionary to problems, they are never preventative in nature, requiring you always to submit a claim or report or something of the sort when something goes wrong. You never get the full attention of an eBay employee with influence over any process nevermind anyone from the "GSP Team" (e.g. PBI) without an active problem existing and even there, you just get a refund and sent on your way, never is "The System" re-evaluated when it fails to protect buyers from inaccurate information nor are reports for items that violate eBay policy taken seriously.

 Perhaps at this point in time, the GSP's poor performance in operation is in fact a symptom to a greater problem where the shipping cost mechanisms of eBay are near completely arbitrary and grossly over-simplified from an outside perspective and don't appear to be based on a scientifically verifiable method from a public perspective.

PS: Oh and with Amazon? You're practically guaranteed to get your item and not just an "oops, here's your money back", so you pay for peace of mind.


Well said, you are not the first eBay buyer who has stated something similar and you will not be the last, unfortunately there are a few posters out there who are not buyers or have bought one or two items to make it appear they are buyers who have always defend the GSP at every turn.

Yes as a buyer we want to get the best bang for our dollar but also as a buyer we are not going to blindly and quietly hand over money to a program a faulty as this one. So yes we are willing to pay a little bit more for an item where we know exactly where the cost breakdowns are, the reliability in delivery and reasonable delivery prices even if it means going to other sites. 

It is sad that the buyer wannabes continue to spout their single minded ideology because in their minds they are right and all the multitude of buyers who hate and avoid using the GSP and have stated so are wrong but that is their problem not ours. 

I agree that the GSP's poor performance in operation is unveiling a larger problem but I think it is also more to do with the lack of any meaningful corrective action to resolve the GSP's shortcomings because any reasonable person would be asking why is nothing being done?

Message 3230 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@walker0017 wrote:


You are not the first eBay buyer who has stated something similar and you will not be the last, unfortunately there are a few posters out there who are not buyers or have bought one or two items to make it appear they are buyers who have always defend the GSP at every turn....It is sad that the buyer wannabes continue to spout their single minded ideology because in their minds they are right and all the multitude of buyers who hate and avoid using the GSP and have stated so are wrong but that is their problem not ours. 


I've seen nothing like what you've described on this board.


On the other hand, I'm seeing quite a bit in the way of generalizations and hyperbole as part of the discussions of the GSP which neither serves the discussion well nor make the posters in question appear all that well informed.

Message 3231 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

marnotom! wrote:

I've seen nothing like what you've described on this board.


On the other hand, I'm seeing quite a bit in the way of generalizations and hyperbole as part of the discussions of the GSP which neither serves the discussion well nor make the posters in question appear all that well informed.


Thank you, you just made my whole point with that statement.

Message 3232 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Actually, your point was something quite different.

Message 3233 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

marnotom! wrote:

Actually, your point was something quite different.


no it wasn't, but you interpret what you want to help you sleep at night


Message 3234 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

In the past, I've purchased primarily video games, books, posters, and movies.  Ebay is now a virtual graveyard for these items as far as finding reasonable shipping costs.  Adding the GSP fees to these items makes it simply unfeasible to purchase them.  On the other hand, Amazon is very possibly the best place on the internet for these types of items, especially with free shipping.  For example, a standard novel costs around 9.99 on Amazon, with free shipping if you spend $25, or 3.99 if you don't.  Every single seller on Ebay seems to be charging at least $10 to ship that same book, and in many cases, even more.  Now add the GSP to some listings and the price is suddenly nearing $25+.  This is shameful.  Movies and video games are the exact same way.  I refuse to pay these exorbitant , exploitative rates when Amazon makes everything simple, fair, and reasonable. 

Message 3235 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I would prefer to pay border taxes and fees upon arrival. I don't like the idea of border charges, but they occur. That's fine. I would be extremely furious to pay an excise to Pitney Bowes and then have an item come to my door only to have to pay more fees. I already think it's bad enough that we pay extra for a processing fee essentially to have an item handed over at the border. This is Canada and united States people. I thought we had free trade? Why all these extras. Tax I understand. Excise fees, levees and superfluous charges are ridiculous. Sellers already pay both eBay and PayPal. Now there's Pitney Bowes. What's the big idea here? The charges only get passed right on to customers.
Message 3236 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Ever since the Global Shipping program was introduced I have purchased less and less from sellers using this shipping method. Two days ago I bought a leather motorcycle vest for myself which used global shipping and my shipping in total was $39.00.  This morning I purchased a leather vest for my husband and the shipping was $19.00 , no global shipping!  You do the math!

Message 3237 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

My spending through ebay has dropped drastically. I actively avoid all sellers who participate in this recklessly implemented program. 


I understand that Joe Blow from Ohio is tired of Argentinians telling him that their package arrived damaged (due to no fault of his own), but shipping between Canada and the United States should be the simplest thing possible between two countries. Instead, you have made it more difficult. 


Not only that, but the process hides valuable information from the buyer and then springs surprise costs at invoice time. 


If I buy something from a buyer for $10 it is not subject to the GSP. If I then go ahead and buy something for $11 from the same buyer I am now over $20. In both purchase I was presented with a screen that said there would be no import charges. But now at invoice time it's time for GSP to show up and charge brokerage fees for Pitney Bowes. 


Here's another example of why the GSP is awful and most likely the future subject of a class action lawsuit. Your import fee estimates are only for the next incremental bid. I might have an idea of what it will cost me if I bid $1 more, but I have no idea what it will cost me if I bid $100 more. 


Ebay has an obligation to disclose what the final fee is going to be before I commit my cash.


It also has an obligation to prevent Pitney Bowes from quoting these predatory shipping rates. 


GSP is broken. Irreparably so. You should have figured these problems out long before you signed your contracts with Pitney Bowes.

Message 3238 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@mpit7628 wrote:


Ever since the Global Shipping program was introduced I have purchased less and less from sellers using this shipping method. Two days ago I bought a leather motorcycle vest for myself which used global shipping and my shipping in total was $39.00.  This morning I purchased a leather vest for my husband and the shipping was $19.00 , no global shipping!  You do the math!


I can't do the math because when I do buy something on eBay, I take the total price into consideration.  If I found two identical items on eBay, one priced at $50 with a $13 "direct to buyer" shipping charge and the other priced at $25 with $8 in "import charges" and a $20 GSP shipping charge, I'd be more likely to choose the second option if the seller's feedback was good and it was clear that they knew that they were using the Global Shipping Program.

Message 3239 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I am just going to respond to the "global shipping program" the same way so many others are, Good bye E-Bay!

Message 3240 of 6,171
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