Fraud alert

Seller  is a fraud.

18.95 + free shipping is impossible for this kind of scale.

I reported it many times but eBay refuse to shut him down.


Message 1 of 6
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Re: Fraud alert

You’re not allowed to post other eBay members names here so the mods will likely remove it from your post.  


Its amazing that 25 people have already purchased that item.  Do they really think that a 220 pound item can be bought for $18.95 with free international shipping???  They will be able to get their money back but why go through that hassle for a too good to be true listing?

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Fraud alert


IQ of population.jpg


Message 3 of 6
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Re: Fraud alert


Reporting a fraud is not shaming.

Those too good to be true things could be eliminated with a few lines of code.



Message 4 of 6
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Re: Fraud alert

The restriction is because anyone could badmouth another member without any proof whatsoever.

We're not doubting you, just telling you the rules.

I'm surprised the mod hasn't already removed the member's name, actually.

We are allowed to post the listing number of something we believe to be questionable.


Did you use the Report button ?

That seems to require a lot of unique reports from several members to kick in.

You might do better to call Help and Contact and ask a rep for advice.



Message 5 of 6
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Re: Fraud alert

All listings that were up have vanished in the last couple of hours. Although faint impressions of where they were still exist.


When still active I sent in a report that the item location was bad (Chinese seller shipping from California). Possible, but really unlikely for these listings, especially compared to the competition.


None of todays "fraud" listings had actual item weights, the 220 pound mentioned in one listing was the weight the scale could measure, and the 220 pounds on the other listing was how much each shelve could hold. Both said tracked shipping from California for free worldwide -- a really big flag for low priced items.


I lean towards a hijacked account. Previous sales were of cheap lightweight knockoffs that were listed as free shipping from Hong Kong.  Not unusual.  The recent listings were not. Compared to other Chinese sellers the recent listings were 50-80% below those shipped from China, and 75-90% below those shipped from the USA.


What were the fraudsters after: addresses of people interested in specialized products, who are careless bargain hunter buyers.  Anyone who bought from one of these listings is at risk of a targeted scam.



Message 6 of 6
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