Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction. All the posts I've found via the forums are people upset with the program itself, which is not currently my issue.

I need to return an item that I purchased from the US via the GSP. However, I have received no invoice or other documentation regarding the breakdown of fees paid and more importantly NO contact information. I recognize these fees were not paid to ebay or to the seller. However, when I import via Canada Post I receive documentation and information on how to arrange for a refund or correction etc.
How do I go about doing this with the GSP?
Thank you very much.
Just as an aisde, I purchased an expensive camera, and the GSP fees seem very comprable to "regular" import charges, i.e. sales tax at 13% and a brokerage fee. I see that this is not the case for people buying low cost items.
Message 1 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

Six months not good enough?  Take a look at the one year chart then: 

Message 21 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@marnotom! wrote:



So while it may be "unanimous" from buyers that the GSP is unworkable, keep in mind that these buyers are likely trying to buy the sorts of items that aren't appropriate for the GSP.  These are the sales that eBay and Pitney-Bowes never really considered in the first place.  Those that have had good experiences with it (and I'll admit those are probably few and far between at the moment) would likely not think, "Hey!  I should post my experiences on an eBay discussion board for all to see!"



The flaw in your reasoning is contained in the post above.


You say it yourself:  Buyers are unhappy with the GSP, and you suggest that his is because they are trying to buy items listed via the GSP which should never have been listed that way.


That's the problem in a nutshell.


The GSP is being pushed unselectively.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that P-B doesn't consider it appropriate for all items, because everything they are doing suggest otherwise.

Ebay is not selecting the sellers it would be appropriate for.  It's being sold as the cure all for international shipping issues.


However, the fact is taht  It does not work for many items, for many sellers, and for almost no buyers......


It is not a panache for sellers who want to ship internationally and don't have the heart for it.


Some sellers simply should not ship out of their own country.

The GSP causes more problems than it solves.

Message 22 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@i*m-still-here wrote:

You say it yourself:  Buyers are unhappy with the GSP, and you suggest that his is because they are trying to buy items listed via the GSP which should never have been listed that way.


That's the problem in a nutshell.


The GSP is being pushed unselectively.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that P-B doesn't consider it appropriate for all items, because everything they are doing suggest otherwise.

Ebay is not selecting the sellers it would be appropriate for.  It's being sold as the cure all for international shipping issues.


However, the fact is taht  It does not work for many items, for many sellers, and for almost no buyers......


It is not a panache for sellers who want to ship internationally and don't have the heart for it.


Some sellers simply should not ship out of their own country.

The GSP causes more problems than it solves.

Express mail isn't appropriate for many if not most international sales.  Priority International (i.e. parcel post from the U.S.) isn't generally a good choice for mailing smaller, modestly-valued items.  And we all know that sending items by the ground services of UPS, FedEx and their ilk generally doesn't work out too well unless the buyer and seller know what they're doing and what to expect.


We don't see nearly the number of posts on these transport methods because U.S. sellers have generally figured out that they're deal-killers.  They're also options, just as the GSP is.  Nobody is forcing buyers to buy from sellers using this service.  These buyers can find out what they're getting themselves in for by reading the listing page and following the links to further information and the terms and conditions page.


I think we're on similar pages.  You're just not reading my posts closely enough.  Smiley Wink  It's just that I believe that the GSP is a choice or an option (albeit a badly offered one) and sellers and buyers are capable of voting with their keyboards as to whether or not to continue using it.  You seem to want to have that choice made by somebody else.


I didn't say that Pitney-Bowes didn't consider it appropriate for all items, by the way.  I said that it probably never really considered it being used for smaller, more modestly priced items in the first place.  Somebody saw the big ticket items being sold on eBay that weren't being offered for international sales and ignored what they felt were "garage sale" sellers and likely figured that most of them would just continue doing their own thing.


Message 23 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

In my situation, I paid $1702, plus $42 shipping for a total of $1744 before any GSP fees.


With the GSP I paid an additional $235, for a grand total of $1979.


Typically, GST on $1702 + $42 = $1744 x 13% GST = $1970


Since camera gear is duty free, but still subject to GST, the GSP "handling/brokerage" fee works out to about $9, which to me seems extraordinarily reasonable.


I hear this is *NOT* typically the case with much lower value items.





Message 24 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

I should add, I don't mind the GSP program on expensive items like this, as there are no "at the door" surprises. However, smaller items that come First Class from the USA often slip by without any fees at all so with those, I'd rather take my chances. Over years of buying online from the US, UK, China (ebay and elsewehre) I've only ever been charged a couple of times for big expensive items.


So heads up to our American freinds (not that they will see this), I just skip right past anybody selling little cheap items via the GSP, and move on to someone else.

Message 25 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

Not applicable

As for "invoice"  check your PayPal account.  When I bought an item from a US seller with GSP, I noticed in my PayPal account that there are 2 transactions, one to the seller and one to Pitney Bowes (for shipping costs and GSP) (apparently nothing from shipping costs to to the seller!!).  Go to your PayPal account for that and click the specific and print the invoices.

Message 26 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@pierrelebel wrote:

"...who figure that eBay's cut of the GSP fees is pretty insignificant..."




Maybe these folks did not look at the big picture.


The commission earned by eBay from PB is minimal. 


However the fees raised by PayPal are very substantial. Keep in mind that from the USA, PayPal collects an extra 1.00% cross border fee.  Now, PayPal will collect fees (including the cross border fee) on duty and taxes payable by the buyer.  Canada is small potatoes.  Look at Europe with 300,000,000 potential buyers and VAT approximating 20%-25%.  That is a lot of money.


Insignificant?  I think not. 



I agree. I received my invoice from Paypal of the breakdown of an Item I bought which weighed 8.93ozs. The Seller got my payment, eBay received what looked ike the same amount they received pre-GSP and PitneyBoes received $26.16!!!!  They even grab the customs charge! Does it really go to the right WAY! Now....that is outrageous!

Please opt out and go back to International shipping when it comes to items whose S&H charges reach $30ish and  after that use the GSP as the S&H does reduce for Buyers and because of that, the Sellers look as amazing as most are! Please read the following post for more info! 🙂 🙂

Message 27 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@Anonymous wrote:

As for "invoice"  check your PayPal account.  When I bought an item from a US seller with GSP, I noticed in my PayPal account that there are 2 transactions, one to the seller and one to Pitney Bowes (for shipping costs and GSP) (apparently nothing from shipping costs to to the seller!!).  Go to your PayPal account for that and click the specific and print the invoices.

You noticed as well! I'm thrilled! I never authorised any payment to Pitney Bowes and so stopped their transaction! I have no idea what will happen but I know the Seller got their money, the S&H cost went to the RIGHT people and the Buyer pays a very good price. Funnily enough, they're the same costs befor this GSP mess. It works for LARGE packages but for small really s**ks the big one! LOL 😄 😄

 I think all Sellers and Buyers should remember that you can opt out of the GSP. When Sellers are selling items under 4lbs and even a tad heavier than that, the SC is $30+!! In the Buyers Paypal account they will notice a transfer of funds to Pitney Bowes. I never authorized such a thing. I was never warned by eBay that this was happening everytime I buy from the US and I would have never agreed to buy anything in this manner. I'm sure there will be a bunch of people will tell me different though.

The majority of what I buy from the US is under 13ozs. For that, with using GSP to ship to me, i will be charged $30+ in shipping costs for an item I won for $10ish. It's ridiculous and suicidal to Sellers and Buyers. Buyers won't buy with this type of shipping and the SELLERS lose a whole lot of money as there Buyers go elsewhere or just stop buying period. Sellers, you can opt out at any time from this program. OR as another Seller told me, US Sellers can incorperate the fair shipping cost (that you will find in the link below) and also add the cost that you will be charged should the listing fee go up (it's only fair the Buyer should pay that too!) and then change your listing to FREE shipping! You and the Buyer anre happy and no one, including eBay, loses out. The only ones that do are the Pitney Bowes people and whoever else slapped on that 11% increase! Here's the link(they won't let me leave it) so go to the usps.c o m . They will have a US popstal service chart of S&C costs which are the ones used befor this GSP. I also urge you to read the inelidgeable items listed in the GSP as well as what they refuse to cover for Sellers. Also know that the tracking number provided to both parties are meaningless as verified via the site I will list and the USPS site. PLEASE Sellers....use this method again and opt away from the gsp. You'll find your customer base increasing and a lot more Buyers that are thrilled with your service and no doubt will let all know that! Thanks for reading! :smileyhappy::smileyhappy:


Message 28 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

Sorry but life may go on but buying from Sellers using GSP is not 'going on'....
Buyers are being sharged STAGGERING amounts for the shipping of small packages...$25-$30+ and also when the item has cost less than $10! The dust may settle but Sellers will lose money as Buyers go elsewhere. That is a fact as we can all see if you buy small/light items.....the Buyers get screwed. Opt out please and everyone will still earn AND be HAPPY.
Message 29 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@irismoon12 wrote:

Typically, GST on $1702 + $42 = $1744 x 13% GST = $1970


Irismoon12, did you know that GST is not charged on shipping price when you get your item outside the GSP? So in your case, you should calculate 13% on $1702 and not $1744. Smiley Wink

Message 30 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@mushla17 wrote:

You noticed as well! I'm thrilled! I never authorised any payment to Pitney Bowes and so stopped their transaction! I have no idea what will happen but I know the Seller got their money, the S&H cost went to the RIGHT people and the Buyer pays a very good price. Funnily enough, they're the same costs befor this GSP mess.


You'd better believe you authorised that payment.  As I mentioned in the other thread that you posted your story on, it's right in the terms and conditions you presumably agreed to at the time you completed the sale in Checkout.


The total you paid in Checkout should be what the seller gets plus what Pitney Bowes gets.  My guess is that you won't see the item shipped to you if you didn't authorise the charges to Pitney Bowes.

Message 31 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

i*m-still-here wrote 

The GSP is being pushed unselectively.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that P-B doesn't consider it appropriate for all items, because everything they are doing suggest otherwise.

Ebay is not selecting the sellers it would be appropriate for.  It's being sold as the

cure all for international shipping issues.


This is the shipping details portion of the Create Your Listing page seen by a seller on the .com site. 

GSP LISTING PROMO 1.PNGGSP PROMO 2.PNGThe "Get Details" page is attached also. 


Message 32 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

The only thing I find somewhat objectionable in that plug for the GSP is its portrayal of international shipping as a "hassle".


Everything else seems to be the usual sunshine and lollipops that any transit or logistics company might use in plugging its services.  When is the last time you saw an advert by UPS or FedEx for their ground services to Canada that mentioned that taxes and hefty fees are payable by the recipient unless alternate arrangements are made?

Message 33 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

On the "Create Your Listing"  page the seller might find the less expensive alternatives to using the GSP after 5-6 more clicks and the 3-4 drop down boxes.

Message 34 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@chimera148 wrote:

On the "Create Your Listing"  page the seller might find the less expensive alternatives to using the GSP after 5-6 more clicks and the 3-4 drop down boxes.

The only thing they have to click is the "add or remove options" link.

Message 35 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

Thanks Lady, I didn't know that. So my calculation should work out to about a $14.50 handling/brokerage fee for using the GSP. Still far more than reasonable especially when compared to UPS, but those guys are another story........ 😉
Message 36 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@chimera148 wrote:




Great for All Sellers!


If you've never sold internationally, this is the perfect way to start. If you're already a global seller, this is a great way to streamline shipping, reduce buyer questions and make your customers happy.


This rosy salespitch seems to negate a previous poster's theory that PB/ebay never considered that the GSP would be used for small lightweight items. It seems to reinforce another theory that I've seen expressed on the US boards to the effect that the GSP is ebay's way to monetize the buyer's end of the transaction. In this specific case, the international buyer's end of the transaction.

Message 37 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

@message*board*id wrote:

This rosy salespitch seems to negate a previous poster's theory that PB/ebay never considered that the GSP would be used for small lightweight items.

How so?  Do elaborate.  I don't see anything that says "Perfect for any item you can normally sell on eBay!" but perhaps you're reading something into the marketing that I'm missing.  From what I can see it says it's great for sellers, not items.


It seems to reinforce another theory that I've seen expressed on the US boards to the effect that the GSP is ebay's way to monetize the buyer's end of the transaction.

What on earth do you mean by that?  I think you intended to use a verb other than "monetize".






Message 38 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

Looking at the shipping details page helps me understand why so many new and established sellers {up to 29,000 Feedback} opt into the GSP and then are suffering the  loss of international sales, lower prices, and negative feedback consequences.  

Some sellers believe it's necessary to opt in to the GSP to have international sales with ebay and have the easy peazy, in my face GSP option for International Shipping right there. 

They need to do the 5 clicks to find the USPS FCMI, FeDex, or UPS international shipping alternatives.

It's made easy to slip, slide into the GSP , but hard to get out.

Message 39 of 84
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Re: Refund of GSP fees in refund situation

 I'd normally agree that this is a good thing. However. When I pay an E-bay member for shipping and I know my local post office is going to charge me for duties. I'm rather pissed that I have to pay E-bay as well for both. They're taking my money and offering me nothing in return. They say it's to improve international sales? If anything, this will kill it. Sellers aren't going to want to deal with the headaches it causes and buyers aren't going to want to pay shipping and duties twice.

 The seller I just dealt with knew nothing of this new program. Is he responsible for refunding the shipping I just paid him? Is E-bay going to give him the money I just paid to them for the shipping? How will my local post office know that I've already paid for duties?

 If I get my shipping back from the seller and pay no import duties to my post office, I'm fine with it. However, somehow I doubt either of those will happen.

 I will no longer be dealing with international sellers who buy into this program.

Message 40 of 84
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