buyer Feedback

As a eBay buyer I look at a sellers feedback to see if other buyers have had any issues with this seller before buying.

My Problem is that eBay only allows 60 days to leave feedback.

Some sellers send items a say it can take 30 to 65 days to get the item.

Then if your item dose not arrive you can't leave feedback because its over 60 days.

Sellers know this.. and have strung me alone with emails till the 60 days pass..

One very big seller on ebay who as a ebay store. Did this to me just last year.. After getting fed up with there excuses.. I tried to leave feedback but couldn't because the time had run out.

Luckily I was sill it time to open a dispute with ebay.. After waiting more than 60 days for the seller to ship. ebay contacted the seller and it was shipped the next day and arrived 5 days later. This was a $495 item.. that the seller was advertising as more the 6 available. But clearly he had none in stock and was waiting for his suppler to send them to him so he could then ship.

Surly sellers are not allowed to advertise things there don't have are they?

I honestly don't see why eBay only allows 60 days to leave feedback. I now have 2 items waiting to arrive.. I can't open a dispute as the arrive by date as not yet passed but I can't leave feedback for the items as the 60 days as passed. So if the item arrives broken, or not as advertised. I can only contact the seller and hope for the best.

This brings me to the second way I have been conned. I have contacted a seller who said they are very sorry and will reship a new item.. which never arrives.. by that time its to late to open a dispute with eBay ether. I lost my money and the item.

eBay you really need to change the length for time feedback can be left.. to 90 Days what harm can it do...

Buyers need to be better protected..   


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buyer Feedback

You bought an item.

The seller did not ship for over 60 days.

You opened a Dispute.

The seller shipped and you recieved the item.


How long was the delivery window eBay gave you?

We have 30 days after the last estimated date for delivery to open a Dispute.

Given that, to win (or even open) the Dispute, the seller must have had a long window for delivery. Well over 30 days.

And you should have been informed of that when you purchased -- and before you paid.


You do have another option.

You can leave a Response to any feedback your Seller left.

Like feedback, the most effective Responses are calm and factual.

They don't affect the FB percentage, but they really stand out on a page.

You can also leave feedback before receiving your purchase-- although Disputes are more effective.


Feedback is used, as you say, by wise buyers to judge the customer service of sellers.

Many do not realize that FB is not used by eBay to assess the seller's account.


Surly sellers are not allowed to advertise things there don't have are they?

They are not.

This is a Violation and an Out Of Stock Defect inflicts very serious damage on a seller's account.


I now have 2 items waiting to arrive.. I can't open a dispute as the arrive by date as not yet passed

Go to your Paypal account and open a Dispute there.

The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of your PP account page under Tools.

If the seller cannot prove Delivery (not shipping, delivery) you will be refunded.

If you back your PP account with a credit card, you can also phone the 1-800 number on the card and ask about a chargeback. Card policies differ.



In each case you mention, you were given a long delivery window.

And perhaps it would be a good idea not to order from companies who do not use a tracked Air Mail service.

There is no reason, except cost, for an overseas parcel to take over 30 days to arrive

If you opt for cheap Surface shipping, delivery will take two or three months. In fact, for that very reason USPS has dropped all Surface shipping options. Canada Post and China Post still have these, though.


seller who said they are very sorry and will reship a new item.. which never arrives..

That is a scam. And a common one.

There was never any replacement shipped. And there was never any original shipment either.

Again, PP allows for a Dispute to be filed within 180 days of payment.

And never never accept an offer of a replacement, on any online marketplace.

There is a lot of vapourware out there.


EBay offers a Money Back Guarantee for 30 days after delivery or last estimated date for delivery.

Paypal has a Buyer Protection Program that starts on purchase and runs for 180 days (six months).

If you back your PP account with a credit card, you are covered by the card's chargeback service.


But you have to use them to be refunded.

Message 2 of 6
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buyer Feedback

Thank you for your very useful info..
But I still see no reason why ebay can't extend feedback time to 90 days.
That is more than enough time for a seller to ship and a buyer to receive..
No matter where its shipped from.
All the good, honest sellers I deal with want to protect there feedback.
Because most of what I order is from China, most Chinese sellers only offer free shipping. Electronic parts are hard to find from Canadian sellers and US sellers.
90 days to leave feedback would not affect good honest sellers. Only the dishonest and scamers would be affected.. And we don't need them on ebay anyway
Message 3 of 6
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buyer Feedback

I totally agree with Mobile's concerns. If a buyer does not receive an item or it arrives extremely late and still HAS the option to leave feedback for those transactions, other buyers will be able to clearly see the volume of late or unreceived items and then be able to make a better buying decision from this seller or avoiding this seller entirely. These repeat offender sellers are using these time limits as a tool to take advantage of the current system in place.



Message 4 of 6
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buyer Feedback

(why) ebay can't extend feedback time to 90 days.
That is more than enough time for a seller to ship and a buyer to receive..


I've been selling by mail order for over 30 years.

And in my experience, selling everything from cast iron wood stoves to postage stamps, 30 days is plenty of time.
Although I did once have a shipment of cast iron patio benches captured by pirates on the South China Sea.


Long delivery times are a deal killer.

Too many of those sellers have only vapourware, and make their money from the naive buyers who do not complain, or just forget, about their long ago purchase.

I'm old and cynical.


By Day 30 (or Day  40 YMMV) if the seller cannot give you the shipping date, service used and a tracking number that shows the item is in Canada, open a Dispute and get your payment refunded.

You don't want a replacement. That's a sure sign of a seller of vapourware.

If the item does finally turn up, you can return the Refund using Paypal's Send Money service.


I believe that over the next few years, a lot of these Free Shipping/Surface shipping offers will disappear.

With the new Universal Postal Union agreement that China Post is not an underdeveloped nation and should be paying its fair share of the actual cost of international shipping, plus the arrival of e-packet shipping which is cheap and fast, smart Chinese sellers will soon be charging more and getting better feedback as a result.


Message 5 of 6
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buyer Feedback

 I hear what you're saying and I don't disagree. I think there's a data overload issue from ebay's standpoint with holding on to millions of transactions for an extra 30 days (which is 30 per cent more time) which is what prevents the leaving-feedback option from remaining active for 90 days instead of 60. Or a programming bug that is too big to squish. It's been asked in the past but we can always raise it again at the weekly chats with ebay Canada staff. 

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