Bob Rae steps down.


You're 20 years too late Bob.

Good riddance ya scumbag.


Message 1 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

If it was a Conservative "people" would be saying he is getting out before they kick him out! What does it mean when it was someone that wanted to be LEADER of the Liberal Party??

Message 2 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Rae is no loss.


Harper was a Liberal, then Reform, then Conservative (or his invention of one). What's that say? It says he is out for himself and his ego and any party will do as long as it gets him his goal.

Message 3 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

There are rumours that Rae may take a shot a running for mayor of Toronto.


Message 4 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

"rumours that Rae may take a shot a running for mayor of Toronto"




Rae said Wednesday that it was a “very difficult decision” to resign, though he will devote himself to his role as chief negotiator for First Nations in northern Ontario, who are in talks with the province about the resource-rich “Ring of Fire” mining area. 

Message 5 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Rae lost me years ago when he promised to take on the insurance companies and didn't. Insurance is the scam from beginning to end.

Message 6 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

It is a toss up as to whether Bob Rae or Dalton McGuinty did the most damage to the province of Ontario.

Message 7 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Lets not forget Harris.

Basically all parties and leaders have had their kick at the can. None, inevitably, can be trusted. This is why we need a complete change of our political and electoral system and rules to govern our employees called.........politicians.



Message 8 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

The big difference between Harris and Mcguinty and |Rae is he kept his promises.

Message 9 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

True and technically that was the fault of the voters for not asking ''how''......he was going to keep his promises. He virtually put Ontario in a tail spin in the process. Then like McGuinty he tucked his tail between his legs and ...........ran!

Message 10 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

The real difference between Mcguinty, Rae and Harris is that people would re-elect Harris if he ran today.

Alot of the problems that were attributed to Harris were brought on by the gutting of health care from the federal Liberal governmernt.


Message 11 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Mike Harris elected again? Now there's a bet I'd like to get in on! Harris is as much the bubonic plague in Ontario as Rae is, or the recent McGuinty. I think if you look up Harris's time in office and legacy you will find that there is a lot more to say about him and none of it was good.

Message 12 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

At least you knew where you stood with Harris.

Rae and Mcguinty would like to your face and stab you in the back while lying to your face.


Message 13 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Harris said what he would do, then he did it in his own dictatorial way, the details of which he had not disclosed. So in essence he stabbed everyone in the back. If Harris said he would save all the birds, people would have cheered! That's until he brought out how he would do killing everyone's cat. 


Message 14 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

That may be so, but Harris was still better than either Rae or Mcguinty. Wynne won't be around long enough to do what Rae and Mcguinty.

Qualify as Ontario's worst premier.


Message 15 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

The more and more I look at people, politicians especially, the less and less I care. The people of Ontario and Canada, need to get angry. We're all too complacent. If they ever decide to rise up, I'll be glad to join and go on the front line, but until then, they're a waste of time and effort. We need a total change in our political system for starters. We need to get control of our employees and not allow them to be kings or queens on our time or buck. Right now you live in a city with a mayor who is a disgrace and a council that is more like a gang on PCP. Now I read this morning in the news that they want to cancel the buses on Dundas St. From municipal to Provincial to Federal, the inmates are running the asylum.

Message 16 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Not cancel buses on Dundas.

Move them to King and Queens between Wellington and Ridout.

Alot of downtown business owners approve of this move.

Message 17 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

Wellington and Dundas is 'downtown'! My apologies for not being precise.


What businesses are all for this........and why? It makes no sense taking hundreds of people a day and thousands upon thousands a year and putting them further away from shopping.

Message 18 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

We gain 30 parking spots and get better transit with the buses using the one way streets.

Most stores are like mine and the closest bus stops are half a block away.

That won't change if they take the buses off Dundas.


Message 19 of 33
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Re: Bob Rae steps down.

In this day of the internet, it should be possible to provide feedback to any politician, any party, or any party leader almost instantly.  Rather than allow politicians to make controversial decisions that affect all of us, maybe we should be the ones making the decisions.

Set up a system of daily on line "votes".  Those who vote would have to be on a registered voters list with a unique ID number - possibly your SIN number.

Parliament could debate issues and pass along issues, bills, etc. to be voted on by the general public.  Many current operational aspects of government would still be handled by the party in the majority.  However, if something is done by the government that the general public does not like - then the public would have an opportunity to call for a public vote - and overrule the government.

I am sure there are lots of flaws in this system.  However, it seems like this opportunity for instant feedback to Parliament should be our right.  The ruling party (if parties were even necessary) would have to be certain that they were acting in the best interests of the public.  Ultimately, the public would have the ability to call a vote of non-confidence and call for a new on line election. 

Just saying.................

Message 20 of 33
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