06-19-2013 02:06 PM
You're 20 years too late Bob.
Good riddance ya scumbag.
06-24-2013 12:14 AM
Were you reading one of my old posts Puck? LOL just kidding. I said practically the same thing in here longgggg ago.
It will eventually happen but it will be a long time because.......it will strip the politicians of a lot of their power.
lurk.........well good luck on the idea. Personally I think it's a failure by the council to do that, but time and experience will tell. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think so. Downtown needs the traffic from the people on the bus and the students using the buses and transfering. Put them on King or Queens and you've lost them. Will the extra parking spaces make up for it? No, from two perspectives.......first of all those cars won't carry the amount of people buses do and you will lose spaces anyhow with the restaurant patio concepts in the works. The only parking change downtown that will help the area right now is free parking. JMPO
06-24-2013 08:14 AM
The dynamics of the downtown have changed.
Alot of the retail downtown are independent destination stores.
Some of retail sections have been converted into office space.
I get a significant proportion of my sales during lunch hour and between 5 and 6pm.
They're talking about moving the welfare office out as well. They will leave a satelite office but the majority will be moved to zones that need it.
We have free parking at night and on weekends.
06-24-2013 12:35 PM
The more retail space converted to office space does not help to create more retail in a few short blocks, short of booze and food locations.Those office workers looking for everything from clothing to hardware to tech items will shop at the malls where these stores are located and spend their money in those stores and also other stores that they wander into.
Free parking at night and on the weekends only exist on the street and when those spots are taken then a car owner has to go to a parking lot........which are not free.
Do you not have a list of stores who approve of the removal of buses on Dundas? Are you not part of the downtown business association?
06-24-2013 01:38 PM
A different perspective on Bob Rae:
06-24-2013 01:50 PM
Interesting link Pierre, but I cannot disagree more.
I believe that Rae was the worst Prime Minister that we never had.
His ineptitude cost many people in the Ontario health care system alot of money in wages due to the fact that didn't like the idea of private companies providing services to OHIP.
I could understand these actions if there was a cost savings or that it would have been more efficient, but it was niether of those. The NDPers didn't like the idea of the private sector from profiting from health care.
Good riddance Bob Rae.
06-24-2013 02:49 PM
06-24-2013 03:08 PM
I don't like anyone federally or provincially.
It's a matter of who I dislike the least.
I may consider Green federally and it's a toss up between the Pers and Hudak provincially.
06-24-2013 03:16 PM
06-24-2013 03:47 PM
Who do you like Prior?
06-24-2013 04:19 PM
Haven't totally decided yet. I like Green but as I said they need more of a platform and there are so many Green haters out there I don't think we're at a point yet to give them the chance they may deserve.
Federally.......anyone but Harper......as if that comes as any surprise. I'm not thrilled with the NDP these days and Trudeau....well I'd like to hear more from him first'
Provincially.......anyone but Hudak. He's a catastrophe looking for somewhere to happen.
What I would REALLY like to see is our whole political system changed. Until then I think we'll still be playing pin the tail on the donkey of choice.
06-24-2013 04:29 PM
Are you saying that you prefer Wynne over Hudak?
The reason why I would consider Green is because they may be green but are fiscally conservative when it comes to finance.
06-24-2013 04:44 PM
If it was conceivably possible for Green to get in ...........yes I would vote for Green over Wynne in a split second. (and I have voted Green in the past). The problem is once again the way our system is and our media. The focus will always be on the three main parties and of those three mainly the two Liberals and Conservatives. People's mindsets are also on those three/two main parties. So when it comes to election time one has to ask "who do I not want in and who has a chance to protect the Province or country in a Federal election"? That's the main question but there are others as well. So from my perspective strategic voting comes into play (unfortunately) and I don't want to see Hudak get in or his wife working with him in the background. I've even considered not voting or destroying my ballot. At least I was there!
06-25-2013 09:41 AM
Bob Rae is my MP and he will be hard to replace.
Who will run for mayor of TO remains to be seen. I received a solicitation call from Olivia Chow last week. It makes me wonder if she is seriously considering the mayor's job. What we need is one strong candidate. I don't want to see 2 and have Ford come up the middle to win.