Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Below is a letter written by a well informed friend of mine.  He is a teacher of 30 years.  He is probably the most knowledgeable individual that I know when it comes to current affairs, politics and the world siutation.  He is meticulous in his research.  The letter is in response to a column in the Londoner:


For several years now I have read your weekly column in the Londoner and found it always to be the voice of reason and logic.

I don't wish to disparage the paper but it is often the only column I find in this publication worth my time to peruse. That is why I was most surprised by the stance you took in your last article: Chief deserves a meeting with the PM.

Columnist Christina Blizzard provided sobering details which suggested otherwise in her Saturday, January 21st, 2012 column in the London Free Press: Help is there, Attawapiskat must step up (E2). Since 2008 De Beers has given the reserve $10 - 11 million in direct payments to the chief. Under the impact-benefit agreement (IBA) the company is not allowed to reveal the full amount it pays into the trust fund. Neither would Chief Theresa Spence reveal those details when Ms Blizzard requested clarification. As Ms Blizzard pointed out in the aforementioned column, what is known is that $325 million in contracts have been awarded to the wholly owned Attawapiskat businesses or joint ventures to date. This for an on reserve population of merely 1,549 (2011 figures: Wikipedia). Last year alone, the reserve got $51 million in contracts. Your article did not reference these sizeable sources of funding, only the $90 million the federal government additionally gave and for which disbursement of funds Spence refuses to give an auditing.

Neither did you point out as Kris Sims did (Spence, kin made $221K+ in a year. London Free Press: 4 January 2013: B2) that she and her partner made some $250,000 last year alone. Nor, did you point out as MACLEAN'S magazine revealed this week (Hungry for change: 14 Jan. 2013: 11) that Theresa Spence is using a Facebook account as a global vehicle for donations to go directly into the account of her partner, Clayton Kennedy, co-manager of Attawapiskat. And how will those undoubtedly sizeable global contributions be dispersed or audited if the Canadian people themselves are not permitted to know how their own enormous outlays for the Attawapiskat reserve were spent?

In your article on Thursday, you allude to the larger problem of some 100 out of the Canadian reserves being in dire poverty but not to the fact that 80 First Nations band chiefs and council members raked in more income in 2008 and 2009 than the Prime Minister himself and that more than 220 paid themselves more than their respective provincial Premiers earn (Chiefs' pay raises taxpayer ire. London Free Press. 23 Nov. 2010: B3). Additionally, more than 704 reserve politicians made more than $100,000 though the average population of First Nations reserves was merely 1,142 as that same article highlighted.

In short, for the first time in my acquaintance I believe you betrayed your journalistic integrity. Possibly, it was because you mention members of your family and friends being First Nations people?

I would agree with Herman Gooden (Attawapiskat chief fronts a movement stuck in neutral. London Free Press. 5 January 2013: E2) that Theresa Spence is practicing "a kind of emotional blackmail." Likewise, you are as well by your careful editing out of salient details necessary for your readers understanding. Your article was is a true example of demagoguery. And in light of your other journalistic efforts, I find that a source of true regret.

Message 1 of 120
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119 REPLIES 119

Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

No matter how this all  plays out, Chief Spence can claim victory., and perhaps inspire others to emulate her.    I don't think the general public cares to read financial statements.   The Media has portrayed Chief Spence as being the victim struggling against an uncaring Government / PM.    Mebbe  there is a whole lot more to  how Chief Spence manages her squalid fiefdom than the Media can be bothered to investigate.   

Message 2 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

So, if he is that knowledgeable.....who is he?

(I tried a search of assorted sentences to find it on the Internet but found nothing.)

Message 3 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

How about I pay for your gas and you can go to the Rez and tell them that?

Message 4 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

It is all about entitlement !


The chief feels entitled to drive a brand new very expensive SUV while claiming her subjects have nothing.






Message 5 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

A federal judge has already exonerated Chief Spence of any hint of malfeasance.

Message 6 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

The empress has no clothes.  It is all smoke and mirrors, but the charade can only go on for so long before a little kid or a journalist with cajones points out obvious.  

Message 7 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

So, if he is that knowledgeable.....who is he?

He is a private citizen like you or I, but he devours information constantly.  I might read a few articles in the Globe or the Free Press or Macleans - he reads them cover to cover.  He is well read on subjects that would bore you or I - but they help him to fully understand most of what is happening, economicly, in this world.  He can quote many highly respected authors.  I love to sit and talk to him - as a I did last night for about 4 hours. 


Who he is - not important.  He has given sources for the information he provided.  I have not seen enyone question the original articles and facts.  If this information was false, I would think that Chief Spence would be suing for slander or libel. 

Message 8 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

who is he?

A most interesting question.  You expect everyone on here to take what you say at face value; as accurate; and as the truth. 


Yet, we have no clue who you are. 


One thing I have learned in the approximately two years I have been here - if you cannot attack the facts, try to attack the person.  In the information I provided, the person has no bearing on the issue.  It is the facts that should be questioned.


A federal judge has already exonerated Chief Spence of any hint of malfeasance.


Based on the information he had.  Maybe he didn't have the whole story.  My friend also said that we have all been told that the amount in question in Fontana's case is $1700.  He says that it will be the $18000 amount that is really the issue, based on what he has read.

Message 9 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Well puck to begin with this person's letter must have been published in the media somewhere....even if it was a letter to the in effect it's public knowledge. Unfortunetly it seems to be only public.......if one can find it.

I like to know who wrote what and research who they are in full.


It's not unlike people who quote an article and lets say it is against ....Justin Trudeau....just as an example. Then when one looks into the writer of the article you find that the writer is very bias for assorted reasons Eg: worked for Harper during his campaign ....or is married to someone who is in Harper's inner circle (just as an example). Any article is equally important when one looks at who it came from.


As far as the comments against Spence.....she, like Many people in the media no matter who they are....face insinuations and accusations that are incorrect, or plain lies, or at best 'half truths'. Take your 'friends' comment ….” Theresa Spence is using a Facebook account as a global vehicle for donations to go directly into the account of her partner, Clayton Kennedy, co-manager of Attawapiskat.” That is a subtle insinuation that there is something illegal going on. That alone tells me this writer has an uneducated agenda and that is why I want to confront him, which I have no problem doing after I research the rest of his accusations.


He is a teacher of 30 years….so what? I know mechanics of 30 years and I would never let them touch my vehicles. I know contractors of 30 years I would never hire to build a dog house. And I know teachers of 30 years who are as bias and bigoted as many other people.


“He is meticulous in his research.”….So is Ezra Levant and what comes out of him?….just the bits and pieces he wants people to read. Not the whole truth…just the selections from the Levant cafeteria. There are many like this….being selectively ’meticulous’….for the agenda.

Message 10 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Maybe he didn't have the whole story.


Well he didn't do his 'research' very well.


My friend also said that we have all been told that the amount in question in Fontana's case is $1700. He says that it will be the $18000 amount that is really the issue, based on what he has read.


Again he is incorrect. The RCMP did not charge Fontana for the wedding payment in full because the cheques and facts are there that he did pay for it. If the RCMP thought they could nail him for that.....they'd do it in a New York second!

They are only charging him with the downpayment of 1700 that came through the government and Fontana doesn't seem to have the paperwork to prove he paid it, or he provided paperwork that was forged (hence that additional charge) Your friend needs to kick up his research considerably.

Message 11 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"




A federal judge has already exonerated Chief Spence of any hint of malfeasance.




Once upon a time, in a distant land, a fellow named OJ Simpson got exonerated, but that didn't really prove anything, nor did it convince too many people that he was innocent of murder most foul.    R.I,P. Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.


Message 12 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Thanks for the heads up for QP today, missed it earlier today; will be sure  to catch a later broadcast.

A most interesting read, Puck.  Incredible, actually.

Funny thing that comes to mind after hearing  some of the subsequent statements...funny that there is one single poster on this board who 'KNOWS SOMEONE' ( intimately, or through someone ELSE who knows someone ) with involvement or inside information on EVERY ( and I do mean EVERY) subject or topic  (known to man) brought to attention on this board.  

i can't remember anyone ever giving a rat's bass 'who' .... SOMEONE .... is, or if they are .. a figment.

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 13 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Community Member

Your friends letter Puck projects shades of the Ezra Levant video I posted. Now imagine that, just the facts!

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 14 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Alomond, I just checked with 2 neighbours (one of them is a PSW, and one runs a Screener/Blender at a Gravel Pit) and they both said that some people lean so far to the Left, that they wouldn't eat the Right leg of a chicken.

Message 15 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Once upon a time, in a distant land, a fellow named OJ Simpson got exonerated


Comparing OJ to Chief Spence? Ultimate desperation.




That’s a shame that some people don’t get to meet a good cross section of interesting people while others do. Maybe it’s that they just prefer to keep with their ‘own’ during the bedding sales at Wal-Mart. But I guess for some how many muffins they can buy in a day or how cute as a button a turkey is, is of ultimate importance. 


and I do mean EVERY) subject or topic (known to man) brought to attention on this board.


Incorrect….but hey!….if Chief Spence and Native people can be attacked with lies….then I’m in good company.

Message 16 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Did you ever notice something about little gangs? They're interesting and never really change from school yards to teen years to adults. They're only any good as a group.



Message 17 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

There are always lessons to be learned.... YouTube....'poolhall junkies - lions'

Message 18 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

Heya PD, I checked with my  2 neighbours, none being PSWs, but one's a cop and one's a priest.   One's seen it all, and one's heard it all.  A formidable 'run for their money' I suspect! 😉

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 19 of 120
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Re: Chief Spence definitely not "idle"

A cop and a priest in a trailer park. Who would have guessed.

Message 20 of 120
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