10-02-2014 11:56 AM
The new business cards arrived today:
My eBay store will be closing next week.
10-06-2014 11:11 AM
"having one experienced realtor representing you"
Once again I do not disagree with you. However, we made the decision not to use ONE realtor exclusively in this market.
10-06-2014 11:12 AM
@pierrelebel wrote:
We are not "against" realtors. In fact, we are working with several of them in a very small market where a house typically takes longer than two months to sell. Many have been on the market for over a year! They generally come on this small urban market overpriced and it takes quite some time for owners to realize they will not get what "they think their house is worth".
Well, of course you have to feel comfortable with your decisions, but my best advice would still be to do some vetting amongst the several realtors you have already contacted and choose one only (for the reasons I mentioned above). Personally, from the experience I have with the legal side of real estate transactions, that would always be my choice, as much as I detest the whole idea of real estate commissions!
By the way, have you considered Picton? It's such a pretty place, has all the basic services, but quieter than Belleville (my mother's family was originally from that area).
I had to smile when you mentioned time on the market. Here in SW Nova Scotia, houses are quite often on the market for 2 or 3 years before they sell. Many owners simply take them off the MLS completely for the winter. So far, developers haven't figured out that we're in one of the loveliest corners of Canada, with ocean views around every bend, and the second warmest climate in the country, so we remain "undiscovered" ---- shhhhhhh.
10-06-2014 11:25 AM
"By the way, have you considered Picton?"
Picton is not for us.
Our relocation is based on long term estate planning considering we are no longer spring chicken. On the long term Mary wants to live in town (not rural) and be closer to her sisters - so our new location is based on that specific need.
I do not know what the rules are in NS or BC when it comes to realtors. In Ontario, I took the time to study the legal differences between being a "customer" and a "client". And I agree with you, a buyer must go into a home purchase decision with two eyes well open.
10-06-2014 11:40 AM - edited 10-06-2014 11:41 AM
Well, I do wish you and your wife all the best in your search -- you will find the right house I'm sure.
I think most people just know almost immediately when a property will work for them. I don't think there's any such thing as the perfect home (unless you can afford to have one designed and built), but there certainly is such a thing as a house that meets enough of the criteria on one's checklist to be fairly close -- or be made close to perfect with a little adjustment and upgrading.
10-07-2014 03:35 PM
I dont mean to ask you a personal question. Were you a stamp dealer before ebay and just went online or did you used to do something else?.
10-07-2014 05:28 PM
Prior to retirement, I had been a stamp dealer since 1987 doing business mostly by mail. In the early 1990's I had a showroom open to the public on Danforth Avenue in Toronto, prior to moving to Belleville in 1993 to own and manage an adult computer training school.
I kept the philatelic mail order business going on a part-time basis until I sold the school and went back to being a full-time dealer in 1997. A year later I went online, set up my website and joined eBay, Yahoo, Amazon, and a few other specialized online sites.
It is not a secret that over the years I have used eBay (and others) to build my list of worldwide customers. Hundreds have become regular buyers from my website.
10-07-2014 10:59 PM
congrats Pierre - I was going to make some joke about your retirement tour going on longer than Derek Jeter's but thought better of it!
There are some pretty good deals around on Italian villages:
Apparently the catch is the stonework has to be brought up to spec circa CMXXVIII or thereabouts. Just throwing it out there.
About those NS home sellers holding out for years... They may have heard one too many stories about "rich Americans" coming in and buying up real estate in NS and PEI... But for all the stories that are out there, they don't seem to have affected the market much relative to the rest of the country!
10-08-2014 10:30 AM
"retirement tour going on longer than Derek Jeter's "
Not quite,
It is more like Frank Sinatra who first announced his "retirement" in 1971, twenty-seven years before the end!
10-09-2014 11:25 AM
Together with everyone else, I want to thank you so much Pierre for all your help since I joined ebay. I learned so much and came to rely on you, probably too much.
I wish you and Mary all the very best - you will be missed
10-12-2014 11:03 PM
Gee wiz - now we are going to have to find another grumpy old guy.
Best of luck.
12-14-2014 10:16 AM
To follow up on this old thread, yes we have purchased a house and will be moving in the Spring: