Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Community Member

Every day in Canada some 100,000 kilometres of pipelines carry three million barrels of oil to domestic and export markets. Yet in the midst of publicity campaigns by proponents and opponents, most Canadians lack a broader perspective from which to measure the risk/ reward balance of this crucial oil export conduit.


And even though controversy over the safety of oil pipelines has coalesced around the Northern Gateway project, its advanced technology would place it among the safest ever to be built in the world.


At tidewater in Prince Rupert, the crude would be transferred into tankers for shipment to Asian markets. Opponents have campaigned to convince wary British Columbians that a tanker disaster is “inevitable”. Here again, perspective is important.

Each day,more than2,000 oil tankers transport 60 million barrels to global markets. Tanker safety has improved dramatically since the infamous Exxon Valdez disaster. Industry statistics show that while global oil shipments have almost doubled, the frequency of significant spills has dropped from an average of nine per year in the 1980’s to just two per year in the 2010-13 period. The average size of spills has also dropped dramatically, to less than one tenth the size of the Exxon Valdez.


This vastly improved record has come despite the fact the global fleet still includes large numbers of single-hulled tankers, many of which are decades old. By contrast, Northern Gateway tankers will be double-hulled employing the latest construction and safety technology. A study by researchers at Hong Kong Polytechnic University concluded that spillage volume from accidents involving double-hulled tankers averaged 60 per cent less than single-hulled tankers of the same size.

The bottom line is that Norther Gateway’s tankers will be among the safest in the global oil tanker fleet and having them tethered to powerful tugboats while traversing Douglas Channel further reduces spillage risk to a minuscule level.


After a dozen years of planning, consultation and regulatory hearings costing over half a billion dollars, Northern Gateway has finally received conditional approval from the federal government. But opponents remain determined to stop it.


Unfortunately, few Canadians understand how much the final result will impact them personally. Energy exports contributed some $64 billion to Canada’s balance of payments last year, while non-energy exports continued their decade-long decline to a negative $73 billion. And now that Ontario has mismanaged itself into “have-not” status under the federal equalization program, the four oil and gas producing provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador) have become the sole contributors to the $15 billion in 2013-14 fiscal year equalization payments.


These payments provide vital support to social programs in provinces representing more than 70 per cent of Canada’s population. In addition, the industry pays over $20 billion per year in taxes and other levies directly into the coffers of the federal and provincial governments. Annual capital investment of some $55 billion flows to manufacturers and contractors from coast to coast, making the oil and gas industry a major job creator, employing more than half a million Canadians.


A good news story indeed, but now those economic benefits are seriously threatened by lack of access to vital Asian growth markets. This lack of access has already provided a huge transfer of wealth from Canadians to Americans who have been able to buy our oil for billions of dollars less than its international value. And American politicization of the Keystone XL proposal makes it crystal clear that we can no longer depend upon the U.S. as our sole buyer.


Given that the industry supports balance of payments, equalization grants, tax revenues and capital spending totalling some $160 billion per year, one would think the new export infrastructure needed to sustain this wealth generation would garner support from coast to coast. Yet even if Enbridge manages to convince the National Energy Board that it has satisfied its 209 approval conditions, there’s a very real chance that opponents will stop the project.


This would not only be an economic tragedy for our country, but also a signal that Canadian resource companies can no longer count on due process under the laws of the land. The implications of that to our national prosperity would be even more destructive than the loss of Northern Gateway.



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 1 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

You must be kidding.


"The bottom line is that Norther Gateway’s tankers will be among the safest in the global oil tanker fleet "


How is your memory?



Message 2 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Wow that is so comforting to know the average spills are less then the EV.
No company like Kinder Morgan has the right to bulldoz their way to profits , even the judge released the pipeline protestors.

Sure we need energy but not at the sellout of our Earth for a throw away no value generation.
Message 3 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

There are those that are now anti-pipeliners who will be singing a different tune once it affects their standard of living because we can't get our resources to market. That includes the native reserves who receive 14 billion a year free money from the Federal and Provincial coffers. Imagine if that is cut in half and the division of revenue to the have not provinces is halved also. Not a pretty picture for any of them currently struggling with high deficits.

By rail can handle only so much and is much more likely to cause a spill than a pipeline. Besides I haven't seen any rail lines crossing the ocean. Also I'd rather have a pipeline crossing the Rockies than rail tank cars carrying bitumen.


As far as mother Earth is concerned ............

"The IEA forecasts that in the next 25 years oil sands production in Canada will increase by more than three million barrels per day, “but the emissions of this additional production is equal to only 23 hours of emissions of China — not even one day,” Mr. Birol said in a phone interview from Ottawa."



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 4 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

"those that are now anti-pipeliners"


What does Mr Obama, President of the United States,  have to say? 


He has been in power for six years and, for the same six years, has refused to allow the Canadian sponsored pipeline to go ahead.


Also, it is always dangerous to assume that folks resisting a pipeline are against that specific method of oil transportation.  There are many reasons why some folks oppose the construction of a pipeline.


For example, a pipeline from AB to BC port so the crude oil may be exported to the Orient may be oppose by many Canadians preferring to see the oil refined here in Canada, creating Canadian jobs.  We all know that producing and transporting crude oil creates very few jobs.  Refining, on the other hand, does!

Message 5 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

You couldn't be any further from the truth!


"The oil sands currently provides jobs for 514,000 people across Canada (direct, indirect and induced) and this is expected to grow to over 80,000 jobs in 2028. Many of these jobs will be created in provinces outside of Alberta."



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 6 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

The pipelines are dooming themselves by association with Harper.


Kinder Morgan just got run out of Burnaby without completing their testing




and (this will really get under Harper's skin Smiley Happy) "...In denying the company's request to extend the injunction to Dec. 12, the judge also ruled that all civil contempt charges against those arrested so far should be thrown out because of GPS errors in the injunction specifying the exact location of the no-go zone."

If the pipeline companies really want to push through EnergyEast or any of the others (unlikely) probably their best move would be to work against Harper under the radar and once he's gone start with a clean slate.


Harper doesn't get results. His bullying, suspicious, confrontational style attracts distrust and resentment. He will always have 65%+ of the country deadset against him. Anything he touches is doomed.

Message 7 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Never heard such sour grapes. Here's a note from Ralphy. Trust you are putting your full support including donations as well in "mission impossible"!Smiley Happy  




Remember this picture, Art?

Taken October 8, it shows Liberal MPs poring over the results of the last survey we sent our supporters.


Now Justin Trudeau wants your input on the next Liberal Platform. 23,990 Canadians have responded already.

But we haven't heard from you.

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Thank you.

Ralph Goodale
Deputy Leader

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 8 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Friend --

We don’t want you to miss your chance to help shape the next Liberal Platform. That’s why I wanted to remind you that there’s still time to participate in the 5-Question Platform Consultation.

Responses: 29,344
Friend's Response Status: PENDING

Friend, Justin Trudeau will be reviewing the results personally -- and he wants to hear from you.

Start Right Now →

Thank you.

Anna Gainey
President of the Liberal Party of Canada

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 9 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Between 2001 and 2013 there were 1047 incidents on the pipeline in Canada. These include leaks, explosions, spills and workers injuries. Few are ever heard of.

This is a map of the locations of all those incidents.



Message 10 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Few are never heard from probably because of their rather minor nature but must be reported in any case.


Do you favour by rail Deacon?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 11 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

As long as we rely on fossil fuels we going to keep digging it out of the ground.

We should the safest cost efficient way to move it to the refineries.

It would probably be best to refine it close to where it's removed from the ground.


Message 12 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Few are never heard from probably because of their rather minor nature


Well I wouldn't necessarily presume that, especially when we are talking about Big business and the government and taking into consideration their track record of keeping things 'secret'. 

But even 'minor' shows that there are imperfections and we cannot afford imperfections when it comes to our environment and considering where pipelines run. Look at Nov 30 2014 latest spill and they can't get to it.


''A Canadian pipeline has leaked about 60,000 litres of crude oil in northern Alberta after a "mechanical failure", the Alberta Energy Regulator said on Sunday.

Carrie Rosa, a spokeswoman for the regulator, said Canada's largest independent oil producer had filed a report after the Nov. 27 incident near Red Earth Creek, a community about 350 kilometres north of Edmonton.

"Due to safety and road conditions, we haven't been able to get inspectors to site. As soon as it safe, we will have them do so," Rosa said from Edmonton.''


You asked if I would prefer rail? Probably, with specific changes. First of all build better tankers that are impervious to accidents and spills even in a pileup. This can be done, it's just no one wishes to do it. Also please don't use the disaster at Lac-Mégantic as an example. From the old style containers to the mismanagement it is a completely different situation that with new regulations should never happen again. 

Message 13 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

From the TSSA website:



Liquid Petroleum Spills



Spills are product escapes that result from operating errors. Any spill of a petroleum product in excess of:

• 100 litres at sites restricted from public access (i.e. bulk facility, private fuel outlet, private residence, etc).

• 25 litres at sites with public access (i.e. retail service station, marina, etc) must be immediately reported to the SAC. Spills of lesser quantities need not be reported to TSSA fuels safety, unless the spill would:



create a hazard to public health or safety,



contaminate any fresh water source or waterway,



interfere with the rights of any person, or



allow entry of product into a sewer system or underground stream or drainage system.


Leaks are product escapes that result from equipment failures. All confirmed leaks, regardless of quantity released, must be immediately reported to the SAC.

Discover of a Petroleum Product that has escaped to the Environment or Inside





Notice that all leaks are reported, no matter how small.             These  tiny leaks are part of the  map above.


Message 14 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Ok Nu, we won't worry about it then.


What I would really like to see is a list of all the people who approve of the pipeline and then divide the areas into grids. When there is a spill those who approved have to immediately leave their families or their jobs and head to the spill area and clean it up. I'm a great believer in taking care of what you wanted. Oh, and these people have to pay for the cleanup costs our of their own money.  

Message 15 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Global Warming/Death anyone?


Pipelines just open up MORE tar sands to produce more oil to be shipped overseas.

People keep looking the other way from climate change but that doesn't make it go away. I understand the 'looking the other way' because it IS very scary. It's like ignoring your body when it tells you that something is wrong...It only makes things worse in the long run....

It's hard to open people's eyes with the oil & gas industry spending millions on confusing the issue with propaganda & denial.

This is a true David & Goliath situation where David has to win & soon....

Message 16 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

"Global Warming/Death anyone?"


If you heat your residence or drive a vehicle that requires fossil fuels then you are part of the problem Furasta.

Switch over to all green if you havn't already!

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 17 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Valve - Here is a REALITY CHECK when it comes to employment:


Renewable energy has experienced big growth in Canada in the last five years, so much so that employment in the sector outstrips employment in the oilsands.


That’s the conclusion of a report on the state of green energy technology in Canada by Clean Energy Canada, an advocate for renewables.


It estimates $24 billion has been invested in the past five years, mainly because of renewable initiatives in the power sector by Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec.


Employment in the clean energy sector – which encompasses hydro power, as well as wind, solar and biomass – is up 37 per cent to 23,700 people. That compares with 22,340 employed in the oilsands.




So the question is: why go "dirty" for energy when you can go "clean"?  Smiley Happy

Message 18 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

Here you go Pierre. When the wind don't blow and the sun don't shine you will need a pair of these!



OTTAWA -- Liberal Mittens issued the following important statement today:





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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 19 of 28
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Opposition to pipelines an attack on Canada’s social programs

You seem to do a lot of advertising lately for the Liberal Party of Canada.


Have you given up on Harper?


Will you eventually see the light and move to the NDP side?

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