May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

Community Member

Howdy - 


Opening the chat up for you. Leave a question below and I'll work on getting you an answer tomorrow (Wednesday). 


See you then!

Message 1 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

Hi Tyler, thank you for your help, it is great to have someone on this board to answer questions.


I recently had an INR request. My problem is that when I looked at the buyers feedback, I saw that he lives in Argentina. I only mail packages to the US and Canada because of the high cost of tracking, and the long shipping time for other countries. I do send letter mail to other countries. All other countries I have blocked.


The transaction I am talking about I feel I was tricked! The buyer has an address in Florida, and when I Googled it, I found that it was a storage unit. Obviously my buyer does not live in a storage unit, he actually lives in Argentina. I didn't used tracked option because it is far too expensive.


I feel upset that a buyer can use a storage unit as an address, and then I suppose get someone to mail it on to Argentina, and I can get an INR when it takes a long time to get there.


I also had a recent transaction, thankfully I used tracking at my expense because it was a more expensive item. I then saw that the buyer lived in Chile.


I really feel that sellers need to be aware that some buyers actually live in countries that the seller has blocked. In the future I am going to have to check all feedback before I mail a package, and if the buyer won't pay the extra for tracked package, I will have to cancel it.


I guess there is nothing I can do because there is no tracking, I just have the receipt from Canada Post with the zip code in Florida. That doesn't mean anything.


I have sent 3 responses to the buyer in the last 5 day, no response from them.

Message 2 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

Tyler - Just wondering if we can get an update on when the bulletin boards will be fixed. Thanks.
Message 3 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

Hello Tyler,


Has there been any thought to modernizing eBay's feedback system? It is looking more like it is only being used when a buyer has a problem and not as much for the millions of transactions that have gone right. Penalizing sellers(Mostly by buyers that are just difficult with EVERY transaction they are involved in with their inaccurate opinions) and then having it take a year for a negative/neutral to vanish.


As a side note, making it extremely difficult for a seller to be able to tell if they are dealing with difficult buyers(Prior to a purchase/offer) due to the way feedback history now displays. Or a buyer viewing a sellers feedback history to look for patterns with the items they sell. Currently, a seller could have 100 Negs. for either 100 of the same item or 100 different items. There is no way to tell.




Message 4 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

@triber wrote:

Hi Tyler, thank you for your help, it is great to have someone on this board to answer questions.


I recently had an INR request. My problem is that when I looked at the buyers feedback, I saw that he lives in Argentina. I only mail packages to the US and Canada because of the high cost of tracking, and the long shipping time for other countries. I do send letter mail to other countries. All other countries I have blocked.


The transaction I am talking about I feel I was tricked! The buyer has an address in Florida, and when I Googled it, I found that it was a storage unit. Obviously my buyer does not live in a storage unit, he actually lives in Argentina. I didn't used tracked option because it is far too expensive.


I feel upset that a buyer can use a storage unit as an address, and then I suppose get someone to mail it on to Argentina, and I can get an INR when it takes a long time to get there.


I also had a recent transaction, thankfully I used tracking at my expense because it was a more expensive item. I then saw that the buyer lived in Chile.


I really feel that sellers need to be aware that some buyers actually live in countries that the seller has blocked. In the future I am going to have to check all feedback before I mail a package, and if the buyer won't pay the extra for tracked package, I will have to cancel it.


I guess there is nothing I can do because there is no tracking, I just have the receipt from Canada Post with the zip code in Florida. That doesn't mean anything.


I have sent 3 responses to the buyer in the last 5 day, no response from them.

Hi @triber - that's an understandably frustrating situation. You're right that without tracking we are left with very few options to protect you. If the buyer indicates in eBay messages that they had it shipped to a forwarding company or had someone route to them in a different country we could take action. 


Short of that, though, this is a situation where you're looking at paying out.


I'm glad that with the other item you had tracking - if you still need help with that request please shoot me a PM and I'll have a look. 


In my personal opinion, I think it's better to look at tracking less as 'buyer choice' and more as  'seller insurance'. There are definitely items that don't merit the cost, but those should be items you feel okay to take a hit on if they don't arrive (and as @femmefan1946 advocates, Cookie Jar Insurance should cover those). It sounds like you already do a measure of that, and it just stings that this is a situation where there may have been some circumvention. If you haven't already, please consider reporting the buyer through the request. That will flag the account for review so they can investigate for other potential abuses. 

Message 5 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

@forester_studios wrote:
Tyler - Just wondering if we can get an update on when the bulletin boards will be fixed. Thanks.

Hi @forester_studios - isn't it a pain? I'm still working with Khoros/Lithium to get to the root cause of what's happening and how it can be corrected. In the meantime you can manually visit the discussion boards you prefer by clicking the 'Discussions' link at the top of the Home page and choosing the appropriate board. Thanks for your patience!

Message 6 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

Hello Tyler,


Has there been any thought to modernizing eBay's feedback system? It is looking more like it is only being used when a buyer has a problem and not as much for the millions of transactions that have gone right. Penalizing sellers(Mostly by buyers that are just difficult with EVERY transaction they are involved in with their inaccurate opinions) and then having it take a year for a negative/neutral to vanish.


As a side note, making it extremely difficult for a seller to be able to tell if they are dealing with difficult buyers(Prior to a purchase/offer) due to the way feedback history now displays. Or a buyer viewing a sellers feedback history to look for patterns with the items they sell. Currently, a seller could have 100 Negs. for either 100 of the same item or 100 different items. There is no way to tell.




Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - for as long as I've worked here there's always been discussion about the feedback system. It's definitely a pain point for everyone (buyers, sellers and us) but it gets really sticky when working on how to change it. Lots of different opinions: do we make it required? Do we reflect number of transactions total vs feedback voluntarily left? Do we switch to product reviews alone with no way to 'rate' a buyer's opinion of the seller experience?


There isn't a great answer, but the consensus has always been that it needed to improve. That's a large part of the reason we saw a shift to feedback no longer being considered as part of seller performance: it's not indicative of the effort and work that you put into selling.


As Femme has pointed out in the past (sorry for the second reference in as many comments, she's just very on-point with so many things!), the concept of feedback is something that is deeply associated with our brand, just like auctions. That makes any move to modernize/alter the feature difficult.


Bottom line: it's definitely not a perfect system, we're aware and looking for ways to improve it.



Message 7 of 8
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May 29th 2019 Weekly Session

Community Member

Thanks for joining this week - the chat is closed, but I'll be here if you need me! 😄

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