June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

Community Member

Hi everyone - 


June already, where's the time gone!?


Opening the chat up for your questions, and I'll work on getting answers Wednesday!




PS: Our "Ask Andrea & Rob" thread is open for the next few weeks - if you have a question for the Senior Management of eBay Canada head here and leave it for them!

Message 1 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

Is there any reason I keep seeing this on most itmes I'm trying to relist? Very frustrating

Thanks for your help



Message 2 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

I have another question this time more for the buyers than the sellers. I guess it will only matter to cross border shoppers but it seems in the last week, when I print out the invoices, it no longer shows the price on it.

This could be a huge problem for packages that get 'll stuck at customs. I've been stuck at the border with packages that have no inovice and if there is no invoice with a price on it, they;ll go online and see what someone else is charging for the same item and you'll have to pay taxes on that amount.

Message 3 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session


I've read of others experiencing packing slips that no longer contain pricing info as you are experiencing but strangely I personally have not yet seen these slips without pricing info. Just printed one now from .ca and pricing was still included.  Hope I never do as I rely on those packing slips for the customs people too. A lot of collectibles customers rely on them also as a means of knowing who sent them what, when, where and how much especially if they are receiving dozens of similar items over short periods of time.


Other packing slip/invoice options would be to choose print "invoice for your own records" instead of "packing slip or invoice". This ebay invoice includes pricing info but there is also a lot of internal info included that should not be sent to buyers, most of that info can be trimmed off except for the buyer's email and phone number, not sure if including those two bits of info might bother some buyers.


Another option would be to print a PayPal packing slip, the format there is good and a personal message and logo can be added and it includes all purchase / shipping pricing but it is a pain to logon there just to print a packing slip. 

Message 4 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

I see this only when I am on .com and try to use "relist" and/or "sell similar" for an item listed on .ca and vice versa get this message when on .ca and try to use "relist" or "sell similar" for an item on .com. Never used to see that as the two sites always seemed so interchangeable... my guess is eBay is designating a difference between the sites now?

Message 5 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

@bunbar wrote:

Is there any reason I keep seeing this on most itmes I'm trying to relist? Very frustrating

Thanks for your help



Hi @bunbar


My first guess is that @mrdutch1001 is correct - double check the site you're on vs the site the item was listed from. A .com listing won't list well to .ca. 


If that's not it, the next steps would be for you to try to clear your cache and cookies, restart your computer and try once more. If that persists, test it again from a different internet browser. 


If the problem remains, will you send me a few item number examples and I'll do some testing from my end too! 

Message 6 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

@bunbar wrote:

I have another question this time more for the buyers than the sellers. I guess it will only matter to cross border shoppers but it seems in the last week, when I print out the invoices, it no longer shows the price on it.

This could be a huge problem for packages that get 'll stuck at customs. I've been stuck at the border with packages that have no inovice and if there is no invoice with a price on it, they;ll go online and see what someone else is charging for the same item and you'll have to pay taxes on that amount.

Hi @bunbar - the removal of prices from the packing slip is an intentional change.


The link I included will have steps to print off an invoice instead of a packing slip. As far as I'm aware this is a .com change, and is not currently impacting .ca members. If anyone notices this occurring for .ca sales please let me know and I'll have it reviewed!


Message 7 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

about 90% of my listings are on .com so maybe the .ca site hasn't changed.

I'll have to check out your suggestions, thanks

Message 8 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

you're right, If I relist from an email it goes to .ca and won't work,  but if I go to "My ebay unsold Page" it goes to .com and lets me relist it. This only started in the past 2 weeks, 


Message 9 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

Glad to know @bunbar - the reason for this is we started directing to the site associated with your registration. Since your account is registered on .ca, email links will always point you to the .ca site. 


You could potentially change the '.ca' in the URL to '.com' - I'm not sure if that would work for sure, but may be a way to get where you're wanting to go more quickly. It just means an extra step for you. 

Message 10 of 11
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June 5th 2019 Weekly Session

Community Member

Thanks for joining this week! The chat is closed, but I'll be around if you need me. 


Or even if you don't. 😉

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