10-15-2019 03:53 PM
Hi everyone -
Opening the chat for your questions, I'll be along tomorrow to work on answers for you.
10-15-2019 06:35 PM
10-15-2019 07:20 PM - last edited on 10-16-2019 03:09 PM by chichille77
you don't need .. and their is no upside,, from what i have read, ebay is very hush-hush on spreading any information on the pros and cons, and the fees, are actually worse, when all is said and done..
ie. paypal. charges .30 cents for a transaction fee, regardless of how many items the buyers, purchases from you, where ebay wants, .25 cents for every item that someone buys from you..
So if you sell multiple items, this will add up quickly..
10-15-2019 07:54 PM
10-15-2019 09:44 PM - edited 10-15-2019 10:01 PM
Many USA sellers have been invited to sign up for MP, some have signed up, many are on the invite list and are not signing up until absolutely forced to, etc...but it may be a good idea to go read all the forums on .COM about how eBay's "Mangled Payments"( as that is the name it is becoming known as) is REALLY being viewed by sellers there...
Not available to Canadian sellers yet...I believe Germany is next up on the list...
I would hope that by the time Canadian sellers have to deal with Managed Payments that all the glitches have been worked out and that Canadian sellers do not have to deal with all the headaches that come from eBay rolling out something that was not fully tested nor fully ready for use... MP is being rolled out slowly to groups of sellers...there's a reason for that!...
Thankfully Canadian sellers are not eBay's guinea pigs for this poorly assembled payment method process.
10-16-2019 02:14 AM
Hi Tyler,
I thought I would give you an update on my Best Offer timeline. Best Offers are coming in with 1 day and 23hrs remaining so all is well for now.
Many Thanks.
10-16-2019 04:22 AM
Last time the Shipping Allowance showed up, I couldn't get the code to work.
The time before that, I was charged for my purchase instead of getting it "free".
So yesterday I used the coupon with no problem, the total definitely said $0.00 when I pressed pay, and tonight there is a $37.38 charge on my Paypal from Bascomb Logistics.
I am annoyed.
10-16-2019 11:24 AM
Dept of Poohba's find time to go over and respond to our questions from a season or two back?
10-16-2019 11:48 AM
I believe that message would now be considered a Zombie Thread. Sorry, couldn't resist!!
10-16-2019 12:25 PM - edited 10-16-2019 12:28 PM
@forester_studios wrote:
Just wondering why there is no longer a log out button on the seller hub page? It's been like that for over a week.
A problem on the Overview page (so far), the other hub pages still have the dropdown.
dropdown missing on hub overview page
dropdown link on Order page
making menu available
10-16-2019 01:04 PM
Apologies Tyler,
Tough question day!! Has there been any thought of bringing back the previous very good variety of search options that used to be available? Due to the current glut of listings because of GTC, finding anything has become like looking for a needle in a haystack. Buyers are not going to search page 17 of the results. Sales for a large number of sellers have gone from relatively constant to a trickle and GTC is more than likely one of the major factors.
10-16-2019 01:51 PM
@jolp_emporium wrote:
I've been listening to the eBay for business podcast while I drive / work in my office.. Tons of value on the podcast!! They spoke about "managed payments" on eBay. I'm interested in learning more about that options. Wondering if there would be any benefits to a seller using managed payments versus PayPal. Also if it's even available for Canadian sellers!
Hi @jolp_emporium - glad to hear that the eBay for Business podcast has been good listening material for you - you can get some great insights there!
When it comes to eBay managed payments, the bulk of the available information is on this page, including FAQs, timelines and stated benefits for you as a seller.
Currently there is not a way for managed payments to handle multiple currencies (though we did just expand it to the German market so I'm confident we'll see this continue to develop over the next little while). For the time being, eBay managed payments is not something available for eBay Canada members.
Thanks for the question, and keep an ear on the podcast!
10-16-2019 02:13 PM
@forester_studios wrote:
Just wondering why there is no longer a log out button on the seller hub page? It's been like that for over a week. Also why is it no longer possible to view expired promos? Speaking of promos, when will we be getting another one? It's Q4 so a break on listing fees would certainly help!
Hi @forester_studios - not sure why you're not seeing a log out option on the Summary page of Seller Hub. I'll get that reported. You can click into just about any other section of Seller Hub and the drop down button comes up. You can also click on 'sign in/register' and it should accomplish the same thing.
As to promotional history, I see the link but nothing happens when I click it. I'll report this as well, but in the meantime if you'd like to see past promotional offers you can access the old 'All Selling' view (link here) and scroll to the bottom. Thanks!
10-16-2019 02:15 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:
Last time the Shipping Allowance showed up, I couldn't get the code to work.
The time before that, I was charged for my purchase instead of getting it "free".
So yesterday I used the coupon with no problem, the total definitely said $0.00 when I pressed pay, and tonight there is a $37.38 charge on my Paypal from Bascomb Logistics.
I am annoyed.
Hi @femmefan1946 - rightly so! Would you mind checking into the payment itself to see if there was also a $37.38 deposit into your PayPal account at the same time? That's how the shipping coupon should work (it makes a deposit into your account and then that amount is debited from your PayPal).
If that's not what happened will you start a new thread and page me to it please?
10-16-2019 02:17 PM
@snoopwiz wrote:
Dept of Poohba's find time to go over and respond to our questions from a season or two back?
@snoopwiz - it's like you read my mind! I'm still waiting on word back, but I have responses on most of the questions we received (I've been waiting on replies to the last few) and may just post those and update things when I hear back. Thanks!
10-16-2019 02:21 PM
@ypdc_dennis wrote:
@forester_studios wrote:
Just wondering why there is no longer a log out button on the seller hub page? It's been like that for over a week.A problem on the Overview page (so far), the other hub pages still have the dropdown.
dropdown missing on hub overview page
dropdown link on Order page
making menu available
Thanks for the screengrabs @ypdc_dennis! Makes my job easier. 😛
10-16-2019 02:22 PM
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:
Apologies Tyler,
Tough question day!! Has there been any thought of bringing back the previous very good variety of search options that used to be available? Due to the current glut of listings because of GTC, finding anything has become like looking for a needle in a haystack. Buyers are not going to search page 17 of the results. Sales for a large number of sellers have gone from relatively constant to a trickle and GTC is more than likely one of the major factors.
Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - can you let me know what search options you're referring to? I'm not aware that we've gotten rid of any filter options for buyers to refine their search results with.
10-16-2019 03:10 PM
Thanks for joining the chat this week! It's now closed, but you're always welcome to page me to a thread if you need some input!