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I sold an item, 191961139962 to a US buyer and it seems that I no longer have this item.  Somehow it got relisted by mistake. 


This is the 2nd time something like this has happened in the past 2 months.  The first time, I was able to find the first CD from another ebay seller about 20 miles from my house, I purchased it and picked it up that day and sent it to my buyer.  Problems averted.  


This time there were no local sellers so I found one in the US, I sent an email to the seller, that I had sold mine and I was in a pickle and could I buy his and he could send it to my buyer.  He said no problem, I purchased it and it has been sent to my buyer with a tracking number.  Item # 253406866391.   Now this item has been described as in excellent condition and as a bonus is autographed by the band.


My question is:  what do I tell my buyer?  This is like drop shipping.  He is getting the CD he ordered with bonus autographs but not from me.  Help!!!!

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Do you, by chance, use a third-party listing tool?


No, I don't.

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I must have you confused with another user, I thought you used TurboLister which is technically not really 'third-party' but a listings tool outside of straight listing-directly-on-ebay.

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I must have you confused with another user, I thought you used TurboLister which is technically not really 'third-party' but a listings tool outside of straight listing-directly-on-ebay.

No, I do it all by myself slight_smile


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Update, the buyer got the replacement CD, I haven't received any feedback yet. 


Now as I was doing inventory (as this has happened 3 times in the past few months), I found my original, so now I can relist it.  Just got misfilled. 


So it didn't get relisted by mistake, 1 sold and I must have had another one.  It just got misfilled.  Easy to do when you have thousands of CDs over a period of 2 years.  

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With moving my ebay listings to another venue, however, the third-party listing tool that I chose (I looked at quite a few and ran trials of some too) makes no effort whatsoever to differentiate between Active Listings and Unsolds and Solds. Like, none. It considers the listings as 'ebay active' so long as it has been listed on ebay within the past 90 days regardless of whether it sold its single quantity, ended unsold with a multiple of six, or stayed active as a GTC. 


This is one thing I love about Auctiva for eBay listings, they are absolutely on top of what happens to my listings on eBay, completely integrated with eBay features, displaying active, sold, prices, listing type (e.g. GTC/auction, etc.), watchers and hits.   They are also always current with changes in eBay policies.  It's a comfort to be able to depend on someone else to be sure my listings are completely in line with policies.  I don't know how well they work for other sites.  But now I digress, sorry.  🙂


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I have had it happen to me a couple of times,  and I hate it!

I hate it so much that I took time to revamp my inventory system to be practically foolproof.

I have tens of thousands of postcards and it is a complete waste of time, resources and money should I misplace one.  One misplaced postcard costs a couple hours of searching, messaging, refunding, etc...

For the times that it did happen,  I just ate crow and cancelled the sale and contacted the buyer with an apology.  Luckily most of my buyers are the understanding type that don't usually react with negative feedback.

One time many moons ago, two sold postcards got mixed up and went to the wrong buyers.  Luckily both were willing to swap with each other at my expense.

These experiences have definitely been learning experiences for me.

Having a bullet-proof cataloging system has really jumped me up to the next level.  I can now easily pull out a sold postcard in 5 seconds.  The way I had it set up before, it would take anywhere from 5 seconds (if really lucky) to over a minute to find it.

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I would be interested in your system, would it work for CD's?  


I just did an inventory list and crossed them off and listed any missing ones.  File them by the first name of the band in 4 CD bookcases.  The unlisted ones are in boxes.

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I would be interested in your system, would it work for CD's?  


I just did an inventory list and crossed them off and listed any missing ones.  File them by the first name of the band in 4 CD bookcases.  The unlisted ones are in boxes.

I have a question since you did an inventory and do it regularly. How many items do you find that are supposedly on eBay but not when you check inventory against eBay active Listings?


While it is frustrating to have eBay relist an old sold item that one already sold months before, what about listings that disappear.


When I used to sell, it seemed that when I checked my items supposedly on eBay against my Active eBay listings, I would find 1 or 2 that should have been listed and were not. It seemed eBay lost them and did not place in Unsold for me to relist. I kept these listed items in separate boxes and space from unlisted items.


Now I was not using Fixed Price GTC duration. I was doing Fixed Price 30 days (or 10,7,5,3 days to shake things up) and relying on UnSold (or Sold if I had more than one) to keep the listing for me to relist. I swear items disappeared from Unsold.


I was just listing using the 50 free and had a stagnant amount of items under 50 as I wound down selling on eBay a couple of years ago. So I was reasonably confident I did not miss relisting items. I always assumed I messed up somehow. But on forums some sellers would say listings just disappeared or reappeared implying that eBay tools to manage listings were at fault.

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"I would be interested in your system, would it work for CD's?"


I don't see why not.  This is how I do it:


First off,  each postcard I purchase to resell is placed in its own protector sleeve.  The cost of the postcard is written on that sleeve in code before being placed in its proper spot in the "to sell" pile.  That pile is sorted by place or topic.


Ebay affords me 1000 auctions per month at my store level, so I do 8 batches of 125 postcards.  That means generally 2 batches a week.  When I gather 125 postcards to make a batch, I number them 2 to 126.  I start with the number 2 because I use File Exchange to upload my listings to eBay.  File Exchange uses a spreadsheet, and row 1 is reserved for column headings.  Each row corresponds to an item.


The next thing I do is scan all 125 postcards.  I use a powerful photo editing software called Irfanview to automatically crop and rename the images with a specific pattern (batch number, year letter, and image number).  Being that this is my second year doing this format, the year letter is B.  The next batch I will be doing is 21, so the first postcard to scanned will be titled 021B002.jpg.  All of its credentials will reside on row 2 of that spreadsheet file - commonly known as a flat file.  That flat file will be saved as batch021B.csv.


That catalog number 021B002 will also be automatically placed in the "CustomLabel" column of the flat file and secretly placed in white coloured font in the item description of each listing.  I say automatically because the spreadsheet software is programmed to do all that.


Once the batch is listed, all 125 postcards are placed in a shoebox with a divider at the beginning labeled in this case 021B. Obviously placed behind batch 020B.


When the auctions finish, I will have dozens of sales to invoice and packing slips to print.  I sort my sold listings in my Selling Manager by most recent record number first,  so that my print job goes in that order.  The Custom Label section in Selling Manager shows the postcard catalog number, so it is very easy to find.


Unsold auctions are relisted at fixed price, and any listed over $1.25 are GTC.  Ebay affords me 2000 fixed price per month, so if I have too many, I can drop those that are too old buy sorting by Custom Label.


I use the Custom Label feature instead of Private Notes because it is the only one that carries the information through from start to finish.  Private Notes does not show up as an optional column in Selling Manager.


Having a cost code on each postcard is extremely handy for dealing with best offers and also for setting a sale price.  I have devised a program that takes into effect every conceivable cost (not including my labour, but yes, PayPal, envelopes, stamps, paper, eBay fees...) and tells me to the nearest 25 cents what my minimum selling price for that postcard is in order to break even.  I can comfortably sell that postcard now knowing if I am going to double my money or get 1000x what I paid for it.


That's how I do it - only took me 11 years to get to this point.

Oh yeah, I stay away from the SYI format - that's what bogged me down for many years.  I only use it to make certain that my item titles don't go over 80 characters and to check my html.


Sorry if I went on and on and on - especially if your reading this on your phone.

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Excellent advice. Your inventory management system beats the pants off my system of storing things in unsorted, unmarked boxes.
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